María Isabel Cobos is a staff member of UNSD, working on gender, social and migration statistics. She joined the UN over 14 years ago where she has been posted at HQ and ECLAC. Her UN career encompasses coordinating the UN Statistical Commission, working on the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems, production of population estimates and projections, production and harmonization of maternal mortality statistics, and quality assurance of demographic data. She also takes interest in early fertility, ageing and indigenous issues. She has (co) authored a number of chapters, working papers and articles.
Before UN life, she worked at ING on life and health insurance, at a governmental agency and held a research position at the Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute. María-Isabel got her post-grad degrees in social statistics from the University of Southampton, UK, and her first degree was in Actuarial Maths.
As a proper Mexican, she is a foodie, loves music and dancing, and thoroughly enjoys friendly human interaction.