Classification Detail

International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics 2016

Basic Bibliographic Information

To Be Determined
International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics 2016 (ICATUS 2016)
United Nations Statistics Division
Available Formats:
Excel, CSV and PDF
Year Adopted:
Year Published:
Available Languages (besides English):
Français, Español, العربية Details...
Classification internationale des activités à prendre en compte dans les statistiques du budget-temps 2016
Clasificación Internacional de Actividades para Estadísticas sobre el Uso del Tiempo 2016
Fully available in all of the languages above

Purpose of the Classification

Statistical Domains (in CSA 2.0):
110 Time-Use
It is a classification of all the activities on which a person may spend time during the 24 hours that make up a day. Its purpose is to serve as a standard framework for time-use statistics based on activities grouped in a meaningful way to facilitate international comparisons.
Main Applications:
Time-use statistics
Main Users:
National Statistical Offices


ICATUS 2016 is a classification of all activities that the general population will spend time on during the 24 hours in a day.
Concept Being Classified:
The aim of ICATUS is to serve as a standard classification of activities that a person can engage in during the 24 hours that make up a day. Activities are defined as tasks undertaken by persons. Time units are used for producing statistics on the amount of time spent in certain activities.
Statistical Units:
Main Principles:
The main classification criterion which has been used in the construction of the classification is the “productive” nature of an activity. Daily activities can be categorized into those that are considered productive and those that are “non-productive” (personal activities) from an economic/SNA point of view. Additionally, the ILO framework for work statistics was used as a basis to further classify productive activities. Personal activities are classified according to the nature of the activity (for example, learning, socializing, and satisfying physiologic needs).
Relationships to Other International Classifications:
Related To:
Major Differences (Scope, Structure, and Concepts):
ICATUS is designed to be consistent with existing international standards and classifications: (a) The definition of activities according to their productive status is in line with SNA 2008;16 (b) The resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization, adopted by the nineteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians in October 2013,17 has also been used to classify productive activities; (c) Definitions and categories of activities are in line with standard economic classifications such as the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (rev.4). The unit classified in time use statistics (the time spent by individuals on a given activity) is not the same as the economic units classified in employment and production statistics, typically the establishment. Therefore, the economic activity of a worker at a particular point in time may differ from the primary activity of the establishment where he or she works.

Classification Structure

Definition of Structure:
Level Name:
Code Format:
Number of Items:
Level 1
Major Division
Level 2
Level 3
Criteria for Definition of Levels:
The universality or frequency and regularity of occurrence of the activities The importance of the particular set of activities in relation to the objectives of time-use surveys and uses of time-use statistics.

Revision Information

Chronology of revisions/versions of the classification:
Year Adopted:
Title or Version Number:
Official Adopting Entity:
UN Statistical Commission
Coordinating Entity:
Next Review:
ICATUS 2016 was just endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission in March 2017.
Reason for Latest Revision:
Reflect comments from countries based on their experiences. Reflect and align with latest statistical concepts and standards.
Major Changes:
ICATUS 2016 differs from the trial version of ICATUS published in 2005, in the following aspects: (a) The structure has been simplified and the 2016 version has only three levels and nine major divisions; (b) The terminology used has been aligned with existing international standards; (c) The explanatory notes have been updated to reflect new international definitions and standards, and to provide examples of activities to include/exclude in each category.

Supporting Documents

Coding Index Available:
Training Materials and Other Documents:
UNSD SDSB containing ICATUS:
Training Website:
Available Languages:
English Français Español العربية

Contact Information

Agency / Office:
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
Social and Gender Statistics Section, Demographic and Social Statistics Branch