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Review of the draft Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications

The Handbook represents an update of the Handbook of National Accounting: Handbook of Input-Output Table Compilation and Analysis (United Nations, 1999) to incorporate the changes in the international standards like the 2008 SNA and the BPM 6, extend the scope of the previous handbook, provide practical guidance for countries, and provide greater links and integration of the I-O family of products including greater focus on the Environmental Accounts/Physical Tables.

An Editorial Board was established to undertake the preparation of this Handbook under the overall editorial responsibility of Mr. Sanjiv Mahajan, UK National Statistical Office. The Editorial Board comprised the following experts: Isabelle Remond-Tiedrez (Eurostat), Jose Rueda-Cantuche (European Commission's Joint Research Centre), Satoshi Inomata (Institute of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization), Catherine van Rompaey and Issam Alsammak (Statistica Canada), Simon Guerrero (Central Bank of Chile), Søren Larsen (Statistics Denmark), Joerg Beutel (Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Piet Verbiest (Statistics Netherlands), Liv Hobbelstad-Simpson (formerly at Statistics Norway), Carol Moylan Moyer, Thomas Howells (Bureau of Economic Analysis, USA), Bent Thage (formerly at Statistics Denmark) and UNSD.

Document: The review has been completed. Please find the final document available here.
Comment template:  Comments form - Handbook on Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications
Posted: 8 August 2017
Deadline: 6 October 2017

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