Inventory of environmental data collection, reporting and dissemination

The Environment Statistics Section of UNSD, in collaboration with the members of the IWG-ENV, compiled an inventory of regular, international environmental data collection, reporting and dissemination from countries undertaken by the United Nations, its specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations and conventions in 2015, 2017 and 2019. These inventories have been presented as follows:

Table 2.2, in the most recent inventory, includes institutions that conduct regular data collection based on a standardized reporting format. Countries provide data to these institutions through questionnaires, national communications or on-line reporting. The purpose of this mapping exercise is to collectively construct a synthesis of environment statistics data collection processes at the international level. The specific objectives are to: support institutions' continuous efforts to promote data sharing and exchange mechanisms on the basis of common data templates and to encourage in-depth assessment of data being collected; provide a platform to compare and harmonize data collection from a methodological point of view; and provide countries and institutions with a picture of data flows from various national sources with the intention to reduce reporting burden and avoid duplication of efforts, both at the national and international levels.

The inventory has been presented to and discussed at several meetings of the Expert Group on Environment Statistics. The Expert Group expressed appreciation to UNSD for compiling the inventory noting that it is a very useful resource which will help alleviate reporting burden on countries. The Expert Group requested that UNSD maintain it on-line with support and contributions from the institutions and experts.


For information on the Intersecretariat Working Group on Environment Statistics (IWG-ENV) please click here.