Issue detail | Issue | 1. Repurchase agreements |
| Issue description and recommendation | A repurchase agreement (repo) involves the sale of securities or other assets with a commitment to repurchase equivalent assets at a specified price. The market for repos has evolved since the SNA guidelines were prepared; in particular, contrary to what the 1993 SNA suggests, the right to on-selling has become almost universal. The treatment of repos in 1993 SNA and the Balance of Payments Manual, fifth edition, is similar to that of a collateralized loan or as other deposits if repos involve liabilities classified under national
measures of broad money. Should the 1993 SNA treatment be revised? | | Click icon to see the provisional recommendation for this issue | | Click icon to see background information for this issue (AEG papers, meetings, comments, etc.) | (For the links above use your browser's back button to return to this page) |
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