Fourteenth meeting of the HLG-PCCB
The 14th meeting of the High-level group on partnership, cooperation and capacity building for the 2030 Agenda (HLG-PCCB) was held from 22 to 25 May 2019, in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The meeting was hosted by the National Statistics Office, Mongolia. The HLG-PCCB meeting comprised of a one-day members' meeting on 22 May 2019 and a three-day session, to which selected issue partners were invited to participate. The last day was a special event hosted by the National Statistics Office, Mongolia. Please note that this meeting is open to HLG-PCCB members and invited issue partners only.
The objectives of the fourteenth meeting of the HLG-PCCB on 22 May 2019 are:
- to discuss the HLG-PCCB's membership, including role on advisory boards, rotation and transition of members
- to review procedural documentation for the preparation of the UN World Data Forum
- to review HLG-PCCB's work on financing for data and statistics
- to follow up on a more efficient UN statistical system.
The main objectives of the three-day session from 23 to 25 May 2019 with selected issue partners are:
- to discuss the implementation and financing of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data
- to update and discuss opportunities and related meetings
- to review next steps on bringing financing for data and statistics into the broader financing for sustainable development discourse
- to review and discuss next steps of the work on coordination of the UN statistical system
- to review the components of a financing mechanism, including examples from other funds/mechanisms
- to agree on next steps for the HLG-PCCB in the work on financing.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019 (HLG member only meeting)
Venue: Crystal Hall, 3rd floor, Blue Sky Hotel and Tower, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Morning session 9:30am—12:30pm
- Registration of participants 9:00am—9:30am
1Agenda item 1. Opening 9:30—9:50
- -a. HLG co-chairs
- -b. UNSD Director
2Agenda item 2. HLG-PCCB membership 9:50—10:50
- -a. Rotation 2019
- -b. Procedures for transition of members
- -c. Representation in various advisory bodies
Coffee break 10:50—11:10
3 Agenda item 3. Procedures and preparations leading to the UN World Data Forum 11:10am—12:30pm
- -a. Update from the UNWDF Secretariat, including presentation on the standard operating procedures of the UNWDF, finalization of the UNWDF 2020 Programme committee and information on the UNWDF webinar series
- -b. Update from host country on logistical arrangements
- -c. Discussion
Lunch 12:30—2:00pm
Afternoon session 2:00—5:15pm
4 Agenda item 4. Financing for data and statistics conversation 2:00—3:00pm
- -a. Update on recent activities
- -b. Next steps for the HLG-PCCB in the work on financing
5 Agenda item 5. A more efficient UN statistical system 3:00—3:30pm
- -a. Introduction by co-chairs
- -b. Discussion
Coffee break 3:30—3:45pm
6 Agenda item 6. New areas of work for the HLG-PCCB 3:45—4:30pm
- -a. Introduction by the secretariat
- -b. Discussion
- 7Agenda item 7. Any other business 4:30—5:15pm
Thursday, 23 May 2019 (HLG members plus invited issue partners)
Venue: Crystal Hall, 3rd floor, Blue Sky Hotel and Tower, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Morning session 9:30am—12:30pm
- Registration of participants 9:00am—9:30am
1Agenda item 1. Opening remarks 9:30—9:50
- -a. HLG co-chairs
- -b. UNSD Director
- 2Agenda item 2.Welcome to the invited issue partners and brief introduction 9:50—10:10
3 Agenda item 3. Implementation and financing of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data 10:10am—11:15pm
- -a. Update on recent activities
- Tour de table
- -b. b. Bringing financing for data and statistics into the broader financing for sustainable development discourse
- Remarks by DFID (tbc)
- -c. Next steps for the HLG-PCCB in the work on financing
