Statistical Classifications
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is the custodian of a number of international classifications across disciplines of economic, social, and environmental statistics, such as ISIC, CPC, COICOP, SITC, BEC, EBOPS, SIEC, M49, ICATUS, etc. The UNSD also plays an important role in the coordination of international work on classifications, and in monitoring the implementation status of classifications in countries.
UNSD Classifications
UNSD publishes the classifications under its custodianship in the publications catalogue. However, maintenance and update of each specific classifcation is carried out by the substantive office at the Branch and Section level within the UNSD. The links below will take you to webpages of the respective substantive offices for their latest work on classifications.
Classifications published by UNSD
Classifications on economic statistics (CPC, HS, ISIC, COICOP, etc.)
Classification of Statistical Activities, Version 2.0 (CSA 2.0)
Standard International Energy Product Classification, as part of the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES)
Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49)
International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics (2016)
International coordination
The UNSD serves as the Secretariat of United Nations Committee of Experts on International Statistical Classifications (UNCEISC), the central coordination body for the work on international statistical classifications that are the responsibility of the Statistics Division, and for the coordination and review of other international statistical classifications that are the responsibility of other international organizations and that have been proposed for adoption by the Statistical Commission. The overall scope of statistical classifications under the purview of UNCEISC is represented in the International Family of Statistical Classifications. The UNCEISC has developed guidelines for best practice in the development, maintenance and implementation of international statistical classifications, as well as the criteria for inclusion in the International Family of Statistical Classifications.
United Nations Committee of Experts on International Statistical Classifications (UNCEISC)
Meetings of UNCEISC
International Family of Statistical Classifications
Best practices guidelines
National classifications
International statistical classifications are used in many countries, either directly or as the basis for their national classifications. UNSD maintains information on the actual use of classifications in different countries aroud the world.