Standard International Energy Product Classification (SIEC)
Basic Bibliographic Information
To Be Determined
For IRES, which contains SIEC:
English: ISBN: 978-92-1-161584-5, eISBN: 978-92-1-056520-2
Other languages either use the same (e)ISBN or do not have an assigned ISBN
United Nations Statistics Division
Available Formats:
Year Adopted:
Year Published:
Available Languages (besides English):
Français, Español, العربية, Pусский, 中文
Details... Français
Classification internationale type des produits énergétiques (CITE)
Clasificación Internacional Estándar de Productos Energéticos (SIEC)
التصنيف الدولي الموحد لمنتجات الطاقة
Стандартная международная классификация энергетических продуктов (СМКЭП)
Fully available in all of the languages above
Purpose of the Classification
Statistical Domains (in CSA 2.0):
20302 Energy
To cater to energy statistics and to provide correspondence with product classifications from other areas of statistics.
From IRES:
3.5 - The main purpose of SIEC is to serve as a basis for developing or revising national classification schemes for energy products so as to make them compatible with international standards and, consequently, to ensure significantly improved cross-country comparability of energy data. SIEC is intended to be a multipurpose classification, meaning that individual SIEC products and aggregates are defined to be suitable for the production of energy statistics under different country circumstances and are relevant for the presentation and analysis of energy data in various policy and analytical contexts. In this connection, it is recognized that SIEC should be periodically reviewed and revised as necessary to reflect changes in the patterns of energy production and consumption.
3.6 - SIEC is designed to support of the collection of data from data reporters and will: (i) facilitate and standardize the compilation and processing of energy data by providing a uniform and hierarchical coding system; (ii) ensure international comparability of disseminated national data; and (iii) facilitate the linking of data on stocks and flows of energy products with data on international trade in energy products and other economic statistics.
Main Applications:
Collect, compile, analyse and disseminate energy statistics; including constructing energy balances.
Main Users:
Users of energy statistics in general: government, academia, industry
From IRES:
3.7 SIEC aims to cover all products necessary to provide a comprehensive picture of the production, transformation and consumption of energy throughout an economy. Thus the scope of SIEC consists of the following:
(a) fuels that are produced/generated by an economic unit (including households), and are used or might be used as sources of energy; and
(b) electricity that is generated by an economic unit (including households) and heat that is generated and sold to third parties by an economic unit.
3.8 In order to define the scope of SIEC more precisely, the fuel coverage is further explained below.
(i) All fossil fuels are within the scope whether or not they are used for energy purposes, but an exception is made for peat used for non-energy purposes, which should be excluded.
(ii) Products derived from fossil fuels are always within the scope of SIEC when they are used (or intended to be used) for energy purposes, i.e. as fuels.
(iii) Products derived from fossil fuels that are used (or intended to be used) for non-energy purposes are within the scope only if they are the output of energy industries (e.g. refineries, gas plants or coal mining, coal manufacturing industries). They are included because they explain how much an apparent supply of energy is used for other purposes and allow for a complete assessment of the industries involved.
3.9 One example of products in the category (iii) mentioned above are lubricants produced during the refinery of crude oil. Even though they are ordinarily used for non-energy purposes, their production (and consumption) is recorded in energy statistics as it allows for the monitoring of the different products obtained from the refinery intake of crude oil and the assessment of the part of crude oil used for non-energy purposes. This is of relevance to energy planners, provided that the consumption of these products is explicitly distinguished as non-energy use. On the other hand, plastics, even if derived from a fossil fuel such as crude oil, are not considered within the scope of SIEC as they are not an output of the refinery but are obtained by further processing of refinery products by other industries.
3.10 Some fuels such as peat, waste, agricultural crops or other biomass are not of fossil origin. Such products are within the scope of SIEC only when used for energy purposes. Thus, the inclusion of these products in total energy production depends on their use, i.e. it is derived from demand-side information.
Concept Being Classified:
Energy products
Statistical Units:
Products, commodities
Main Principles:
Product origin, product uses, chemical composition, physical composition
Relationships to Other International Classifications:
Related To:
Major Differences (Scope, Structure, and Concepts):
HS, CPC and other product classifications, as well as ISIC
SIEC covers energy products only, but also covers energy by-products that are noncommercial in nature and thus not covered in other product classifications
SIEC sometimes classify the same physical/chemical product differently depending on how it is produced and/or for what it is used.
Classification Structure
Definition of Structure:
Level Name:
Code Format:
Number of Items:
Criteria for Definition of Levels:
At the highest level, SIEC provides ten sections for different fuels, electricity and heat. The eight fuel categories represent broad fuel types distinguished by their origin and characteristics, covering coal, peat and peat products, oil shale/oil sands, natural gas, oil, biofuels, waste, nuclear fuels and other fuels. Where applicable, these fuel categories are further disaggregated by physical characteristics (e.g. brown coal vs. hard coal) and stage of processing. In the latter case, in each section the unprocessed products appear first (in order of the coding system), followed by processed products. For some of the fuel categories, reference to the use is made since the specifications of the product make it fit for certain types of use (e.g., kerosene and its disaggregation into kerosene-type jet fuel and other kerosene).
Revision Information
Chronology of revisions/versions of the classification:
Year Adopted:
Title or Version Number:
Official Adopting Entity:
UN Statistical Commission
Coordinating Entity:
Reason for Latest Revision:
To address definitional and content changes that have been identified by users, as well as new developments in the field of energy.
Major Changes:
Supporting Documents
Coding Index Available:
Available Languages:
English Français Español العربية Pусский 中文
Available Formats:
Training Materials and Other Documents:
Correspondence tables exist for HS and CPC, although there are still some issues. Available only in English.
Training Website:
Available Languages:
Contact Information
Agency / Office:
Contact Name:
Leonardo R Souza, Chief of Section
(212) 963 0342
(212) 963 0623
2 UN Plaza, room 1534, New York NY 10017 USA