United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   60th Anniversary   Milestones

Statistical Commission Milestones

    • Adopted resolution "Strengthening statistical capacity"
    • Endorsed the concept of an integrated economic statistics approach as the appropriate strategy for the development of national and international economic and financial statistics programmes
    • Adopted a resolution launching the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme
    • Recommended the creation of an intersecretariat working group on service statistics
    • Endorsed the creation of a Committee on Environmental-Economic Accounting
    • Endorsed the new United Nations Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat) initiatives
    • Welcomed the establishment of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities to work on a common approach to the assessment of data quality
    • Approved actions taken by the United Nations Statistics Division to support population and housing censuses to be undertaken by countries between 2005 and 2014
    • Recognized e-commerce as an emerging phenomenon with significant potential economic and social impact requiring measurement
    • Adopted the draft manual on statistics of international trade in services
    • Endorsed the human settlement statistics programme
    • Adopted the draft methodological references to the tourism satellite account
    • Adopted the Classification of Expenditure According to Purpose
    • Adopted the Revised Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System
    • Adopted practical guidelines for good practices in technical cooperation in statistics
    • Adopted a revised Central Product Classification (CPC)
    • Adopted the Minimum National Social Data Set (MNSDS)
    • Endorsed the 2000 World Population and Housing Census Programme
    • Approved a program of international compilation of environmental indicators from national statistical services based on a core set of indicators
    • Adopted the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
    • Adopted the revised System of National Accounts (SNA 1993)
    • Adopted draft recommendations on tourism statistics, including the Standard International Classification of Tourism Activities (SICTA) as a provisional classification for use by countries, based on reports of the World Tourism Organization
    • Endorsed the revised International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE) adopted by the Fifteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians
    • Expressed great appreciation of the work programme on gender statistics of the Statistical Division of the United Nations Secretariat
    • Welcomed developments in the field of harmonization of SNA and MPS and emphasized the need for coordinated efforts to introduce SNA in varying degrees of detail in many countries currently or formally using MPS
    • Endorsed the planned work on the handbook on the application of SNA in transition economies
    • Adopted the third revision of the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC, Rev. 3)
    • Adopted the provisional Central Product Classification (CPC)
    • Endorsed the continuation of the work on service statistics, including trade inservices
    • Commended the joint efforts of UNEP, the World Bank, the Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat and other organizations on the linkage of environmental accounting to the System of National Accounts by means of satellite accounts and endorsed the preparation of a handbook on environmental accounting.
    • Agreed that the document entitled Basic methodological principles governing the compilation of the System of Statistical Balances of the National Economy should be issued as a publication of the United Nations and be given wide circulation.
    • Considered First draft of the Central Product Classification (CPC)
    • Emphasized the continuing need for evaluation of technical co-operation in statistics and stressed the importance of co-operation among international organizations in exchange of information and experience.
    • Conducted a careful review of the Statistical Commission's terms of reference and concluded that no essential change in the Commission's mode of work be made
    • Endorsed 1990 World Population and Housing Census Programme
    • Endorsed the proposals for future work on the use of administrative records for statistical purposes
    • Endorsed 1983 World Programme of Industrial Statistics
    • Accepted the plan of work for the International Comparison Project for the period 1979-1984
    • Considered a comprehensive report International technical co-operation in statistics, 1979-1983, prepared by the United Nations Statistical Office jointly with the statistical offices of the regional commissions, specialized agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and a number of individual counties.
    • Approved the National Household Survey Capability Programme
    • Recommended preparation of an International Classification of Energy
    • Endorsed the International Standard Classification of All Goods and Services (ICGS)
    • Approved the 1980 World Population and Housing Census Programme
    • Approved the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC), Rev.2
    • Acknowledged the importance of the System of Social and Demographic Statistics (SSDS)
    • Stressed the importance of co-ordination at an early stage of the work of the United Nations system and other international bodies on statistics of the environment
    • An integrated five-year scheme of technical assistance in statistics by the members of the United Nations family is formulated, in co-operation with the specialized agencies
    • Acknowledged the role of statistics in advancing economic developmentstrong> objectives under the Second United Nations Development Decade
    • Approved the 1973 World Programme of Industrial Statistics
    • Adopted the Principles and recommendations for a vital statistics system
    • Requested the preparation of a Directory of international statistics outlining the statistical responsibilities shared among various United Nations agencies, inventory of the statistical series compiled, and the statistical standards adopted
    • Approved the revision of the System of National Accounts (SNA) 1952
    • Recommended publication of System of Material Product Balances (MPS)
    • Approved the International Standard Industrial Classification, Second Revision (ISIC, Rev. 2)
    • The membership of the Statistical Commission increased to twenty four
    • Considered the Classification by broad economic categories
    • Adopted the Principles and Recommendations for Population Census and the Principles and Recommendations for Housing Census
    • Endorsed the establishment of the inter-agency co-coordinating committee on statistical activities under the auspices of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination
    • Recommended 1970 World Population and Housing Census Programme
