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1993 SNA Update Information - Country comments for issue:
Cultivated assets

Issue description
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During discussions about the System of Economic and Environmental Accounts, it was noted that the present definition of cultivated assets in the SNA is ambiguous. Should the definition in the SNA be tightened as follows: “cultivated assets cover livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc. and vineyards, orchards and other trees yielding repeat products whose natural growth and regeneration is under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units”? The words in italics replace the words “that are” in the 1993 SNA.
Country comments
Number of country comments for selected issue:36
  Date postedSourceComment
 10/10/2006SwedenAgreement with proposal
 9/15/2006United KingdomWe agree with all the recommendations made by the AEG.
 9/15/2006LatviaAfter deep discussions and expert consultations we basically support the 1993 SNA Update Issues.After deep discussions and expert consultations we basically support the 1993 SNA Update Issues.
 7/28/2006LithuaniaIn general we support the recommendations.
 7/27/2006EgyptThe suggested phrasing of the definition of the cultivated assets is more appropriate than before.
 1/6/2006State Bank of PakistanWe agree with the change in wording of the definition of cultivated assets. Now definition clarifies the distinction between produced and non-produced asset.
 5/6/2005VietnamWe support the necessity to have tightened definition on cultivated assets
 11/16/2004Central Bank of ChileSe esta de acuerdo con la mayor precision en la definición de activos cultivados del SCN 1993, enfocándola en activos cuyo crecimiento natural y regeneración este "bajo control, responsabilidad y gestión directa de unidades institucionales",
A modo de ilustración, cabe consignar que Chile aplicará la valoración de trabajos en curso referidos a estos activos y la implementación de esas directrices con el Nuevo base 2003, a publicarse durante el ano 2006.
 11/3/2004Bank of Tanzania/National Bureau of StatisticsWe agree with the recommendations of the AEG.
 10/18/2004National Bank of Tajikistan The National Bank of Tajikistan agrees with the recommendations of the AEG.
 10/14/2004National Bank of PolandWe are of the opinion that suggested changes of the definition make the definition clearer.
 10/13/2004European Central BankThe ECB supports the provisional AEG decision on this issue, i.e. to clarify the definition of cultivated assets along the lines proposed in the AEG meeting of February 2004.
 10/12/2004Reserve Bank of AustraliaWe support the AEG recommendations.
 10/6/2004National Bank of MoldovaWe agree with changes in definition of cultivated assets recommended by AEG.
 10/5/2004Bank of KoreaWe agree with the recommendation of the AEG.
 10/4/2004South African Reserve BankWe agree with the recommendations of the AEG.
 9/30/2004Central Bank of MadagascarMadagascar accepte le changement, étant donné que la recommandation (nouvelle définition) engendre une clarification et précision dans le traitement des données.
 9/30/2004Bank of LatviaLatvia is in agreement with the recommendations of the AEG and we do not have any particular comment at this stage.
 9/30/2004Bank of GuyanaThe suggested change to the definition will cause cultivated assets to be confined to a specific set/type of agriculture goods.
 9/30/2004Lesotho - Central Bank"… Orchards and other trees yielding repeat products whose natural growth and regeneration is under the direct control, responsibility and management of institutional units?" Comment: There is every possibility of degeneration of investors and plantations after a specified period. The preferred word that is economically viable is stage of product life circle.
 9/27/2004AustriaAustria agrees with the proposed changes in wording “whose natural growth and generation is under the direct control etc”, which clarifies the definition of cultivated assets.
 9/20/2004IndiaThe suggested rewording of the definition of cultivated assets seems to qualify the definition better, although cultivated assets under direct control implies that it includes the natural growth and regeneration of the cultivated assets.
 8/24/2004United KingdomWe welcome the clarification of the definition of “Cultivated Assets” in the SNA 1993 through the proposed re-wording “whose natural growth and regeneration” to replace “that are”.
 8/12/2004Finland m1(c)fi26;
 8/12/2004AustraliaAustralia supports the proposed change.
 8/11/2004Germany m1(c)de26;
 8/11/2004CanadaCanada agrees to clarify the definition of cultivated assets as per the AEG wording suggested.
 8/11/2004Slovak RepublicSlovakia has no comments regarding AEG accepted rewording of cultivated assets definition. In our opinion this tightening makes it clearer than the previous one.
 8/11/2004South AfricaWe agree with the recommendations of the AEG.
 8/11/2004USAThe United States supports this recommendation of the Advisory Expert Group and encourages maintaining consistency with the ongoing revisions of the Balance of Payments manual and the public sector accounting framework.
 8/11/2004NorwayWe agree with the AEGs recommendation for rewording.
 8/11/2004DenmarkStatistics Denmark supports the change in wording of the definition of cultivated assets. The change is a precision of the definition. It clarifies the distinction between a produced and non-produced asset when it comes natural capital.
 8/11/2004JordanAgree with the AEG recommendation.
 8/11/2004The NetherlandsWe agree with the the AEG-recommendation.
 8/11/2004New Zealand• Modify the definition of cultivated assets as those whose “natural growth and regeneration” is under direct control...Agreed.
 8/11/2004Macao, SAR ChinaWe are pleased to express our agreement with the proposal.
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