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Consolidated SNA Research Agenda

Updated - April 2022.

The consolidated list of SNA research issue is based on the feedback from the SNA research agenda task force and the AEG and presented in two parts, the Priority issues and the Long-term SNA. The Priority issues for the research agenda are presented in five sections and the order is not intended to imply a prioritization within the categories. Sections I to III list the issues related to Globalization, Digitalization and Well-being and sustainability; Section IV is a list of cross cutting issues; and Section V presents relevant compilation issues. The Long-term SNA research agenda are presented in the categories listed in annex IV to the 2008 SNA.

The detailed descriptions of the 2008 SNA update issues can be found here and the list of guidance notes for the updating of the 2008 SNA can be found here.

The research agenda described in annex IV to the 2008 SNA can be found here.

The list of issues under discussion between the adoption of the 2008 SNA and the start of the update process for the 2025 SNA can be found here.

Priority Research Issues
I. Globalization
1. A typology of global production arrangements
2. Factoryless goods producers and recording of their transactions
3. Merchanting
4. Special Purpose Entities and identifying economic presence and residency
5. Economic ownership of Intellectual Property Products (IPPs)
6. CIF/FOB recording of imports and exports
7. Price and volume measurement related to globalization
8. New data sources needed to measure global production
9. Nationality concept / Extension of IIP on a nationality basis
10. New methods to measure global production
11. Analysing global value chains and trade in value added amplifies the need of high-quality statistics on global production in national and international accounts statistics
II. Digitalization
12. Satellite framework for the digital economy
13. Household production and consumption of digital products
14. Free digital products and services
15. The role of data and the SNA asset boundary
16. Price and volume measures related to digital products
17. Crypto assets
III. Wellbeing and sustainability
18. The broader framework for wellbeing and sustainability
19. Distribution of household income, consumption, saving and wealth
20. Education and human capital, labour and productivity
21. Health and social conditions
22. Unpaid household activities
23. Valuation and delineation of natural resources
24. Accounting for depletion
25. Losses
26. Accounting for ecosystems
IV. Cross cutting issues
27. The relationship of SNA and IASB
28. Statistical units
29. Trusts
30. Broadening the fixed asset boundary to include other intellectual property assets
31. Leases to use or exploit natural resources
32. Treatment of Private-Public Partnerships
V. Compilation issues
33. Harmonization of SNA and BOP
34. Islamic finance
35. Informal Economy
Long-term SNA Research Issues
36. Final consumption of corporations
37. Measuring the output of government services
38. The treatment of social transfers in kind to the rest of the world
39. Output of central banks: taxes and subsidies on interest rates applied by central banks
40. The inclusion of international organizations in the SNA
41. Clarification of the income concept in the SNA
42. GDP at basic prices
43. The role of taxes in the SNA
44. Life insurance
45. Reinvested earnings
46. Accruing interest in the SNA
47. Calculation of FISIM
48. High inflation
49. The measurement of neutral and real holding gains and losses
50. Income arising from assets
51. Issues arising from a financial crisis
52. Recognition of social security entitlements as liabilities
53. Wider use of fair value for loans
54. Provisions
55. Debt concessionality
56. Equity valuation and its implications
57. Reverse transactions
58. Tradable emission permits
59. Costs of ownership transfer of valuables and non-produced assets
60. Distinction between current maintenance and capital repairs
61. Transfer of ownership of an asset during its life
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