Background document for the Note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics (E/CN.3/2020/24)

Statistical Commission
Fifty-first session

3–6 March 2020
Item 3 (t) of the provisional agenda*
Items for discussion and decision: Big data

Background document
Available in English only

Global assessment of institutional readiness for the use of big data in official statistics

Executive summary

This report outlines findings from Project 1: An assessment of NSO readiness for the use of big data in official statistics from the UN GWG Task Team on Training, Competencies and Capacity Development. The results show that, of those NSOs that responded to the survey, a large proportion are already embracing big data / data science:

  • Key point 1 - Strategic coordination: Strategic coordination capacities are fairly established. Many NSOs are actively engaged in big data projects. Ethics and quality frameworks are fairly established. Most NSOs view coordination with Big Data source owners inside their NSS as the lowest challenge.

  • Key point 2 – Legal framework: Overall, respondents are aware of the fundamental role legal frameworks play in establishing big data projects. Many NSOs appear to have well developed legal frameworks that penalize data disclosures and allow accredited to access their data.

  • Key point 3 – IT infrastructure: The analysis shows a heterogeneous picture over the IT infrastructure. NSOs stated that basic IT infrastructure such as power supply, and air-conditioning mostly met their needs, but they outlined struggles with storage facilities and computing power.

  • Key point 4 – Human Resources: NSOs recruit significantly more analysts than data scientists and prioritize up-skilling over hiring external staff to perform big data/data science techniques.

Overall, the findings present a positive picture in terms of ensuring that the required foundations are in place and illustrates the ambition across NSOs to incorporate big data / data science into its core business. There are areas in which NSOs may require further information, guidance, development and knowledge to ensure that barriers to working with big data are removed:

  • Key point 1 - Strategic coordination: Only a third of all NSOs have overarching big data strategies in place and Chief Data Officers only exist in some NSOs. The biggest challenge for NSOs is the collaboration with Big Data source owners outside the government.

  • Key point 2 – Legal framework: Legal frameworks are still insufficient to regulate big data applications. Only a small share of NSOs rely on legal frameworks that guarantee access to big data.

  • Key point 3 – IT infrastructure: IT infrastructure appears as central barrier to develop big data capacity; onsite and offsite storage capacity needs improvement for many. Only a few NSOs consider cloud storage a relevant option.

  • Key point 4 – Human Resources: Most NSOs lack a competency framework to develop new skills to cope with big data (mobile phone, geospatial data) and new methodologies (machine learning).



Based on the analysis conducted by the Task Team, the following recommendations can guide the work of international organizations, development cooperation partners and national statistical offices to adapt to big data requirements:

Strategic Coordination:

  • Promote the sharing of training resources on the United Nations Global Platform

  • Promote the exchange of Big Data projects from all regions through the United Nations Global Platform

  • Advocate big data strategies as one pillar of National Statistical Development Strategies (NSDS)

  • Facilitate partnerships and exchange with data owners outside the NSS

Legal frameworks:

  • Develop legal frameworks that include data sharing agreements between NSOs and private sector data owners

  • Advocate for the importance of data privacy and data protection laws

IT Infrastructure:

  • Advocate for cloud storage facilities in countries with necessary pre-requisites

Human Resources:

  • Develop an overarching competency framework for big data skills development and HR strategies

  • Investigate the potential for defining a data scientist pathway

  • Foster partnerships with higher education institutes to design skill profiles for future employees

  • Identify training pathways that allow up-skilling of staff available to share their knowledge in their teams (in collaboration with academic institutes)



Big Data is, by definition, different from the traditional data sources used by National Statistical Organisations (NSOs). The new data sources pose new challenges across a range of expert areas, including methodology, quality assurance, technology, security, privacy, legal matters and skills. The breadth of challenge adds to the complexity of incorporating big data into regular research or organisational operations and ensures that the transition to their use is difficult, or hindered, for many NSOs. The UN GWG Task Team on Training, Competencies and Capacity Development, is tasked with delivering projects in five specific areas:

A. Assessment of institutional readiness for big data in official statistics;

B. Development of a Competency Framework for new data sources in official statistics;

C. Analysis of the supply and profiles of specialists in areas related to the analysis of new data sources and big data;

D. Development of a curriculum and associated training courses;

E. Capacity building and sharing experiences through innovation centres via a global network.

This report presents results from the first project, (A) an assessment of institutional readiness. The project aims are to explore and understand the readiness of NSOs for the use of big data in official statistics, as well as to gather useful insights that might feed project strands (B) – (E). For the purpose of this project, an institution’s “readiness” is defined by its maturity within four strategic areas:

  1. Strategic Data Science Coordination: The presence of, or future plans for, strategic data science coordination within the NSO and across the National Statistical Service (NSS). This will have also considered the budgetary requirements for financing big data analytics within the organisation.

  2. Legal Framework: The presence of, or future plans for, a legal framework for data access and data sharing within the NSO, the NSS, and potentially wider.

  3. IT Infrastructure: The extent of, or future plans for, the IT infrastructure to enable big data analytics in a secure environment.

