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Chapter detail

Chapter title in the 1993 SNA, Rev.1 ("New" publication)
22. The general government and public sectors
Reference text of the 1993 SNA ("Old" publication)
This is a new chapter, there is no reference to an existing chapter in the 1993 SNA.
Issues affecting this chapter (For more information on an issue click corresponding issue from the list below)
6.b. Allocation of the output of central banks
7. Taxes on holding gains
16. Government owned assets
17. Mineral exploration
18. Right to use/exploit non-produced resources between residents and non-residents
19. Military expenditures
20. Land
24. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) (including buy-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) schemes)
25. Units
25.e. Privatization, restructuring agencies, securitization and special purpose vehicles (SPVs)
34. Super dividend, capital injections and reinvested earnings (government transactions with public corporations (earnings and funding))
35. Tax revenue, uncollectible taxes, and tax credits (recording of taxes)
36. Private/public/government sectors delineation (sectorization boundaries)
37. Activation of guarantees (contingent assets) and constructive obligations
43.b. Debt indexed to a foreign currency
43.c. Interest at concessional rates
Chapter status and available drafts
2009 UNSC DRAFT (for global review by 15 February 2009)
 Posted on:12/24/2008
 Deadline for comments:2009-02-15
 2009 UNSC DRAFT:Global review of Volume 2
 Draft chapter:
 Posted on:7/30/2008
 Deadline for comments:9/13/2008
 Template for comments:
 Number of comments:20   Show comments

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