Second meeting of the IAEG-SDGs
UN DESA's Statistics Division is organising the second meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), to be held on 26-28 October 2015 at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand and hosted by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP).
The IAEG-SDGs was established by the Statistical Commission at its 46th session to develop an indicator framework for the monitoring of the goals and targets of the post-2015 development agenda at the global level, and to support its implementation.
Meeting objectives
- Review the list of possible global indicators
- Discuss the global indicator framework, interlinkages across targets and critical issues including data disaggregation
- Discuss the work plan and next steps
Meeting Webcast
This meeting will be broadcast online to the public. Use these links to follow the webcast:
Visit this web page regularly for updates and further announcements related to the meeting.
- Inputs by UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounts (UNCEEA)
Monday, 26 October 2015
Registration for IAEG-SDG members 8:00am—8:30am
Closed meeting for IAEG-SDG members (Meeting Room A) 8:30am—10:00am
Registration for IAEG-SDG observers and other stakeholders 8:30am—10:00am
Morning session 10:00am—12:30pm
1Opening remarks
-Ms. Francesca Perucci, Chief of the Statistical Services Branch, UN Statistics Division
-Ms. Margarita F. Guerrero, Officer-in-Charge, UN-ESCAP Statistics Division
-Ms. Francesca Perucci, Chief of the Statistical Services Branch, UN Statistics Division
- 2Overview of the process and mandates of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs)
- 3Overall architecture of indicators
- 4Review of the proposed indicators for global monitoring and recommended revisions
Afternoon session 2:00pm—6:00pm
- 4(continued) Review of the proposed indicators for global monitoring and recommended revisions
- 5Statements by Stakeholders
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Morning session 9:00am—12:30pm
- 4(continued) Review of the proposed indicators for global monitoring and recommended revisions
- 6Statements by Stakeholders
- 4(continued) Review of the proposed indicators for global monitoring and recommended revisions
- 7Presentation of the proposal on the list of global SDG indicators to be presented to the UN Statistical Commission
- 8Data disaggregation
- 9Integration of geospatial information for SDG monitoring
- 10Structure and content of report to be presented to the UN Statistical Commission
- 11Work plan and next steps
12Closing remarks
-Mr. Lenni Montiel, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
-Mr. Lenni Montiel, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Afternoon session 2:00pm—6:00pm
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Morning session 9:00am—12:30pm
Afternoon session 2:00pm—5:30pm
Main documents
Outcome documents
Background documents
Informal note on the organization of the meeting (as of 14 Oct 2015) (PDF)
Open consultation: Responses to the comments and questions raised by countries and contained in "Summary of Comments" (PDF)
Open consultation: Summary of comments received (25 September 2015) and list of indicator proposals (11 August 2015) (PDF)
Open consultation: Detailed inputs from IAEG-SDGs Members and Observers (PDF)
Open consultation: Detailed inputs from civil society, academia, and private sector (XLS)
Compilation of Metadata Received on Indicators for Global Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals and Targets (updated 23 October 2015) (PDF)
Note on the consultation process (as of 24 September 2015) (PDF)
Member Responses to Questionnaire on Indicator Proposals
Results of Questionnaire on Summary of Comments by IAEG Members (updated 22 Oct 2015) (PDF)
Africa members (XLS)
Bahrain (received 23 OCT 2015) (XLS)
Brazil (XLS)
Canada (XLS)
China (XLS)
Colombia (XLS)
Cuba (XLS)
Egypt (XLS)
Fiji and Samoa (XLS)
France (XLS)
Germany's cover note (PDF)Germany (XLS)
India (XLS)
Jamaica (XLS)
Kyrgyzstan (received 22 OCT 2015) (XLS)
Mexico (XLS)
Netherlands (XLS)
Russian Federation (XLS)
Sweden (XLS)
United Kingdom (XLS)
Statements and inputs
- Opening Remarks on behalf of the Chair of the Statistical Commission, Mr. John Pullinger
- Agenda Item 9 - Integration of geospatial information for SDG monitoring, Laura Poulsen
- Statements by UN Statistical System Organizations
- Inputs by the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounts (UNCEEA)
- UNDP, PBSO, EOSG-RoLU - Guidance on Goal 16
- UNEP - Clarifying terms in the SDGs
Statements by Stakeholders
- Opening statement: overall principles
- Goals 1-2: Poverty
- Goals 3-4: Education, health, basic services
- Goal 5: Gender equality
- Goals 8 and 10: Economic growth, employment and inequality
- Goal 16: Peace, justice and governance
- Goal 17: Means of implementation and global partnership
- Theme 7: Protect the planet
- Closing civil society statement
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- SDGs Database
- 2025 Comprehensive Review Process
- Survey on the Implementation of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development
- SG's progress report 2024
- Statistical Annex 2024
- SDGs report 2024
- Gender Snapshot 2024
- UN Data Commons for the SDGs
- Medellin Framework for action on data for sustainable development
- Hangzhou Declaration
- Bern Data Compact
- Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data
- Dubai Declaration
- Global data community's response to Covid-19
- Statistical Commission