  4. Human Resources: The number of data science posts within the NSO/NSS, the skills gaps and the future plans for recruitment and growth. This includes the skills needed to develop and maintain appropriate methodologies.

Data collection was undertaken via a questionnaire. This was designed to collect data from across these four areas, to enable an assessment of institutional readiness. The questionnaire was issued to 160 NSOs during the period from 4th October 2019 to 15th November 2019. Responses were received from 109 statistical organisations. After data cleaning (removal of non-complete responses and larger non-national organisations) 100 National Statistical Organisations (NSOs) were then used for our analysis. The overall response rate was 63%.

In order to support the work of other UN Task Teams, the results of the analysis will be fed across the UN network, to ensure that important findings from the data are shared for constructive use by others.

Survey respondents:
Africa Americas Asia.and.Pacific Europe
Botswana Antigua and Barbuda Afghanistan Albania
Burkina Faso Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Armenia Austria
Burundi Brazil Azerbaijan Belarus
Cabo Verde Canada Bahrain Belgium
Guinea Chile Bangladesh Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mauritius Colombia Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria
Morocco Cuba Cambodia Croatia
Mozambique Ecuador Macao Czechia
Senegal Mexico Hong Kong Estonia
Sierra Leone Curaçao China Finland
Somalia Panama Cyprus Germany
South Africa Paraguay Georgia Hungary
Sudan Peru Indonesia Iceland
Tunisia Saint Kitts and Nevis Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ireland
Zimbabwe Suriname Iraq Italy
Montserrat Israel Latvia
United States of America Japan Lithuania
Jordan Luxembourg
Kuwait Montenegro
Maldives Netherlands
Mongolia North Macedonia
Myanmar Portugal
Nepal Republic of Moldova
State of Palestine Romania
Philippines Russian Federation
Qatar Slovakia
Republic of Korea Slovenia
Saudi Arabia Spain
Singapore Sweden
Thailand Switzerland
Turkey Ukraine
United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Viet Nam

Main report

Strategic Data Science Coordination

The Strategic Data Science Coordination section of the questionnaire aimed to assess the establishment of (or plans for) strategic data science coordination within NSOs and wider (such as their NSS).

1. Big data/data science projects established

Many NSOs provided qualitative information about the type of big data / data science projects that have been established at their organisation. Some of the more common projects involve alternative data sources, for example, web scraped data, mobile phone data and scanner data. More information on projects can be found in the following inventory:
Almost half of the respondents undertake big data or data science projects. 47% of NSOs currently undertake big data projects, 32% do not undertake any of those projects, but are trying to establish. Around 21% do not plan to undertake those projects at all.

2. Big data/data science strategy in place

28 NSOs indicate to have a big data/data science strategy in place, with 35% of respondents to the survey indicating that they have implemented such a strategy.
A third of respondents have a strategy for big data in place, almost two thirds (60%) of respondents do report to try to establish a big data strategy in their NSO. Only 5% of respondents do not have any strategy established.

3. Chief Data Officer/Data Science Lead available

20 NSOs indicate to have a designated Chief Data Officer/Data Science Lead in place, with 25% of the respondents to the survey confirming this post.
A quarter of the respondents to the survey have a designated Chief Data Officer. About 42% trying to establish this post, while about 30% do not plan do so.

4. Coordination challenges for NSOs

The central challenge for NSOs is collaborating with Big Data source owners outside the government (65% of respondents), followed by human resources (58% of respondents) and legislative issues (54% of respondents).
Privacy issues related to public trust and methodological aspects cause medium level challenges, with 44% of the respondents indicating that privacy issues are difficult and 48% of respondents pointing at methodological aspects.
Cooperation with big data source owners inside the NSS and information technology issues are seen as low-level challenges, with 24% of NSOs indicating that cooperation with data owners inside the NSO are low level challenges, and 21% of NSOs indicating that IT issues are low level challenges.

5. Big data partnerships established

Partnerships inside the NSS and with the government still dominate the field; however, there is high interest in partnerships with new data sources and providers.
Around 36% of NSOs have established partnerships with the NSS/government ministries. A quarter of NSOs engage with academic institutes and satellite or aerial image provider (ca. 26% respectively). Least importantly appear social media providers – less than 5% have established partnerships with them, and about 58% of respondents do not consider doing so. Partnerships with cloud server providers seem similarly unpopular. Importantly, about 58% of NSOs are trying to establish a partnership with mobile phone operators.

6. Negotiation capacity of NSOs

The majority of NSOs are able to negotiate data provision with their partners.
40 NSOs are able to negotiate data provision with their partners, with 51% indicating to be able to do so. 35% of NSOs trying to establish negotiation capacity and only 8% do not plan to do so.

7. Data ethics policy

Almost two thirds of NSOs have a data ethics policy in place.
50 NSOs indicate to have a data ethics policy in place, with 63% of NSOs confirming to do so, and 19% of all respondents trying to establish one. Only 14% of NSOs do not plan to implement an ethics policy.

8. National quality assurance framework

Over a third of respondents do have a national quality framework in place.
32 NSOs indicate to have a national quality framework in place, with 41% of respondents to the survey indicate to have done so, and 44% are trying to establish one. Only 14% of respondents indicate to not plan any to establish any quality framework.

