Towards the 1993 SNA - Information on the process of developing the 1993 SNA |
Meetings on the revision of the SNA, 1986-1989 |
The early preparation of the 1993 revision of the SNA took the form of a number of meetings, organized by UN regional commissions. On the basis of these, the ISWGNA set up a series of meetings where experts in both national accounting generally and specific areas met to discuss what changes should be made to the System. These meetings were organized by topic and included the following: |
 | SNA review interregional seminar for developing countries | | Geneva, 18-21 June 1986 | | Report |
 | Expert Group Meeting on the structure of the SNA | | Geneva, 23-27 June 1986 | | Report |
 | Expert Group Meeting on price and quantity comparisons | | Luxembourg, 10-14 November 1986 | | Report |
 | Expert Group Meeting on external sector transactions | | Washington, 23 March-2 April 1987 | | Report |
 | Expert Group Meeting on the household sector | | Florence, 29 August-4 September 1987 | | Report |
 | Expert Group Meeting on public sector accounts | | Washington, 25-29 January 1988 | | Report |
 | Expert Group Meeting on production accounts and I/O tables | | Vienna, 21-30 March 1988 | | Report |
 | Expert Group Meeting on financial flows and balances | | Washington, 6-15 September 1988 | | Report |
 | Expert Group Meeting on the reconciliation of SNA/MPS | | Moscow, 4-9 December 1989 | |
Expert Group on SNA Coordination meetings, 1989-1991 |
Regional meetings on the revision of the SNA in 1990 |
Background document to the 1993 revision of the System of National Accounts |
The document, prepared by Anne Harrison, incorporates the substantive discussion from the above meetings. The material has been rearranged in order to place together discussions on the same topic which took place at several meetings but is otherwise the same as that appearing in the reports. The reports of three meetings organised by the IMF appear with the agreement of the IMF. |
Background document to the 1993 revision of the SNA [PDF 5,155 KB] |
Comments from regional meetings, Statistical Commission, statistical offices and individuals |