Evaluation, Implementation and Publicity

Co-coordinator (Evaluation & Implementation)

Sungjae Choo (Republic of Korea), E-mail sjchoo@khu.ac.kr

Co-coordinator (Publicity)

Allison Dollimore (United Kingdom), E-mail adollimore@pcgn.org.uk


The original Working Group on Evaluation was established in response to resolution 4 of the Fifth United Nations Conference in 1987. Subsequently, the working group was disbanded in favour of a new working group focusing on the particularly important aspects of publicity and funding. Recognizing the ongoing need to evaluate UNGEGN and Conference proceedings and implement resolutions, the Working Group on Evaluation and Implementation was re-established during the 20th Session of UNGEGN (2000).

Following the introduction of the UNGEGN Strategic Plan and Programme of Work 2021~2029, many of the working group's responsibilities have been aligned to support the Plan through email discussion and virtual meetings of the Bureau and working group convenors. Consequently. during the 2023 session, Decisions 3/2023/11 and 3/2023/21 led to the dissolution of the working group and transferred some routine tasks that require ongoing attention and regular reporting to a coordinator.

Decision 3/2023/21 also stipulated that the publicity responsibilities of the disbanding Working Group on Publicity and Funding be transferred to the newly established coordinator, under the title Coordinator(s) for Evaluation, Implementation and Publicity.

Work plan
  • The Co-coordinator (Evaluation & Implementation) is responsible for overseeing and reporting on the following tasks:
    • Evaluating the implementation of resolutions, recommendations and other decisions, ensuring they are effectively put into practice.
    • Maintaining the resolutions/recommendation database to track progress and compliance.
    • Conducting surveys for evaluating UNGEGN sessions and reporting the results, to continuously improve the group's work, adapting to change.
  • The Co-coordinator (Publicity) is responsible for overseeing tasks related to the promotion and dissemination of information to raise awareness of the UNGEGN mission and objectives:
    • Overseeing publication of the UNGEGN Bulletin, where Member States share toponymical experiences and best practices.
    • Maintaining the UNGEGN website as a current resource for documents, publications and news about UNGEGN activities and initiatives. Facilitating access to working group reports and recommendations.
    • Engages in social media outreach to raise awareness and promote the significance of geo-graphical names and linguistic diversity.
    Meetings of the former Working Group on Evaluation and Implementation
  • Joint meetings were held with the former Working Group on Publicity and Funding,
    • at the First Session of UNGEGN in New York, 2019;;
    • Brussels, 2018;
    • at the Eleventh Conference in New York, 2017;
    • in Innsbruck, 2017;
    • at the 28th Session of UNGEGN in New York, 2014;
    • in Suwon, 2013;
    • at the Tenth Conference in New York, 2012;
    • in Seoul, 2011;
    • in Vancouver, 2010;
    • at the 25th Session of UNGEGN in Nairobi, 2009;
    • in San Francisco, 2008;
    • at the Ninth Conference in New York, 2007;
    • in Honolulu, 2007;
    • at the 23rd Session of UNGEGN in Vienna, 2006;
    • and in Seoul in 2005 and 2003.
  • The Convenor organized a symposium on "Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage" in Seoul, Korea on November 5-7, 2014 (Program). Further information is available from the Convenor.

  • Reports of the former Working Group on Evaluation and Implementation
    Workshop on Implementing Resolutions: Experiences of Commemorative Naming

    The former Working Group organized a workshop on implementing resolutions for the case of commemorative naming, at the UNCC Bangkok during the 29th Session of UNGEGN, 27 April 2016

  • Program
  • Guide
  • Austria, Peter Jordan
  • Finland, Ulla Onkamo: Word document | Powerpoint
  • Republic of Korea, Sungjae Choo
  • Sweden, Annette Torensjo
  • Tunisia, Naima Friha
  • Sweden, Staffan Nyström
  • Canada, Helen Kerfoot

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