- -a. Update on recent activities
Coffee break 11:15—11:30
3 Agenda item 4 (part 1). Components of a financing mechanism 11:30am—12:30pm
- -a. Remarks from the co-chair
- -b. Presentation from FAO
- -c. Presentation from the World Bank
Lunch 12:30—2:00pm
Afternoon session 2:00—5:30pm
- 4 Agenda item 4 (part 2). Group break out work on financing for data and statistics (moderated by Secretariat and selected members/partners) 2:00—3:30pm
Coffee break 3:30—3:45pm
- 5 Agenda item 4 (part 3). Reporting back from group break out work 3:45—4:15pm
- 6 Agenda item 4 (part 4). Discussion on key elements of a financing 4:15—5:30pm
Reception by the NSO, Mongolia
Venue: Sky lounge, 23th floor, Blue Sky Hotel and Tower, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Friday, 24 May 2019 (HLG members plus invited issue partners)
Venue: Session at the Parliament House of Mongolia 9:00am—1:00pm
Session at Conference room, 4th floor, NSO Mongolia 2:00—5:30pm
Assembling at the front door of Blue Sky Hotel and Tower, to visit to Parliament House of Mongolia
(transportation will be provided by NSO, Mongolia) 8:20am - Registration at the Parliament House of Mongolia (all delegates entering to the Parliament House of Mongolia should bring their passport, dress code: official suits) 8:30—9:00am
Morning session 9:30am—12:30pm
- Welcome back; review of Day 2 discussions 9:00am—9:15am
7Agenda item 6. Opportunities for work on financing for data and statistics. 9:15—10:15
United Nations events
- -1. High Level Political Forum, July 2019 (ECOSOC)
- -2. High Level Political Forum, September 2019 (GA) World Bank events
- -1. World Bank, Flagship event in October 2019 Other events
8Agenda item 7. Visit to the Parliament House of Mongolia (arranged by the NSO, Mongolia) 10:15am—1:00pm
- -a. Observation of the spring session of the State Great Khural (Parliament of Mongolia)
- -b. Museum visit
Lunch 1:00—2:30pm
(At the 4th floor, Parliament Buffet restaurant, will be arranged by NSO Mongolia)
Afternoon session - Conference room, 4th floor, NSO Mongolia 2:30—5:30pm
8Agenda item 8 Coordination of statistical capacity building 2:30—3:45pm
- -a. Presentation by Denmark
- -b. Presentation by PARIS21
- -c. Remarks on coordination of activities in a country, by UNDP, Ms. Beate Trankmann, Resident Representative for UNDP in Mongolia, Resident Coordinator for the UN System in Mongolia
- -d. Presentation by ESCAP
Coffee break 3:45—4:00pm
- 9 Discussion 4:00—4:45pm
- 10 Presentation by National Development Agency of Mongolia 4:45—5:00pm
- 11 Agenda item 9. Any other business 5:00—5:15pm
- 12 Agenda item 10. Closing 5:15—5:30pm
Saturday 25 May 2019 (HLG members plus invited issue partners)
National day on Mongolia in the context of the SDGs, planned by the National Statistical Office of Mongolia (Additional information provided by the NSO directly to participants)
Documents for 22 May
- UNWDF 2020 task list
- UNWDF Programme committee Terms of Reference
- Draft paper on coordination
- Proposed work plan
Agenda item 3
Agenda item 4
Agenda item 6
Documents for 23-25 May
- Break out session guiding questions
- World Bank
- HLG on coordination
- Resident Representative for UNDP in Mongolia, Resident Coordinator for the UN System in Mongolia
- National Development Agency of Mongolia
Agenda item 4
Presentations from the Meeting with invited issue partners
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- SDGs Database
- 2025 Comprehensive Review Process
- Survey on the Implementation of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development
- SG's progress report 2024
- Statistical Annex 2024
- SDGs report 2024
- Gender Snapshot 2024
- UN Data Commons for the SDGs
- Medellin Framework for action on data for sustainable development
- Hangzhou Declaration
- Bern Data Compact
- Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data
- Dubai Declaration
- Global data community's response to Covid-19
- Statistical Commission