June 2022 Open Virtual Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs
The IAEG-SDGs hosted a virtual meeting, “Data, COVID-19 and the SDGs,” on Wednesday, 15 June 2022 at 8:00 am EDT. The meeting was open to all countries, international and regional agencies and entities, and other stakeholders. Please go to the “Documents” tab for the presentations and the recording.
- Agenda item 1a: Overview of UNSC53 decisions and 2022-2023 IAEG-SDG workplan
Karen Chavez, Colombia, co-chair of the IAEG-SDGs (PDF)
- Agenda item 2: Measuring and communicating SDG progress: different approaches around the world
a. Global excess deaths associated with COVID-19 | William Msemburi, WHO (PDF)
b. Better Data for Local Decisions in Times of Crisis: The Promise of the Curated Data Enterprise to Advance Sustainable Development Goals | Joseph Salvo, Institute Fellow, University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute, Senior Advisor, National Conference on Citizenship (PDF)
c. Leaving no-one behind in national covid surveys: Inclusion of forcibly displaced in nationwide phone surveys, guided by the international recommendations on refugee and IDP statistics, a case from Djibouti | Harriet Kasidi Mugera, World Bank and Omar Moussa Ali, Institut de la Statistique de Djibouti (INSTAD) (PDF)
d. Update on UNECE's Road Map on Statistics for SDGs | Mary Smyth, Central Statistics Office, Ireland (PDF)
e. Indicator 17.17.1 | Fernanda Ruiz Nuñez, World Bank (PDF)
- Agenda item 3: SDG progress and challenges: High-level Political Forum (HLPF) Goals under review
a. Goal 4: Quality Education| Silvia Montoya, UNESCO-UIS (PDF)
b. Goal 5: Gender Equality | Ginette Azcona, UN Women (PDF)
c. Goal 14: Life Below Water | Kirsten Isensee, UNESCO-IOC, Dorian Navarro, FAO and Thomas Brooks, IUCN (PDF)
d. Goal 15: Life | Thomas Brooks, IUCN and Dorian Navarro, FAO (PDF)
- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- SDGs Database
- 2025 Comprehensive Review Process
- Survey on the Implementation of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development
- SG's progress report 2024
- Statistical Annex 2024
- SDGs report 2024
- Gender Snapshot 2024
- UN Data Commons for the SDGs
- Medellin Framework for action on data for sustainable development
- Hangzhou Declaration
- Bern Data Compact
- Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data
- Dubai Declaration
- Global data community's response to Covid-19
- Statistical Commission