United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
Background of the conference
In February 1948, the Economic and Social Council in resolution 131(VI) recommended that Governments of Member States stimulate surveying and mapping of their national territories and that the Secretary-General of the United Nations take appropriate action to further such efforts. A Committee of Experts on Cartography was appointed by the Secretary General to study the problem and advise upon the means of its implementation. The convening of regional cartographic conferences was recommended by the Committee, which met in March-April 1949, as an effective means to attain the objectives set forth in the resolution 131(VI). At its ninth session the Economic and Social Council noted the report of the Committee and requested the Secretary-General to consult with Governments concerning the early calling of such meetings.
The results of these consultations indicated a wide measure of support and a new impetus was given to the project when the Government of India offered to act as host at the first conference for Asia and the Far East, to provide a meeting place, and to be responsible for all the physical arrangements for the conference. In accordance with the Economic and Social Council resolution 476(XV), further consulations were proceeded with. Many Governments expressed their desire to participate in the conference for Asia and the Far East, and proposed agenda items for the conference. The Economic and Social Council, after consideration of this response, adopted resolution 556(XVIII) on 27 July 1954.