IT Infrastructure

The IT infrastructure section of the report outlines the extent of, or future plans for, IT infrastructure within NSOs. This section also assesses how the IT of NSOs enables big data analytics in a secure environment. The IT Infrastructure for many NSOs seems to be presenting more of a challenge for incorporating big data. The below graph depicts the responses to questions around onsite data storage capability, computing power and skills at the NSO. The results show that approximately:

  • 42% of NSOs have the appropriate processes in place for secure import / export of the data;

  • 52% have adequate (i.e. un-interrupted) power supply;

  • 32% have the required skills for accessing the data. Hence, the challenges posed are around the lack of onsite storage and computing power onsite, plus the lack of required skills for accessing the data.

Other data collected shows that around 24% of NSOs have access to, and are using, offsite national data centres. Access to a secure data centre was not available to 48% of the NSOs surveyed.

25% of NSOs reported having secure cloud infrastructure. Secure cloud infrastructure is not being considered by 33% of the NSOs surveyed.

Human Resources

The Human Resources section of the survey asked questions on the number of data science posts and practitioners within each NSO. It also asked questions on skills gaps and the future plans for recruitment and growth. This included the skills needed to develop and maintain appropriate methodologies.

1. Staff numbers

Unsurprisingly, the size of NSOs varied. To categorise them the NSOs were grouped from small to very large. Those with a size less than 500 were categorised as small, between 500 and 2,499 as medium, between 2,500 and 5,000 as large, and, those with more than 5,000 were grouped as very large. There were 75 valid responses that could be used to group NSOs.

Size groups of NSOs
Size Count
Small 26
Medium 37
Large 6
Very large 5

Summary statistics on the total number of employees
minimum q1 median mean q3 maximum na
1 334.5 700 1776.27 1886 22969 26

The survey also asked NSOs how many of their employees are applying Big Data / data science techniques. NSOs were asked:

  • The number of qualified “Data Scientists” at MSc or PhD level

  • The number of analysts who are applying Big Data / data science techniques

  • Others who are applying Big Data / data science techniques, such as IT professionals

Summary statistics on the type of employees
Type minimum q1 median mean q3 maximum na
Data Scientist 0 0.00 2 10.39130 8 149 54
Analyst 0 2.00 5 20.73913 20 250 54
Other 0 0.25 3 16.02174 10 400 54

Before reading the following please consider the accuracy of responses from NSOs, the staff number given by NSOs may be estimates. It would not be unreasonable to hypothesize that the larger the NSO, the greater number of staff there is applying data science techniques. This appears true for the number of qualified at MSc/PhD level and the number of analysts. Evidence does not exist to suggest that the number of other roles applying techniques has a correlation with total staff number at NSOs. Evidence suggests a moderate relationship between size of NSO and the amount of qualified data scientists. It also suggests a weak relationship between size of NSO and analysts applying data science skills.

Type estimate statistic p.value method alternative
Data Scientist 0.4953287 7161.286 0.0006296 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided
Analyst 0.3082279 9816.247 0.0417956 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided
Other 0.1692327 11788.588 0.2721214 Spearman’s rank correlation rho two.sided

2. External recruitment strategy

Only 33% of the NSOs surveyed reported having a strategy for recruiting external staff. A greater number (42%) are looking to establish a strategy. Reasons cited for difficulty in recruiting include having no coordinated strategy and/or one that is specific to hiring the technical experts needed for Big Data / data science work. There is a feeling that the lack of competitive benefits that can be offered provides NSOs with difficulties when actively looking to employ experts.

3. Internal upskilling strategy

A strategy to upskill current employees appears to be a higher priority for NSOs with 41% having a strategy for this with over half (52%) trying to establish one. Included within these strategies include taught and self taught training programmes ranging from introductory to Masters degree level, international collaborations, R and Python implementation, training roadmaps and curriculums, and also, networking groups. Generally, it appears as though NSOs hold themselves responsible for upskilling staff in this area. There is also the effort by some to partner with academia and other nations to provide the high class training that NSOs may struggle to provide internally.

4. Existing Big Data skills

Although many NSOs have already accessed training or are in the process of establishing it, there are still large gaps in big data skills that are apparent from the survey responses.

Of the NSOs that responded to direct questions about big data skills, the most established skills are identified as: Geographic Information Systems (51%) and Coding skills (47%); whilst the least developed skills (or most needed) are: Big Data Methodology (73%), Big Data Project Management (64%), and Mathematical / Statistical modelling (53%). Skills that were written following the ‘Other’ response included topics such as data engineering and a need for improved domain knowledge.

A point raised by one NSO and something to consider is that because of the rapid development of new tools there exists an ongoing need for training and improvements even in skills that are deemed established. Turnover of staff is another factor that contributes to a need for ongoing training.

