The Joint Financial and Payments Systems Task Team (FITT) deals with issues arising from evolution of financial/payments systems and on the treatment of specific issues relating to equity income within the framework of the revision.
Further details on the mandate and operations; guidance notes and working procedures; composition; and key issues to be addressed by the FITT are provided in the Terms of Reference.
After an initial draft of the guidance note is approved by the AEG and Balance of Payments Task Team, guidance notes will be posted for Global Consultation to receive feedback from worldwide compilers and users of macroeconomic statistics. The outcome of the consultation is further informing the proposals to be presented for formal endorsement to BOPCOM and AEG/ISWGNA. Endorsed guidance notes will be considered for the update of the 2025 SNA and BPM7.
Guidance Notes |
Initial draft |
Consultation |
Endorsed |
| Financial issues (FITT) |
| F.1 More Disaggregated Institutional Sector and Financial Instrument Breakdowns | | ENG | ENG |
| F.2 Asymmetric Treatment of Retained Earnings | | ENG RUS | ENG |
| F.3 Reverse Transactions | | ENG | ENG |
| F.4 Financial Derivatives by Type | | ENG | ENG |
| F.5 Treatment of Credit Default Swaps | | ENG | ENG |
| F.6 Capturing Non-Bank Financial Intermediation in the System of National Accounts and the External Sector Statistics | | ENG | ENG |
| F.7 Impact of Fintech on Macroeconomic Statistics | | ENG | ENG |
| F.8 Valuation of Debt Securities at both Market and Nominal Value | | ENG | ENG |
| F.9 Valuation of Loans (Fair Value) | | ENG RUS | ENG |
| F.10 Treatment of Cash Collateral | | ENG | ENG |
| F.11 Treatment of electricity forwards (cancelled) | | | |
| F.12 Covering Hybrid Insurance and Pension Products | | ENG | ENG |
| F.13 Measurement of Margins on Buying and Selling of Financial Instruments | | ENG | ENG |
| F.14 Treatment of Factoring Transactions | | ENG | ENG* |
| F.15 Debt Concessionality | | ENG | ENG |
| F.16 Subscription Rights | | ENG | ENG |
| F.17 Master Risk Participation Agreements (Cancelled) | | | |
| F.18 The Recording of Crypto Assets in Macroeconomic Statistics (Combined with DZ.2) | | ENG RUS | ENG* |