United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas
Background of the conference
In February 1948, the ECOSOC recommended that Governments of Member States stimulate surveying and mapping of their national territories and that the Secretary-General of the United Nations take appropriate action to further such efforts. The ECOSOC adopted resolution 556(XVIII) on 27 July 1954 and the first conference was held in the region of Asia and the Pacific in 1955.
Taking note of the success of the regional cartographic conferences held in the region of Asia and the Pacific since 1955 and the region of Africa since 1963, and recognizing the need to hold similar conferences in other regions in which they have not yet been held, the Economic and Social Council, at its fifty-sixth session, from 22 April to 17 May 1974, adopted resolution 1839 (LVI) which "Requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary arrangements to convene the First United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas during the first quarter of 1976".