5. Delivery of training

Big data / data science skills and access to training is of high interest to the Task Team, since it is also tasked with developing a Competency Framework against which training will be mapped. Big Data / data science training has been delivered by 47% of NSOs surveyed. 28 (35%) of the NSOs are trying to establish this training. The main focus of this delivered training appears to be on the usage of the programming languages R, Python and SQL. As well as looking to upskill coding skills, NSOs reported delivering training on reproducibility and machine learning.

6. Academic partnerships

Partnerships with academia can prove useful in supporting NSOs with Big Data work. These partnerships were reported to help not just on a project resource basis but also with providing NSOs with access to highly skilled technical experts and domain knowledge expertise. These partnerships have been built by less than half of the NSOs (46%). It appears as though the value of these partnerships is generally well considered with a further 38% trying to establish partnerships. Partnerships with international organisations, other NSOs and international universities were also mentioned. Collaborations with organisations such as Eurostat was mentioned and one NSO reported that their collaboration with an international University on a social media project was highly successful and resulted in national and international press coverage. This project was reported to have helped to accelerate Big Data adoption in the NSO.

7. Competency framework

The need for a competency framework is emphasised by the results of the survey. Only 8% of NSOs surveyed stated that they had a Big Data / data science competency framework. Over half (52%) of NSOs are looking to establish one.

8. Career pathway

The amount of NSOs with a data scientist career pathway was also reported to be low. The uptake was also 8% but over half (54%) were not considering trying to establish one compared to 30% that are. The pathways may exist but not specifically for data scientist positions.

9. Challenges to delivering training

NSOs face a number of challenges to delivering Big Data / data science training to their employees. The most frequently cited reason appears to be budget constraints limiting their ability to fund the necessary training.
Another problem is some NSOs have difficulty accessing or hiring technical experts and highly skilled trainers that can upskill their workforce. The need for some to source this training externally can incur higher costs.
One NSO provides an example that it is difficult to hire staff that tick both boxes of highly skilled computer science and also maths skills. This suggests that even highly skilled graduates in respective fields may require training offers in the field of Big Data and data science.
The spread of skills that are interpreted as being as necessary when working with Big Data / data science may present a challenge to NSOs in where to focus their training.
One NSO cited that a challenge for them was inaccessibility to the best practice of other countries. It could perhaps be considered that encouragement on the sharing of training materials and best practice training is something that may be an appropriate recommendation.


The final section of the survey asked NSOs to indicate the level of urgency for guidance on big data topic areas. The below graph highlights responses, with the highest urgency identified as ‘Skills and Training’ (72%). Although in the previous section, it was reported that training had been delivered by 47% of respondents, there are clearly still gaps in the provision and access to training that requires further investigation. The need for guidance is also high for ‘Access and partnerships’ (59%), and ‘Quality frameworks’ (53%).


Scoring readiness for using Big Data in Official Statistics


To derive a score for each section we have decided to take the average (mean) of questions that fall within each respective section. Only questions that appear to follow an actual order were included in deriving the scores. Radio grid questions (those that asked for information on a number of topics under the same heading) were averaged (mean) to count only as one question. The method of taking the mean instead of the median was chosen due to the low number of response options in questions. It was felt that this would distinguish between nations better than other measures of central tendency such as the median or mode. It should be noted that nonresponse bias may exist with nations low in terms of Big Data readiness not completing the survey.

# Recoding to scores
scores_df_2 <- scores_df %>% 
    vars(Q1, Q3, Q5, Q9, Q10, Q11, # SEC 1
         Q12, Q13, Q14, Q16, # SEC 2
         Q19, # SEC 3
         Q21, Q23, Q24, Q26, Q28, Q29, Q30), # SEC 4
    . == "Yes" ~ 3,
    . == "No, but trying to establish" ~ 2,
    . == "No, none planned" ~ 1))) %>%
    vars(Q7.A:Q7.I, Q8.A:Q8.J, # Sec 1
         Q17.A:Q17.F, Q18.A:Q18.C, # SEC 3
         Q25.A: Q25.J), # SEC 4
      . == "Low" ~ 3, # Q7 low level of challenge is 3
      . == "Medium" ~ 2, # Q7
      . == "High" ~ 1, # Q7
      . == "Established" ~ 3, # Q8 and Q25
      . == "Trying to establish" ~ 2, # Q8 and Q25
      . == "Not considered" ~ 1, # Q8 and Q25
      . == "Available" ~ 3,  # Q17 and Q18
      . == "Available, but does not meet needs" ~ 2, # Q17 and Q18
      . == "Not available" ~ 1 # Q17 and Q18

######## Deriving score for section 1 - Q1:Q11
# 1, 3, 5, x(7), x(8), 9, 10, 11
section_1_a <- scores_df_2 %>% select(Country, Q1:Q11)

section_1_b <- section_1_a %>%
  transmute(Country,Q1, Q3, Q5,
            Q7 = rowMeans(select(., Q7.A:Q7.I), na.rm = TRUE),
            Q8 = rowMeans(select(., Q8.A:Q8.J), na.rm = TRUE),
            Q9, Q10, Q11) %>%
            Strategy_mean = rowMeans(select(., Q1:Q11), na.rm = T))

