Open Consultation with Civil Society, Academia and Private Sector
From 11 August to 7 September 2015, the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) conducted an online consultation open to civil society, academia and the private sector to seek their inputs on the development of an indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Participants in this consultation were encouraged to:
- Submit their comments, proposals, and responses to the cross-cutting questions proposed by the IAEG-SDGs; and
- Provide comments on the list of indicator proposals (as of 11 August 2015) currently under discussion by the IAEG-SDGs
Important Note 1:
Organizations that had submitted comments during the first consultation were asked not resubmit the same information, as comments and suggestions made during the first consultation had been compiled and already provided to the IAEG-SDGs for their consideration.
Important Note 2:
This consultation was only for civil society, academia and the private sector and not for Members or Observers of the IAEG-SDGs. Members and Observers from National Statistical Offices, as well as Observer international or regional organizations, were asked to provide their comments through the collaboration platform for IAEG-SDG Members and Observers.
Important Note 3:
Respondents were encouraged to consult with colleagues within their organizations prior to completing the online consultation form, in order to limit the number of submissions to one per organization.
Organization of the Online Open Consultation
The consultation was divided into four sections:- The first section asked for some basic information about the respondents and their organizations, as well as about their interest in the indicator framework for the SDGs.
- The second section asked for any comments on the indicators for the 17 goals and 169 targets. There was one entry for each target where respondetns could provide their comments on the respective indicators. There was a character limit of 1,000 (approximately 200 words) for these responses.
- The third section invited inputs on four topics on cross-cutting issues that are of particular importance to work of the IAEG-SDGs. Respondents were asked to keep their responses brief (there was a character limit of 2,500, or approximately 500 words) in order to allow the effective processing of the responses.
- Finally, the fourth section provided a space for other comments.
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