Classification Detail

International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Commodities (ISSCFC)

Basic Bibliographic Information

To Be Determined
CWP Handbook of Fishery Statistical Standards. Section R:FISHERY COMMODITIES CLASSIFICATION. CWP Data Collection. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online]. Rome. Updated 10 January 2002.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Available Formats:
Print, PDF. Excel, Access
Year Adopted:
Year Published:
Available Languages (besides English):
Français, Español Details...
Classification statistique internationale type des produits de la pêche de la FAO (CSITPP)
Clasificación Estadística Internacional Uniforme para los Productos Pesqueros de la FAO (CEIUPP)
Fully available in all of the languages above

Purpose of the Classification

Statistical Domains (in CSA 2.0):
20301 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
This classification is designed to cover the products derived from fish, crustaceans, molluscs, other aquatic animals and plants for which the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) collects national statistics on production and trade on a regular basis. It includes live species as well products resulting from further processing of species destined to human consumption or to other purposes including ornamental.
Main Applications:
For collection and dissemination of fisheries commodities production and trade statistics by FAO One basic purpose of the classification system for fish and fishery products was to improve presentation of comparability of statistics of different types collected from a wide range of sources. It also serves as: a) a basis for statistical collection procedures; b) a framework for compilation and presentation of statistics; c) aggregates and elements for analyses; d) a set of elements (or building blocks) suitable for rearrangement or expansion for special studies or for special purpose classification systems.
Main Users:
Users of the FAO Fisheries commodities production and trade statistics and Fishery statistical offices.


The ISSCFC classification is designed to cover fish, crustaceans, molluscs, other aquatic animals, plants and their based products for which FAO collects production and trade statistics on a regular basis. Products are classified according to the species and to the degree of processing. It includes also species for ornamental purposes, for culture (i.e. fingerlins, fry, etc), corals, sponges, residues, seaweeds and other algae. At present, it does not include aquatic mammals, frogs and crocodiles. Fisheries operations and services are also excluded, along with other fishery-based activities.
Concept Being Classified:
Statistical Units:
private owner / enterprise, establiment / vessel
Main Principles:
Categories are exhaustive, exclusive and stable.
Relationships to Other International Classifications:
Related To:
Major Differences (Scope, Structure, and Concepts):
ISSCFC has been constructed as an expansion of SITC and it is also directly linked with HS, CPC and ISSCAAP. It is focused on fish and fish-based products (primary and secondary) and it contains more than 1 200 codes. Therefore it presents an improved breakdown by species and product forms compared to SITC, HS and CPC. The enhanced coverage and the links with other international classifications acilitate the collation of national data received in different formats/codes, including national classification based on HS or SITC. It is based on the structure of SITC, but presenting additional codes to include links to ISSCAAP and enhanced breakdown by species and product forms. Main difference with SITC and HS is related on the enhanced detail by species/product forms included in ISSCFC, which allows the analysis, comparison and dissemination of more detailed data on fisheries commodities production and trade. ISSCFC is based on following criteria: stage of processing, group of similar biological characteristics (ISSCAAP) and purpose or intended use.
ISSCFC has been constructed as an expansion of SITC and it is also directly linked with HS, CPC and ISSCAAP. It is focused on fish and fish-based products (primary and secondary) and it contains more than 1 200 codes. Therefore it presents an improved breakdown by species and product forms compared to SITC, HS and CPC. The enhanced coverage and the links with other international classifications acilitate the collation of national data received in different formats/codes, including national classification based on HS or SITC. Main difference with SITC and HS is related on the enhanced detail by species/product forms included in ISSCFC, which allows the analysis, comparison and dissemination of more detailed data on fisheries commodities production and trade. ISSCFC is based on following criteria: stage of processing, group of similar biological characteristics (ISSCAAP) and purpose or intended use.
ISSCFC has been constructed as an expansion of SITC and it is also directly linked with HS, CPC and ISSCAAP. It is focused on fish and fish-based products (primary and secondary) and it contains more than 1 200 codes. Therefore it presents an improved breakdown by species and product forms compared to SITC, HS and CPC. The enhanced coverage and the links with other international classifications acilitate the collation of national data received in different formats/codes, including national classification based on HS or SITC. Main difference with SITC and HS is related on the enhanced detail by species/product forms included in ISSCFC, which allows the analysis, comparison and dissemination of more detailed data on fisheries commodities production and trade ISSCFC is based on following criteria: stage of processing, group of similar biological characteristics (ISSCAAP) and purpose or intended use.
ISSCFC -International Standard Statistical Classification of Aquatic Animals and Plants (ISSCAAP)

Classification Structure

Definition of Structure:
Level Name:
Code Format:
Number of Items:
Level 1
=SITC Division
? items
Level 2
=SITC Group
? items
Level 3
? items
Level 4
? items
Level 5
? items
Level 6
? items
The classification is based on the structure of SITC, with additional positions to include links to FAO ISSCAAP and breakdown by additional species and product forms. It is an hierarchical classification with numerical codes, but number of codes is not regular/fixed. In its 2015 version it includes 1668 items, of which 1235 items representing the effective codes, while 433 are at level of Chapter/Division/Group. The stucture is not regular with different positions added. We are aware that this can represent an issue and work is in progress to change the coding system to makethe length of the codes to properly reflect the level of detail required. This change has to be agreed by the Coordinating Working Party of Fisheries Statistics
Criteria for Definition of Levels:
The first two levels are respectively based on the SITC Division and Group. The following levels include the product forms, the links to ISSCAAP Division and Groups and then the breakdown by species.

Revision Information

Chronology of revisions/versions of the classification:
Year Adopted:
Title or Version Number:
Official Adopting Entity:
Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics
Coordinating Entity:
FAO as Secretariat of CWP
Next Review:
Reason for Latest Revision:
Maintenance includes a yearly updating in the light of new emerging commodities/species in international trade and of changes in international/national commodity classifications
Major Changes:
The 2015 version (to be published soon) includes an improved breakdown of species and product form due to the significant changes of the HS2012 for fish and fishery codes

Supporting Documents

Coding Index Available:
Correspondence with Other Classifications:
Correspondence Table:
Training Materials and Other Documents:

Contact Information

Agency / Office:
Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics
Contact Name:
Sachiko Tsuji
+39 06 57055318
+39 06 57052476
FAO Room F-202 Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rome Italy 00153