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1993 SNA Update Information - Interest at concessional rates

Subissue description
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Loans with concessional interest rates could be seen as providing a transfer from lender to borrower. Should such transfers be recognized in the SNA? Although there is no clear definition of what is a concessional loan, the guidance in the External Debt Guide suggests features such as an intention to convey a benefit and occurrence in a noncommercial setting (usually government-togovernment). If concessional loans are not recognized in the core accounts, should the concessional amounts be considered as supplementary information where they are significant?
Corresponding papers (Click on icon to see document in either pdf or word format)
AEG papers:Posted on 1/3/2006Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentDebt reorganization
 Posted on 1/3/2006Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentDebt concessionality
AEG summaries:Posted on 4/7/2006Click here to see pdf documentClick here to see word documentDebt concessionality
Number of AEG recommendations:1
Number of country comments:22
Number of expert comments:none
Corresponding AEG Meetings
The subissue was discussed at the following meetings:
Jan/Feb 2006
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