    • Recommended that the United Nations Statistical Office experiment with the use of high-speed, large-memory, stored-programme computing machines in facilitating the rapid processing, verifying and printing of the data on international trade analyzed by countries and commodities.
    • The membership of the Statistical Commission increased to eighteen
    • Approved the Standard International Trade Classification, Revised
    • Continued to follow developments to carry out inter-industry studies compiling input-output tables
    • Gave general endorsement the Principles and recommendations for national population censuses
    • Recommended that statistical assistance to countries be strengthened and systematized by the provision of technicians of the Statistical Office of the United Nations
    • Requested to prepare a study of the points of correspondence between the system of accounts employed in countries with planned economies and that set out in the report A System of National Accounts and Supporting Tables.
    • Noted that during the decade 1945-1954 more than 150 countries or areas, with an aggregate population in excess of 2,000 million, had been enumerated. Recommended that the Governments of Member States conduct a population census during the ten-year period 1956 to 1965 and preferably around 1960.
    • Considered International Definition and Measurement of Standards and Levels of Living
    • Successful completion of an International Seminar on Statistical Organization conducted in October 1952 by the United Nations with the co-operation of the Government of Canada.
    • Considered A System of National Accounts and Supporting Tables
    • Adopted a set of Principles for a Vital Statistics System
    • Adopted principles for statistics of external trade
    • Adopted the definitions in basic industrial statistics.
    • Adopted the recommendations for migration statistics.
    • The Commission felt that the following subjects should receive very high priority: (a) definitions for international trade statistics, including those for customs areas; (b)scope and definitions for basic industrial statistics; (c) scope and definitions for vital records and statistics; (d) study of the adequacy of social statistics and proposals for improvement; (e) methods for the construction of wholesale price index number; (f) methods for making estimates of capital formation; (g) preparation of coding guides and convertibility arrangements for the International Standard Industrial Classification; (h) preparation of guides and indexes for the application of the Standard International Trade Classification.
    • Considered a draft classification of commodities for international trade statistics
    • Adopted International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities
    • Recommended drafting a basic classification of crime and minimum standards for the compilation and presentation of criminal statistics
    • The membership of the Statistical Commission increased to fifteen.
    • Announced the plans for Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, the Supplement (available in English, French and Spanish), the Demographic Yearbook, the Statistical Yearbook, World Trade Summary, and National Income Statistics of Various Countries
    • Recognized that the World Statistical Congress, held in Washington in September 1947, gave a vigorous and world-wide impetus to technical and administrative developments in statistics which are in close accord with the Commission’s programme.
    • The Commission believed that the United Nations should be equipped with the mobile and capable statistical field service to provide advice and assistance upon technical questions of statistical procedure or administration at the request of any Member Government
    • Urged Member Governments to make use of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (available a draft) either by: (a) adopting this system of classification as a national standard, or (b) rearranging their statistical data in accordance with this system for purpose of international comparability.
    • Recommended steps toward the standardization of the classification of commodities entering into external trade; formulation of the international classification of occupations; and to review the developments of classification of personal status
    • A Working Group to study inland transport statistics is established.
    • The development of standards for price indices is another subject which the Commission recommends should be immediately undertaken.
    • The importance to the United Nations and to the world of an integrated and comprehensive statistical system has been repeatedly stressed
    • Proposed 1950 World Census of Agriculture
    • Enlarged the membership of the Committee on Industrial Classification and changed it to the Committee on Statistical Classification
    • A 1950 Census of the Americas is proposed as a co-operative project of the appropriate statistical offices of the American nations, which was believed to be of great value to Member Governments in their own countries and that it will serve as a basis for useful conclusions in possible projects in all countries of the world
    • The World Statistical Congress is proposed to be held in 1947
    • Arrangements for the publication of the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics at the United Nations Headquarters (beginning with the January 1947 issue) have been completed.
    • Elected a Committee on Industrial Classification for future programme of work.
    • Recommended that work on national accounts statistics (national income and expenditure), including considerations of methods and international comparability, be promptly pursued by the United Nations Statistical Office in consultation with the interested specialized agencies;
    • A permanent Statistical Commission of not more than twelve members established by the Economic and Social Council.
    • The Statistical Commission recommends to the Economic and Social Council that the Commission's initial terms of reference should be stated as follows:
      1. 1. Promoting the development of national statistics and the improvement of their comparability;
      2. 2. co-ordination of the statistical work of specialized agencies;
      3. 3. development of the central statistical services of the Secretariat;
      4. 4. advising the organs of the United Nations on general questions relating to the collection, interpretation and dissemination of statistical information;
      5. 5. promoting the improvement of statistics and statistical methods generally.
    • A Central Statistical Unit be established in the United Nations Secretariat and become an international centre of statistical information. It was emphasized that the statistical unit of the Secretariat should provide constructive leadership in international statistical affairs
    • Sub-commission on Statistical Sampling established

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