United Nations Statistical Commission
Overview 48th Session (2017) Side Events
Lunchtime seminar
Global policy and technology framework for data, services and applications
- Thursday, 9 MAR 2017
- 1:15 - 2:30pm
- Conference Room 4
Meeting organized by UNSD
The side event is organized by the United Nations Statistics Division to reflect and further elaborate on the outcome of the discussions of the topic under agenda item 3(d) of the 48th session of the Statistical Commission. The Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics (GWG) has been actively exploring establishing a Global Platform for data, services and applications as a public good to be built on a public and private partnership.
The creation of the Global Platform extends current and future initiatives to make better use of innovative data sources at the national, regional and global levels. The business case for a Global Platform has been moderated and supported by various forums including the third Global Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics in Dublin, Ireland and a series of regional Conferences on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics held in 2016. It was also discussed at the recent UN World Data Forum in Cape Town, South Africa that devoted a session to exploring the development of the global policy and technology framework for a Global Platform on data, services and applications.
The Lunchtime seminar aims at showcasing examples of current uses of alternate data sources, which could potentially be enabled more widely through the Global Platform. The seminar provides an opportunity to demonstrate the utility of the global platform for national statistical offices and discuss the benefits and challenges presented by the global platform for data, services and applications.
The Lunchtime seminar aims at showcasing examples of current uses of alternate data sources, which could potentially be enabled more widely through the Global Platform. The seminar provides an opportunity to demonstrate the utility of the global platform for national statistical offices and discuss the benefits and challenges presented by the global platform for data, services and applications.
The background document Global Platform for Data, Services and Applications to the 48th Session of the Statistical Commission under agenda item 3(d), is available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/48th-session/documents/The Report of the Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics to the 48th Session of the Statistical Commission under agenda item 3(d), is available at: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/48th-session/documents/
- Mr. Niels Ploug, Chair of the GWG on Big Data for Official Statistics and Director Social Statistics Statistics Denmark
- Ms. Heather Savory, Chair of the GWG Committee on the Global Platform and Director General for Data Capability, ONS United Kingdom
- Mr. Bert Kroese, (tbc) Deputy Director General, Statistics Netherlands
- Ms. Sylvie Michaud, A ssistant Chief Statistician, Statistics Canada
- Ms. Mariana Kotzeva,(tbc) Acting Director General, Eurostat
- Mr. Ronald Jansen, Assistant Director, United Nations Statistics Division