Photo Attribution: "Lope National Park, Gabon" by jbdodane - Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Supporting the implementation of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013)
  • Libreville, Gabon
  • 27 November to 1 December 2017

UNSD organized a sub-regional workshop entitled "Workshop on Environment Statistics in support of the implementation of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013) for the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) region", in collaboration with the African Development Bank. It took place in Libreville, Gabon from 27 November to 1 December 2017, with on-ground support provided by the ECCAS Secretariat and the Government of Gabon.

During the workshop, the participants were introduced to and discussed the latest developments in environment statistics, including the FDES 2013, the Environment Statistics Self-Assessment Tool (ESSAT), climate change statistics, and other tools like the Indicator Reporting Information System (IRIS) of UN Environment. They also learnt how to make a diagnostic of their environment statistics with the ESSAT. Finally, the workshop provided countries with guidance in launching an environment statistics programme by presenting best practices, having more advanced countries from the region talking about their experience, and developing a regional programme of environment statistics supported by the ECCAS Secretariat.

Documentation for the Workshop

Presentations for the Workshop

Opening Session:

Session 1: Besoin et utilisation des statistiques et indicateurs environnementaux

Session 2: Présentations nationales sur l'état des statistiques de l'environnement

Session 3: Vue d'ensemble des statistiques de l'environnement

Session 4: Le CDSE 2013 et les Ensembles des statistiques de base et statistiques fondamentales de l'environnement (chapitres 2 et 4 du CDSE 2013) (UNSD)

Session 5: L'Outil d'Auto-Evaluation des Statistiques de l'Environnement (OAESE)

Session 6: Présentations nationales sur l'état des statistiques de l'environnement; les expériences des pays avec le CDSE 2013

Session 7: CDSE, Composante 1: Conditions et qualité de l'environnement

Session 8: CDSE 2013, Composante 2: Ressources environnementales et leur Utilisation

Session 9: CDSE 2013 Composante 3: Résidus

Session 10: CDSE 2013 Composante 4: Phénomènes extrêmes et catastrophes

Session 11: CDSE 2013 Composante 5: Etablissements humains et santé environnementale

Session 12: CDSE Composante 6: Protection, gestion et engagement en matière d'environnement

Session 13: Statistiques du changement climatique

Session 14: Besoins de formation et mise en place du CDSE 2013