Workshop on integrating a gender perspective in the production of statistics
01-12-2014 – 04-12-2014 Amman
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) and the Jordan Department of Statistics, is organizing a workshop on Integrating a Gender Perspective in the Production of statistics, in Amman, Jordan, from 1 to 4 December 2014.
The workshop aims to train national statisticians on: (1) producing gender statistics from available data sources; (2) using data from population censuses for gender analysis; and (3) ways to produce, disseminate and communicate gender statistics to properly inform policies.
The workshop will also foster exchange of national experiences among participating countries.
Workshop on gender statistics for countries from the Pacific region
04-08-2014 – 06-08-2014 Nadi
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), is organizing a workshop on Gender Statistics for countries from the Pacific region. The workshop will take place in Nadi, Fiji, from 4 to 6 August 2014.
This is one of a series of workshops conducted by UNSD, under the Global Gender Statistics Programme, to provide training and assistance to strengthen the capacity of countries to produce and disseminate gender statistics and to use gender statistics for policymaking.
These workshops focus primarily on Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics, Time Use Statistics and Statistics on Violence against Women. The workshops aim to promote and train national statisticians on agreed international standards, share best practices and ensure collaboration and networking among gender statisticians and other relevant stakeholders, for the production, dissemination and communication of gender statistics that are policy relevant, internationally comparable and technically sound.
The workshop for the Pacific region will assist national statisticians with translating international guidelines into practice at the national level, taking into account the specific contexts of countries in the region.
International seminar on gender statistics
12-11-2013 – 14-11-2013 Incheon
An international seminar on gender statistics, hosted by Statistics Korea will be held from 12 to 14 November 2013 in Incheon, Republic of Korea. The seminar is organized by the UN Statistics Division (UNSD) and Statistics Korea (KOSTAT). The meeting will discuss (1) the integration of gender into national statistics, (2) women’s discontinuity at work, (3) time use statistics, and (4) measuring violence against women.
More details:
Workshop on Improving the Integration of a gender perspective into official statistics
16-04-2013 – 19-04-2013 Chiba
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) are organizing jointly a capacity building workshop on gender statistics, in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Government of Japan. This regional workshop will take place in Chiba, Japan from 16 to 19 April 2013. The purpose of the workshop is to train national statisticians on the production and use of gender statistics, as well as discuss the newly developed UN manual: Manual for Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics.
Workshop on integrating a gender perspective into statistics
04-12-2012 – 07-12-2012 Kampala
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), is organizing a capacity building workshop for sub-Saharan African countries on Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statistics. The workshop will take place in Kampala, Uganda from 4 to 7 December 2012. The purpose of the workshop is to present the newly developed Manual for Integrating a Gender Perspective into Statisticsand train national statisticians on the production and use of gender statistics.
Consultative meeting on guidelines for producing statistics on violence against women
08-11-2011 – 10-11-2011 Beirut
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) will conduct a Consultative Meeting to Review the Guidelines for Producing Statistics on Violence against Women, from 8 - 10 November, in ESCWA premises in Beirut, Lebanon. The draft Guidelinesprovides comprehensive methodological guidance regarding the selection of core and additional topics, sources of data, relevant statistical classifications, outputs, wording of the questions and all other pertinent issues related to conducting statistical surveys to measure violence against women. The meeting will review the text in detail and, upon incorporation of all the inputs, the final version will be submitted to the United Nations Statistical Commission for approval.
Meeting of the Friends of the chair group on indicators of violence against women
09-12-2009 – 11-12-2009 Aguascalientes
The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía of Mexico (INEGI), in its role as the chair of the Friends of the Chair of the United Nations Statistical Commission, are organizing a meeting on statistical indicators to measure violence against women. The meeting will be hosted by INEGI in Aguascalientes, Mexico. The purpose of the meeting is to: (a) continue the work on developing the indicators in line with the recommendations in the first report submitted to the United Nations Statistical Commission in February 2009; (b) conduct an in-depth technical review of the methodologies currently applied to observe violence against women; and (c) provide methodological advice for the developing of a set of Guidelines for producing Statistics on Violence Against Women, regarding the selection of core and additional topics, sources of data, relevant statistical classifications, outputs, wording of questions and all other pertinent issues.