######## Deriving score for section 2 - Q12:Q16
# 12 - 16, just not 15 --- al yes, no, none
section_2_a <- scores_df_2 %>% select(Country, Q12:Q14, Q16)
section_2_b <- section_2_a %>%
            Legal_mean = rowMeans(select(., Q12:Q16), na.rm = TRUE))

######## Deriving score for section 3 (IT) - Q17:Q19
# x(17), x(18), 19
section_3_a <- scores_df_2 %>% select(Country, Q17.A:Q19)

section_3_b <- section_3_a %>%
            Q17 = rowMeans(select(., Q17.A:Q17.F), na.rm = TRUE),
            Q18 = rowMeans(select(., Q18.A:Q18.C), na.rm = TRUE),
            Q19) %>%
            IT_mean = rowMeans(select(., Q17:Q19), na.rm = TRUE))

######### Deriving score for section 4 (HR) - Q20:Q30
#21 23 24 X(25)esb is 3, 26, 28, 29, 30 --- yes, no, none
section_4_a <- scores_df_2 %>% select(Country, Q21:Q30)

section_4_b <- section_4_a %>%
  transmute(Country, Q21, Q23, Q24, 
            Q25 = rowMeans(select(., Q25.A:Q25.J), na.rm = TRUE),
            Q26, Q28, Q29, Q30) %>%
            HR_mean = rowMeans(select(., Q21:Q30), na.rm = TRUE))

scores_df_3 <- section_1_b %>% 
  left_join(section_2_b, by = c("Country"="Country")) %>%
  left_join(section_3_b, by = c("Country"="Country")) %>%
  left_join(section_4_b, by = c("Country"="Country"))

# Replace NaN with 1 <- function(x), lapply(x, is.nan))
scores_df_3[is.nan(scores_df_3)] <- 1.0

# Print table output
scores_df_3[-1] %>% summary() %>% knitr::kable(caption = "Summary statistics for section scores:")
Summary statistics for section scores:
Strategy_mean Legal_mean IT_mean HR_mean
Min. :1.000 Min. :1.000 Min. :1.000 Min. :1.000
1st Qu.:1.725 1st Qu.:2.188 1st Qu.:1.000 1st Qu.:1.900
Median :2.067 Median :2.750 Median :1.500 Median :2.296
Mean :1.953 Mean :2.369 Mean :1.575 Mean :2.118
3rd Qu.:2.376 3rd Qu.:3.000 3rd Qu.:2.000 3rd Qu.:2.616
Max. :2.907 Max. :3.000 Max. :3.000 Max. :2.983

NSO readiness by region

The data provides no evidence at present to suggest statistically significant differences in Strategy, IT or Legal between the chosen regional groups of Africa, Asia and Pacific, America, and Europe. There does appear to be significant differences between the regions in regards to scores on Human Resources. It appears that this significance difference exists between Europe and Africa.

# Link mean scores to original dataset
master_means <- scores_df_3 %>% 
  left_join(master_df, by = c("Country"="(Q64_6) _Contact_Info. Country [Question: Please provide information for the person responsible for this questionnaire:]"))

cor_Strategy <- cor.test(master_means$`(Q41_1) 20. How many employees are there within your NSO?`, master_means$Strategy_mean, method = "spearman") %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "Strategy")

# Tests by region
master_means$region <- as.factor(master_means$`(Q64_7) _Contact_Info. Region [Question: Please provide information for the person responsible for this questionnaire:]`)

kru_Strategy <- kruskal.test(x = master_means$Strategy_mean, g = master_means$region) %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "Strategy")# not sig

kru_Legal <- kruskal.test(x = master_means$Legal_mean, g = master_means$region) %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "Legal")# Not sig

kru_IT <- kruskal.test(x = master_means$IT_mean, g = master_means$region) %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "IT")# not sig

kru_HR <- kruskal.test(x = master_means$HR_mean, g = master_means$region) %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "HR")# Significant

rbind(kru_Strategy, kru_Legal, kru_IT, kru_HR) %>% select(Score, statistic, p.value, method) %>% kable()
Score statistic p.value method
Strategy 3.797101 0.2842235 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
Legal 5.815305 0.1209501 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
IT 2.931269 0.4023439 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
HR 9.897512 0.0194577 Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
pairwise.wilcox.test(master_means$HR_mean, master_means$region,
                 p.adjust.method = "BH") %>% tidy() %>% kable(caption = "Pairwise Wilcoxon Rank Sum Tests:")
Pairwise Wilcoxon Rank Sum Tests:
group1 group2 p.value
Americas Africa 0.4637900
Asia and Pacific Africa 0.1130868
Europe Africa 0.0368025
Asia and Pacific Americas 0.3252033
Europe Americas 0.1130868
Europe Asia and Pacific 0.1881669

NSO readiness by size of NSO

A weak positive relationship appears to exist between size of NSO and Strategy score. There also appears to be a weak positive relationship between size of NSO and HR score. The extent of our research suggests no relationship between NSO size and the other scored areas.

