Expert Group Meeting on data disaggregation
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and UNICEF are organizing an Expert Group Meeting on data disaggregation, to be held at the UNICEF House, New York, on 27-29 June 2016. The meeting is being convened to bring together statistical experts working on producing data by various types of disaggregation, such as age, sex, ethnicity, and others as specified in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The 2030 Agenda requires a large amount of high quality, timely and disaggregated data as the necessary means of addressing all groups of the population and ensuring that no one individual is left behind. This meeting of experts aims to review national practices and the current status of methods for data disaggregation and coverage of various population groups in data production and analysis. It represents an initial step towards developing a toolkit on disaggregation methodologies for use in national settings aimed at producing statistics and data for global review and follow up. Over the course of the three-day meeting, suggestions on areas that need further work will also be highlighted.
Main Documents
ESA/STAT/AC.320/1 - Data needs for analyses of inequalities: Whwt we learned from the countdown to 2015 - by Cesar G Victora
ESA/STAT/AC.320/2 - To disaggregate or not to disaggregate... - by Nicolas Fasel, OHCHR
ESA/STAT/AC.320/3 - Leaving no one behind: Data disaggregation - by Linda Hooper, UNSD
ESA/STAT/AC.320/4 - "Leaving No One Behind" - From a Statistical Perspective - by Attila Hancioglu, UNICEF
ESA/STAT/AC.320/5 - Inter Agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals Indicators - by Juan Enrique García López, INEGI
ESA/STAT/AC.320/6 - Sex Disaggregation, Gender, and the Demographic and Health Surveys - by Sunita Kishor
ESA/STAT/AC.320/7 - Data disaggregated by sex for monitoring of the education SDG - by Friedrich Huebler, UNESCO Institute for Statistics
ESA/STAT/AC.320/8 - Data disaggregated by income and/or other dimensions of poverty - by Leonardo Athias, IBGE
ESA/STAT/AC.320/9 - Expert Group Meeting on Data Disaggregation - by Olivier Dupriez, World Bank
ESA/STAT/AC.320/10 - Disaggregating the SDGs by Economic status in the DHS and similar surveys - by Shea Rutstein
ESA/STAT/AC.320/11 - WHO health inequality monitoring at global and national levels - by Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor, WHO
ESA/STAT/AC.320/12 - Disaggregation of data by Disability Status - by Tijana Čomić
ESA/STAT/AC.320/13 - The Importance and Feasibility of Disaggregating the SDGs by Disability Status - by Jennifer H Madans
ESA/STAT/AC.320/14 - Everybody Counts: Disaggregating routine data by disability in eye health projects - by Pauline Thivillier
ESA/STAT/AC.320/15 - Data Aggregation By Age - by M. G. Obudho
ESA/STAT/AC.320/16 - Improving Data Disaggregation by a Wider Use of Administrative Registers in Data Production - by Niels Ploug
ESA/STAT/AC.320/17 - Data disaggregated by age Concrete examples of current work and specific strategies - by Professor Asghar Zaidi
ESA/STAT/AC.320/18 - Data disaggregated by age - by Shane Khanage, UNICEF
ESA/STAT/AC.320/19 - Ethnic Classification in Global Perspective: A Cross-national survey of the 2000 Census Round - by Professor Ann Morning, New York University
ESA/STAT/AC.320/20 - "Leaving no one behind" How Human Rights Guidance Can Help Solve the SDG Data Disaggregation Puzzle - by Enrique Ordaz, INEGI (Presented by Juan Enrique Lopez)
ESA/STAT/AC.320/21 - Disaggregation by Race within the Rainbow Nation - by Desmond Booysen, Statistics South Africa
ESA/STAT/AC.320/22 - WASH Data Disaggregation in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda - by Tom Slaymaker
ESA/STAT/AC.320/24 - Leave No One Behind: Disaggregating Homelessness in Support of SDG 11 - by Professor Dennis Culhane
ESA/STAT/AC.320/25 - Current Work undertaken by Indigenous Peoples related to SDGs and Data Disaggregation - by Grace Balawag
ESA/STAT/AC.320/26 - Data disaggregated by migratory status - by Bela Hovy
ESA/STAT/AC.320/28 - The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Small Area Poverty Estimation Project - by Bernadette Balamban, Philippine Statistics Authority
ESA/STAT/AC.320/29 - Data Disaggregation by Geographic Location: Mapping Population, Settlements, and Infrastructure - by Dr. Robert S. Chen
ESA/STAT/AC.320/30 - Data integration for mapping and monitoring the SDGs - by Professor Andy Tatem
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- SDGs Database
- 2025 Comprehensive Review Process
- Survey on the Implementation of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development
- SG's progress report 2024
- Statistical Annex 2024
- SDGs report 2024
- Gender Snapshot 2024
- UN Data Commons for the SDGs
- Medellin Framework for action on data for sustainable development
- Hangzhou Declaration
- Bern Data Compact
- Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data
- Dubai Declaration
- Global data community's response to Covid-19
- Statistical Commission