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Global production

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Description of the issue
The ECE/OECD/Eurostat Group of Experts on the Impact of Globalization on National Accounts developed guidance on the impact of globalization on the compilation of the national accounts, entitled The impact of globalization on national account (New York and Geneva, 2011).

The guide highlighted a number of conceptual and measurement issues which needed further investigation. Pursuant to this need, the ECE Task Force on Global Production was established in 2011 by the Conference of European Statisticians to address the conceptual issues arising from the 2008 SNA and BPM6 in relation to global production as well as provide practical guidance on implementation aspects. It is expected that this guidance will be published by ECE in the forthcoming “Guide to measuring global production”.

However, some of the issues related to global production need additional research, such as the issue of factoryless goods producers.

For more information see paragraph 20 of the conclusions of the 9th AEG meeting.

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