# Tests by NSO size
cor_Strategy <- cor.test(master_means$`(Q41_1) 20. How many employees are there within your NSO?`, master_means$Strategy_mean, method = "spearman") %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "Strategy")

cor_Legal <- cor.test(master_means$`(Q41_1) 20. How many employees are there within your NSO?`, master_means$Legal_mean, method = "spearman") %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "Legal")

cor_IT <- cor.test(master_means$`(Q41_1) 20. How many employees are there within your NSO?`, master_means$IT_mean, method = "spearman") %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "IT")

cor_HR <- cor.test(master_means$`(Q41_1) 20. How many employees are there within your NSO?`, master_means$HR_mean, method = "spearman") %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "HR")

rbind(cor_Strategy, cor_Legal, cor_IT, cor_HR) %>% select(Score, estimate, p.value, statistic, alternative, method) %>% kable()
Score estimate p.value statistic alternative method
Strategy 0.2566856 0.0272700 50192.30 two.sided Spearman’s rank correlation rho
Legal 0.1178838 0.3171635 59564.90 two.sided Spearman’s rank correlation rho
IT -0.0115782 0.9220064 68306.81 two.sided Spearman’s rank correlation rho
HR 0.3313481 0.0039293 45150.72 two.sided Spearman’s rank correlation rho

NSO readiness by development status

Of the relationships investigated, development status appears to relate most to big data readiness. Our exploration into this returned statistically significant results for Strategy, Legal frameworks, and Human Resources. No significant result was found for IT infrastructure.

#mann witney u test
master_means$`(Q68) 34. Development Status` %>% table() %>% kable(col.names = c("Development status of sample", "Frequency"))
Development status of sample Frequency
Developed 37
Developing 63
master_means$tidy_dev_status <- factor(master_means$`(Q68) 34. Development Status`)

wilcox_Strategy <- wilcox.test(master_means$Strategy_mean~master_means$tidy_dev_status) %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "Strategy")# sig

wilcox_Legal <- wilcox.test(master_means$Legal_mean~master_means$tidy_dev_status) %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "Legal")# sig

wilcox_IT <- wilcox.test(master_means$IT_mean~master_means$tidy_dev_status) %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "IT")# non sig

wilcox_HR <- wilcox.test(master_means$HR_mean~master_means$tidy_dev_status) %>% tidy() %>% mutate(Score = "HR")# sig

rbind(wilcox_Strategy, wilcox_Legal, wilcox_IT, wilcox_HR) %>% select(Score, statistic, p.value, alternative, method) %>% kable()
Score statistic p.value alternative method
Strategy 1485.0 0.0221346 two.sided Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
Legal 1526.0 0.0076733 two.sided Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
IT 1208.5 0.7569799 two.sided Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
HR 1556.0 0.0051485 two.sided Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction


Strategic Data Science Coordination

Do you have any Big Data / data science projects within your NSO?
Country Statistic No, but trying to establish No, none planned Yes
Africa Count 3 6 6
Africa Percent 20% 40% 40%
Americas Count 7 5 5
Americas Percent 41% 29% 29%
Asia and Pacific Count 17 6 13
Asia and Pacific Percent 47% 17% 36%
Europe Count 5 4 23
Europe Percent 16% 12% 72%
Total Count 32 21 47
Total Percent 32% 21% 47%
Does your NSO currently have a strategy for using Big Data in Official Statistics?
Country Statistic No, but trying to establish No, none planned Yes
Africa Count 6 1 3
Africa Percent 60% 10% 30%
Americas Count 8 1 4
Americas Percent 62% 8% 31%
Asia and Pacific Count 19 1 10
Asia and Pacific Percent 63% 3% 33%
Europe Count 16 1 11
Europe Percent 57% 4% 39%
Total Count 49 4 28
Total Percent 60% 5% 35%
Who does / will the strategy apply to?
Country Statistic NSO and the wider NSS NSO only
Africa Count 2 1
Africa Percent 67% 33%
Americas Count 1 3
Americas Percent 25% 75%
Asia and Pacific Count 8 2
Asia and Pacific Percent 80% 20%
Europe Count 2 9
Europe Percent 18% 82%
Total Count 13 15
Total Percent 46% 54%
Does your NSO currently have a Data Science Lead / Chief Data Officer?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, none planned Yes
Africa Count NA 4 1 4
Africa Percent NA 44% 11% 44%
Americas Count NA 2 8 3
Americas Percent NA 15% 62% 23%
Asia and Pacific Count 1 16 6 7
Asia and Pacific Percent 3% 53% 20% 23%
Europe Count 1 12 9 6
Europe Percent 4% 43% 32% 21%
Total Count 2 34 24 20
Total Percent 2% 42% 30% 25%
Is your NSO able to discuss or negotiate how data are provided (e.g. in which format) by MOST (at least half) of the Big Data partnerships identified previously?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, none planned Yes
Africa Count 1 2 1 5
Africa Percent 11% 22% 11% 56%
Americas Count NA 5 2 5
Americas Percent NA 42% 17% 42%
Asia and Pacific Count 1 15 2 12
Asia and Pacific Percent 3% 50% 7% 40%
Europe Count 3 6 1 18
Europe Percent 11% 21% 4% 64%
Total Count 5 28 6 40
Total Percent 6% 35% 8% 51%
Does your NSO have a Data Ethics policy?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, none planned Yes
Africa Count 1 NA 1 7
Africa Percent 11% NA 11% 78%
Americas Count NA 4 2 6
Americas Percent NA 33% 17% 50%
Asia and Pacific Count NA 5 4 21
Asia and Pacific Percent NA 17% 13% 70%
Europe Count 2 6 4 16
Europe Percent 7% 21% 14% 57%
Total Count 3 15 11 50
Total Percent 4% 19% 14% 63%
Does your NSO have a National Quality Assurance Framework, a regional or national Code of Practice or similar, that covers the use of Big Data in Official Statistics?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, none planned Yes
Africa Count NA 3 NA 6
Africa Percent NA 33% NA 67%
Americas Count NA 5 2 5
Americas Percent NA 42% 17% 42%
Asia and Pacific Count NA 16 5 9
Asia and Pacific Percent NA 53% 17% 30%
Europe Count 1 11 4 12
Europe Percent 4% 39% 14% 43%
Total Count 1 35 11 32
Total Percent 1% 44% 14% 41%

