Kenya national seminar on census data analysis

19-03-2012  – 22-03-2012 Nairobi

The Kenya Seminar on Census Data Analysis is scheduled to be held from 19 to 22 March 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya. The main objective of the national seminar is to provide an opportunity for the staff member of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics to further analyze data from the 2009 population and housing census of Kenya on selected topics. The ultimate objective is to promote greater analysis and dissemination of the data collected from the Kenya 2009 census.

The national seminar will cover the following topics: (i) population projections at sub-national and sectoral level, (ii) analysis of data on international migration, and (iii) analysis of data on gender issues.

After the seminar, participants are expected to produce thematic analytical reports, based on analyses generated during the seminar.

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Kenya national CensusInfo training

26-09-2011  – 30-09-2011 Nairobi

UNSD is organizing a National CensusInfo Training in collaboration with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). This training is intended to develop the national census technical teams’ capacities to adapt CensusInfo, to its full potential as platform for disseminating census data. Participants will learn various processes involved in the adaptation of CensusInfo including preparation of CensusInfo template and database, standard report and profile templates, language translation and packaging the software The sessions also includes hands-on training on using CensusInfo User Interface and Database Administration applications, designing and creating templates and databases to house country-specific census data, learning various data administration utilities including importing census data to facilitate uploading of data into the CensusInfo system, and generating relevant tables, graphs, maps, reports and profiles for reporting purposes.

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United Nations regional seminar on census data dissemination and spatial analysis

14-09-2010  – 17-09-2010 Nairobi

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in cooperation with Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, is organizing the Regional Seminar on Census Data Dissemination and Spatial Analysis in the context of the 2010 World Programme for Population and Housing Censuses.

The purpose of the Seminar is to provide a forum for sharing national practices and experiences in the dissemination and use of census data. The Seminar will review emerging trends, innovative approaches and technological tools employed in the dissemination of census data. The Seminar is expected to provide a basis for assessing existing national dissemination strategies as well as technologies used by National Statistical Offices. It will also aid in taking stock of national capacities and challenges for meeting the increasing requirements of census data users. Furthermore, the Seminar is expected to help in identifying good practices and lessons learned in the dissemination and analysis of census data. The ideas generated by the discussion and the recommendations made by participants will contribute towards the drafting of an international guideline for effective dissemination and utilization of census data.

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