United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   53rd Session (2022)   Side Events

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Concept note and tentative agenda

(as of 26 January 2021)

Background and objectives:

The countries across Africa and Asia involved in the UNSD-FCDO project have made significant progress in their efforts to monitor the SDGs in recent years, increasing the availability of disaggregated data, despite the continued challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This event will showcase some of the achievements of the countries, including the development of data platforms, the compilation of metadata, and user engagement. The session will also highlight some of the resources that UNSD is making available to other countries beyond the project, to support their own work on SDG monitoring.

This event will:

  • Share country experiences of continuing to improve the availability and accessibility of SDG data, including through the development of data platforms, engagement with users, the use of innovative data sources and methods, and engaging data visualisation.
  • Demonstrate the impact of partnerships and improved coordination across the NSS in supporting national SDG monitoring.
  • Highlight how the UNSD-FCDO project has provided tailored technical assistance to project countries throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Preliminary agenda

  1. 1. Welcome and introductory remarks
    Ms. Francesca Perucci, UN Statistics Division
  2. 2. The UNSD-FCDO project on SDG monitoring
    Mr Richard Tonkin, UN Statistics Division
  3. 3. Country Experience: Rwanda
    Mr. Jean Luc Kabera, National Institute of Statistics Rwanda
  4. 4. Country Experience: Mozambique
    Ms. Marta Chaquisse, National Institute of Statistics (INE), Mozambique
  5. 5. Country Experience: Kyrgyzstan
    Ms. Nazira Kerimalieva, National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan
  6. 6. Country Experience: Bangladesh
    Mr. Md. Alamgir Hossen, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
  7. 7. Introduction to project learning materials and resources
    Mr. Daniel Eshetie, UN Statistics Division
  8. 8. Discussion and Q&A
    Moderated by Mr. Ian Coady, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
  9. 9. Closing
    Ms. Francesca Perucci, UN Statistics Division

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