IT Infrastructure

Does your NSO have adequate onsite data storage capability for Big Data in terms of the following:
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 5 3 NA 1
Africa Percent 56% 33% NA 11%
Americas Count 7 3 1 1
Americas Percent 58% 25% 8% 8%
Asia and Pacific Count 6 16 NA 8
Asia and Pacific Percent 20% 53% NA 27%
Europe Count 6 11 3 8
Europe Percent 21% 39% 11% 29%
Total Count 24 33 4 18
Total Percent 30% 42% 5% 23%
Does your NSO have adequate onsite data storage capability for Big Data in terms of the following: Secure data import/export processes
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 4 3 NA 2
Africa Percent 44% 33% NA 22%
Americas Count 5 5 1 1
Americas Percent 42% 42% 8% 8%
Asia and Pacific Count 11 14 NA 5
Asia and Pacific Percent 37% 47% NA 17%
Europe Count 13 5 4 6
Europe Percent 46% 18% 14% 21%
Total Count 33 27 5 14
Total Percent 42% 34% 6% 18%
Does your NSO have adequate onsite data storage capability for Big Data in terms of the following: Power supply
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 7 2 NA NA
Africa Percent 78% 22% NA NA
Americas Count 8 3 1 NA
Americas Percent 67% 25% 8% NA
Asia and Pacific Count 13 11 NA 6
Asia and Pacific Percent 43% 37% NA 20%
Europe Count 13 5 6 4
Europe Percent 46% 18% 21% 14%
Total Count 41 21 7 10
Total Percent 52% 27% 9% 13%
Does your NSO have adequate onsite data storage capability for Big Data in terms of the following: Computing power
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 4 2 1 2
Africa Percent 44% 22% 11% 22%
Americas Count 4 6 1 1
Americas Percent 33% 50% 8% 8%
Asia and Pacific Count 8 15 NA 7
Asia and Pacific Percent 27% 50% NA 23%
Europe Count 8 10 3 7
Europe Percent 29% 36% 11% 25%
Total Count 24 33 5 17
Total Percent 30% 42% 6% 22%
Presence of air conditioning
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 8 1 NA NA
Africa Percent 89% 11% NA NA
Americas Count 8 2 1 1
Americas Percent 67% 17% 8% 8%
Asia and Pacific Count 14 10 NA 6
Asia and Pacific Percent 47% 33% NA 20%
Europe Count 14 4 6 4
Europe Percent 50% 14% 21% 14%
Total Count 44 17 7 11
Total Percent 56% 22% 9% 14%
Does your NSO have adequate onsite data storage capability for Big Data in terms of the following: Skills for accessing the data
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 1 6 NA 2
Africa Percent 11% 67% NA 22%
Americas Count 7 3 1 1
Americas Percent 58% 25% 8% 8%
Asia and Pacific Count 8 16 NA 6
Asia and Pacific Percent 27% 53% NA 20%
Europe Count 9 14 2 3
Europe Percent 32% 50% 7% 11%
Total Count 25 39 3 12
Total Percent 32% 49% 4% 15%
Does your NSO have adequate offsite data storage capability for Big Data in terms of the following: Access to a secure National Data Centre or similar
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 2 NA NA 7
Africa Percent 22% NA NA 78%
Americas Count 3 1 3 5
Americas Percent 25% 8% 25% 42%
Asia and Pacific Count 10 6 1 13
Asia and Pacific Percent 33% 20% 3% 43%
Europe Count 4 7 4 13
Europe Percent 14% 25% 14% 46%
Total Count 19 14 8 38
Total Percent 24% 18% 10% 48%
Does your NSO have adequate offsite data storage capability for Big Data in terms of the following: Secure data import/export processes
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 2 NA NA 7
Africa Percent 22% NA NA 78%
Americas Count 4 NA 4 4
Americas Percent 33% NA 33% 33%
Asia and Pacific Count 9 9 1 11
Asia and Pacific Percent 30% 30% 3% 37%
Europe Count 5 5 6 12
Europe Percent 18% 18% 21% 43%
Total Count 20 14 11 34
Total Percent 25% 18% 14% 43%
Does your NSO have adequate offsite data storage capability for Big Data in terms of the following: Skills for accessing the data
Country Statistic Available and meets needs Available, but does not meet needs Don’t know Not available
Africa Count 2 NA NA 7
Africa Percent 22% NA NA 78%
Americas Count 3 1 3 5
Americas Percent 25% 8% 25% 42%
Asia and Pacific Count 6 12 1 11
Asia and Pacific Percent 20% 40% 3% 37%
Europe Count 6 9 3 10
Europe Percent 21% 32% 11% 36%
Total Count 17 22 7 33
Total Percent 22% 28% 9% 42%
Does your NSO store and share data using secure cloud infrastructure? By secure cloud infrastructure, we are referring to private or government cloud environments.
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, not considered Yes
Africa Count NA 3 3 3
Africa Percent NA 33% 33% 33%
Americas Count 1 3 5 3
Americas Percent 8% 25% 42% 25%
Asia and Pacific Count 1 16 7 6
Asia and Pacific Percent 3% 53% 23% 20%
Europe Count 3 6 11 8
Europe Percent 11% 21% 39% 29%
Total Count 5 28 26 20
Total Percent 6% 35% 33% 25%

