The Forum will bring together producers and users of gender statistics from national and international statistical offices, other government agencies, international organizations, academia, civil society, and the donor community.
On this occasion, the forum will focus ways to improve data and evidence on the growing challenges and opportunities offered by the care economy and its impact on gender equality. Panelists and audience will also strategize on how to make the best out of existing data, including by mainstreaming a gender lens into existing data processes. Additionally, the Forum will provide an opportunity to take stock and learn of good practices in gender statistics and data management from the African region.
The Programme of the 9th United Nations Global Forum on Gender Statistics will be organized in sessions around “thematic areas”, as follows:
Gender equality and the care economy
Unpaid work and time use
Gender mainstreaming efforts of the National Statistics System
Violence against women and girls
Innovations to close gender data gaps
Use of gender data - from data to evidence-based policy
Legal identity and gender equality
Gender statistics and data management in Africa
For more practical information on the host country please see the information note for participants below