Standard goods classification for transport statistics (NST-2007)
Basic Bibliographic Information
To Be Determined
24 June 2008
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Available Formats:
PDF, Excel
Year Adopted:
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Available Languages (besides English):
Français, Español, Pусский, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish
Details... Français
Système de classification des statistiques des transports (NST-2007)
Nomenclatura uniforme de mercancías para las estadísticas de transporte (NST-2007)
Система классификации для статистики транспорта (NST-2007)
Klasifikacija robe za statistiku prijevoza (NST-2007)
Standardgodsnomenklaturen til transportstatistik (NST-2007)
Uniforme goederennomenclatuur voor de vervoersstatistiek (NST-2007)
Einheitliches Güterverzeichnis für die Verkehrsstatistik (NST-2007)
Nomenclatura uniforme delle merci per le statistiche dei trasporti (NST-2007)
Transporta statistikas standartizētā preču klasifikācija (NST-2007)
Standartinė transporto statistikos krovinių nomenklatūra (NST-2007)
Klassifikazzjoni standard tal-merkanzija għall-istatistika tat-trasport (NST-2007)
Standardowa klasyfikacja towarów do celów statystyk transportu (NST-2007)
Nomenclatura uniforme de mercadorias para as estatísticas de transportes (NST-2007)
Nomenclatorul statistic de transport de marfă (NST-2007)
Standardna klasifikacija blaga za statistiko prometa (NST-2007)
Fully available in all of the languages above
Purpose of the Classification
Statistical Domains (in CSA 2.0):
20304 Transport
NST-2007 is a statistical nomenclature for the goods transported by four modes of transport: road, rail, inland waterways and sea (maritime).
Main Applications:
Transport statistics
Main Users:
National authorities, International Organisations
Classification system for commodities in the transport of goods.
Concept Being Classified:
Statistical Units:
transport activity
Main Principles:
The criterion for classification of goods should be the economic activity from which the goods originate.
Relationships to Other International Classifications:
Related To:
Major Differences (Scope, Structure, and Concepts):
Correspondence table between Standard goods classification for transport statistics, NST 2007 and the Combined Nomenclature, CN 2007
Correspondence table between Standard goods classification for transport statistics, NST 2007 and the Combined Nomenclature, CN 2008
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, 2008 (CPA 2008)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2007 (NHM 2007)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2007 (NHM 2008)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2012 (NHM 2012)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2013 (NHM 2013)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2014 (NHM 2014)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2015 (NHM 2015)
Classification Structure
Definition of Structure:
Level Name:
Code Format:
Number of Items:
Level 1
20 items
Level 2
81 items
Criteria for Definition of Levels:
Most countries supported in theory the approach of aiming at a small number of headings suitable for (a) dissemination and (b) economic analysis, forecasting, etc. However, several countries also mentioned groups of goods which were of special importance for their national economies. They would like to distinguish these groups in their national transport statistics. The criterion for classification of goods should be the economic activity from which the goods originate. In order to retrieve the full consistency with CPA2008/CPC, the correspondence between production of goods and transport of goods has to be respected and carefully maintained.
Revision Information
Chronology of revisions/versions of the classification:
Year Adopted:
Title or Version Number:
Official Adopting Entity:
UNECE Working Party on Transport Statistics, European Commission
Coordinating Entity:
UNECE Working Party on Transport Statistics
Documenting Website:
Reason for Latest Revision:
The new version of CPA which has been adopted in 2008 is partially inconsistent with the current version of NST 2000. Therefore NST 2000 had to be updated in order to retrieve the full consistency with CPA2008/CPC. Indeed, the correspondence between production of goods and transport of goods has to be respected and carefully maintained.
Major Changes:
Version aligned with with CPA2008/CPC
Yes, in the annual reports of the UNECE Working Party on Transport Statistics (WP.6).
Supporting Documents
Coding Index Available:
Correspondence with Other Classifications:
Correspondence Table:
Correspondence table between Standard goods classification for transport statistics, NST 2007 and the Combined Nomenclature, CN 2007
Correspondence table between Standard goods classification for transport statistics, NST 2007 and the Combined Nomenclature, CN 2008
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity in the European Economic Community, 2008 (CPA 2008)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2007 (NHM 2007)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2007 (NHM 2008)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2012 (NHM 2012)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2013 (NHM 2013)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2014 (NHM 2014)
Correspondence table between the Standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 (NST 2007) and the Harmonised Commodity Code, 2015 (NHM 2015)
Training Materials and Other Documents:
Contact Information
Agency / Office:
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Transport Networks Logistics / UNECE Transport Division
Contact Name:
+41 22 917 24 21
+41 22 917 00 39
Palais des Nations
Office 402
1211 Geneva 10
The UNECE Working Party on Transport Statistics (WP.6) adopted the classification and it was also endorsed by the UNECE Inland Transport Committee (ITC).
Background information:
The standard goods classification for transport statistics, abbreviated as NST, came into use following a recommendation in 1961 by the Commission of the European Communities.
There is complete correspondence between it and the Commodity Classification for Transport Statistics in Europe (CSTE), except for six basic headings where a further breakdown was required to meet specific Community requirements.
The codes used were modified in 1962 for the purpose of selecting the groups required for the publication of summarized results. After four years of use, certain minor modifications became necessary and were put into effect on 1 January 1967.
The classification has since been called NST/R with 176 heading for goods which are classified as far as possible on the basis of their nature, processing stage, methods of transport and total tonnage transported;
The criteria were selected on the basis of the importance of the relevant goods traffic within the transport sector. The analytical structure of the NST/R divides the 176 headings of the classification into 10 chapters and 52 main groups,
according to a system which consists of :
-one digit for the chapters,
-two digits for the groups,
-three digits for the headings.
NST 2000 (Standard Goods Nomenclature for Transport Statistics) replaced the CSTE nomenclature (Commodity Classification for Transport Statistics in Europe
-UNECE) and the NST/R nomenclature (Standard Goods Nomenclature for Transport Statistics/revised -Eurostat).
NST 2007 is an update of NST 2007 taking into account the new version of CPA/CPC.