Human Resources

Are any employees within your NSO applying Big Data / data science techniques?
Country Statistic Don’t know No Yes
Africa Count 2 6 1
Africa Percent 22% 67% 11%
Americas Count 2 4 6
Americas Percent 17% 33% 50%
Asia and Pacific Count 2 11 17
Asia and Pacific Percent 7% 37% 57%
Europe Count 4 2 22
Europe Percent 14% 7% 79%
Total Count 10 23 46
Total Percent 13% 29% 58%
Does your NSO have a strategy to recruit new employees, from outside your NSO, who are able to apply Big Data / data science techniques?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, not considered Yes
Africa Count 2 5 NA 2
Africa Percent 22% 56% NA 22%
Americas Count 1 5 4 2
Americas Percent 8% 42% 33% 17%
Asia and Pacific Count 2 13 4 11
Asia and Pacific Percent 7% 43% 13% 37%
Europe Count 2 10 5 11
Europe Percent 7% 36% 18% 39%
Total Count 7 33 13 26
Total Percent 9% 42% 16% 33%
Does your NSO have a strategy to develop Big Data / data science skills of current employees?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, not considered Yes
Africa Count NA 4 1 4
Africa Percent NA 44% 11% 44%
Americas Count NA 7 2 3
Americas Percent NA 58% 17% 25%
Asia and Pacific Count 1 15 NA 14
Asia and Pacific Percent 3% 50% NA 47%
Europe Count 1 15 1 11
Europe Percent 4% 54% 4% 39%
Total Count 2 41 4 32
Total Percent 3% 52% 5% 41%
Has any Big Data / data science training been delivered within your NSO?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, not considered Yes
Africa Count NA 3 4 2
Africa Percent NA 33% 44% 22%
Americas Count NA 4 1 7
Americas Percent NA 33% 8% 58%
Asia and Pacific Count 1 11 3 15
Asia and Pacific Percent 3% 37% 10% 50%
Europe Count 1 10 4 13
Europe Percent 4% 36% 14% 46%
Total Count 2 28 12 37
Total Percent 3% 35% 15% 47%
Does your NSO have partnerships with academia or with other national and/or international organisations that support and benefit your work with Big Data for Official Statistics?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, not considered Yes
Africa Count NA 2 3 4
Africa Percent NA 22% 33% 44%
Americas Count 1 5 1 5
Americas Percent 8% 42% 8% 42%
Asia and Pacific Count 1 16 4 9
Asia and Pacific Percent 3% 53% 13% 30%
Europe Count 1 7 2 18
Europe Percent 4% 25% 7% 64%
Total Count 3 30 10 36
Total Percent 4% 38% 13% 46%
Does your NSO have a Big Data / data science competency framework?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, not considered Yes
Africa Count 1 3 5 NA
Africa Percent 11% 33% 56% NA
Americas Count NA 8 3 1
Americas Percent NA 67% 25% 8%
Asia and Pacific Count 2 17 9 2
Asia and Pacific Percent 7% 57% 30% 7%
Europe Count 2 13 10 3
Europe Percent 7% 46% 36% 11%
Total Count 5 41 27 6
Total Percent 6% 52% 34% 8%
Does your NSO have a career pathway specifically for employees who are applying Big Data / data science techniques?
Country Statistic Don’t know No, but trying to establish No, not considered Yes
Africa Count 1 NA 8 NA
Africa Percent 11% NA 89% NA
Americas Count 1 4 6 1
Americas Percent 8% 33% 50% 8%
Asia and Pacific Count 3 15 8 4
Asia and Pacific Percent 10% 50% 27% 13%
Europe Count 1 5 21 1
Europe Percent 4% 18% 75% 4%
Total Count 6 24 43 6
Total Percent 8% 30% 54% 8%