UNGEGN Bureau and Working Group Convenors, 2023 - 2027
Officers of UNGEGN
- Chair:
Pierre Jaillard (France), pierre@jaillard.net
- Vice-Chairs:
Sungjae Choo (Republic of Korea), sjchoo@khu.ac.kr
- Rapporteurs
Wendy Shaw (New Zealand), wshaw@linz.govt.nz
Ana Cristina da Rocha Berenger Resende (Brazil), ana.resende@ibge.gov.br
Convenors of the UNGEGN Working Groups
- 1. Geographical Names Data Management
Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu (Germany), pier-giorgio.zaccheddu@bkg.bund.de
- 2. Toponymic Terminology
Trent C. Palmer (USA), palmertc@state.gov
- 3. Romanization Systems
Catherine Cheetham (United Kingdom), ccheetham@pcgn.org.uk
- 4. Funding and Training Courses in Toponymy
Peder Gammeltoft (Norway), peder.gammeltoft@uib.no
- 5. Exonyms
Kohei Watanabe (Japan), kw10004@cam.ac.uk
- 6. Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage
- Coordinator for Evaluation, Implementation and Publicity
Sungjae Choo (Republic of Korea), sjchoo@khu.ac.kr
- Coordinator for Country Names
Pierre Jaillard (France), pierre@jaillard.net
- Coordinator of the UNGEGN Task Team for Africa
- Coordinator for Toponymic guidelines for map and other editors for international use
Jasper Hogerwerf (Netherlands) , jasper.hogerwerf@kadaster.nl