Yattou Ait Khellou: National Accountant
A statistician with a degree in statistical engineering from National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics of Rabat (INSEA);
She is preparing a Master in Economics analyses and modelling at the university of Mohammed V in Rabat;
With 23 years of experience within the Moroccan national account department;
Along her career as a national accountant, she carried out tasks relating to the accounts of the informal sector and the production of the table of syntheses especially the Social Accounting Matrices;
Between 2011 and 2013, she represented Moroccan national accounts in the "IIENA" project on the “Integration of the Informal Economy into National Accounts”;
In March 2017, she was appointed as key focal point of South-South cooperation developed by UNECA, Office for North Africa, to provide technical assistance to the national accountants of Mauritania;
She carried out missions to Cape Verde to assist the team of national accountants in setting up the 2008 SNA;
Since 2017 she was appointed as national expert in national accounts in charge of monitoring and carrying out the activities of the International Comparison Program (ICP);
She was responsible for the production of the first Household satellite account in Morocco produced with technical assistance of UN-Women.