Doria Deza graduated from the Institute of Training and Demographic Research in Yaoundé (IFORD) with a master in Demography. She joined National Institute of Statistics (INS) in 2010 where she currently holds the position of Deputy Director of Social and Household Statistics. Gender focal point, she teaches gender courses at the National School of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA) where she teaches to her students in agricultural masters, the integration of gender statistics in agricultural projects, the cross-cutting aspect of Gender, calculation of indicators, dissemination and advocacy based on the Geographic Information System.
She is involved in the coordination of several gender-specific data collection projects. The results of these study help decision-makers in the orientation of their policies in connection with the reduction of gender discrimination. In 2013, she published a book entitled “Sexual violence against women in Côte d’Ivoire: Explanatory factors in conflict zones”, European University Editions.