United Nations Statistical Commission
Overview 51st Session (2020) Side Events
Lunchtime Seminar
Population and Housing Censuses:
- Monday, 2 MAR 2020
- 1:15 – 2:30 pm
- Conference Room 4
Meeting organized by United Nations Statistics Division
The side-event will provide the opportunity to make a mid-decade assessment of the 2020 round of population and housing censuses in terms of challenges faced and support provided by the UN system and development partners. It will also give focus to the use of alternative census methods and contemporary technologies. NSOs are increasingly pursuing alternative methods to produce census statistics that involve the use of administrative registers combined with other data sources including that obtained from field-based operations. NSOs are also utilizing modern technologies-such as electronic data collection technologies and geographical information systems-with a view to innovating and modernizing census operations, reducing cost and enhancing the quality and accessibility of census results. The side event will feature the experience of Kenya, Indonesia, Jordan and United States in the use of electronic data collection technologies, alternative census methods and geographical information systems, respectively, in census processes.
I. Opening and welcoming remarks:
Mr. Srdjan Mrkic, Chief, Demographic Statistics, UNSD -
II. Briefing on support towards the 2020 round of population and housing censuses
A mid-decade assessment of the 2020 round of population and housing censuses
Ms. Meryem Demirci, Interregional Advisor on Population and Housing Censuses, UNSD -
UNFPA's support to the 2020 census round to leave no one behind
Ms. Sabrina Juran, Technical Specialist, UNFPA
A mid-decade assessment of the 2020 round of population and housing censuses
III. Use of electronic data collection technologies
Mr. Zachary Mwangi Chege, Director General, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) -
IV. Alternative census methods
Mr. Suhariyanto, Chief Statistician, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) -
V. Geographical information systems in the census process
Dr. Qasem Al Zoubi, Director General, Department of Statistics (DOS), Jordan
Ms. Deirdre Bishop, U.S. Census Bureau