6th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas
2 - 6 June 1997, New York, United States

- Report of the Conference
- Provisional agenda
- Rules of procedure
- Documentation for the Conference
- Provisional list of documents
- E/CONF.90/INF/2, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Provisional list of participants
- E/CONF.90/INF/3, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Integration of the 3S technologies; remote sensing, GIS and GPS
- E/CONF.90/L.1, Agenda item 5 (e), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English Abstract | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Activities of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
- E/CONF.90/L.2, Agenda item 4, Submitted by ISPRS
- English | English Abstract | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Activities of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
- E/CONF.90/L.2/Rev.1, Agenda item 4, Submitted by ISPRS
- English
- Automatic generalization in cartography
- E/CONF.90/L.3, Agenda item 5 (e), Submitted by Finland
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- MapSite-a WWW service for browsing topographic
maps of Finland
- E/CONF.90/L.4, Agenda item 5 (b), Submitted by Finland
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Land cover and forest classification of Finland
based on Landsat Thematic Mapper images and digital map data
- E/CONF.90/L.5, Agenda item 5 (e), Submitted by Finland
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- The Status of Cartographic Activities in the
- E/CONF.90/L.6, Agenda item 4, Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Designing a new national atlas of the United States
- E/CONF.90/L.7, Agenda item 5 (a), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- The Digital Nautical Chart - A Multi-Use
Data Base
- E/CONF.90/L.8, Agenda item 5 (g), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- The Vector Product Format: an overview
- E/CONF.90/L.9, Agenda item 5 (a), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Access to geographic names data sets on the Internet: developments in the United States since 1994: The GEOnet Names Server
- E/CONF.90/L.10, Agenda item 5 (a), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- GPS/GIS integrated systems to benefit all phases of aircraft navigation
- E/CONF.90/L.11, Agenda item 5 (h), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- The Inter-American Geospatial Data Network: developing a western hemisphere geospatial data clearing house
- E/CONF.90/L.12, Agenda item 5 (a), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Global vertical datum to survey accurate orthometric heights and depths
- E/CONF.90/L.13, Agenda item 5 (c), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Office of Coast Survey Chart Production Modernization
- E/CONF.90/L.14, Agenda item 5 (g), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- The U.S. national spatial data infrastructure
- E/CONF.90/L.15, Agenda item 5 (b), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Standards for the global spatial data infrastructure (GSDI)
- E/CONF.90/L.16, Agenda item 5 (b), Submitted by the United States
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- A geographic data framework for economic development
- E/CONF.90/L.17, Agenda item 5 (a), Submitted by the International Cartographic Association
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Cooperation between official mapping agencies in Europe
- E/CONF.90/L.18, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Comité Européen des responsables de la cartographie officielle
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- La Cartografia Cubana y el medio ambiente:logros y perspectivas en el umbral de las nuevas technológias
- E/CONF.90/L.19, Agenda item 5(f), Submitted by Cuba
- Spanish | English Abstract | French Abstract
- Informe sobre el estado y avances registrados por la actividad cartográfica en la republica Argentina
- E/CONF.90/L.20, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Argentina
- Spanish | English Abstract | French Abstract
- Progress of surveying and mapping in China, 1993-1997
- E/CONF.90/L.21, Agenda item 4, Submitted by China
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- La cartografia básica oficial de España: el mapa topográfico nacional a Escala 1:25,000
- E/CONF.90/L.22, Agenda item 5(c), Submitted by Spain
- Spanish | English Abstract | French Abstract
- International Cartographic Association: progress during 1991-1997
- E/CONF.90/L.23, Agenda item 4, Submitted by ICA
- English | French Abstract| Spanish Abstract
- Maps and mapping: the ICA vision of the future
- E/CONF.90/L.24, Agenda item 5(a), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English | French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Cartography at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics
- E/CONF.90/L.25, Agenda item 5(a), Submitted by Brazil
- English |French Abstract | Spanish Abstract
- Uniform, reliable map data sets for the Baltic Sea region (MapBSR Project)
- E/CONF.90/L.26, Agenda item 5(a), Submitted by Finland
- English | French Abstract| Spanish Abstract
- Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi
- E/CONF.90/INF/4, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Colombia
- English
- The Bogor Declaration on cadastral reform
- E/CONF.90/INF/5, Agenda item 5(d), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Strategic management of cadastral reform
- E/CONF.90/INF/6, Agenda item 5(d), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Mapping from space
- E/CONF.90/INF/7, Agenda item 5(e), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Implications of permanent GPS-arrays for the monitoring of geodetic reference frames
- E/CONF.90/INF/8, Agenda item 5(c), Submitted by Germany
- English
- The South American geocentric reference system
- E/CONF.90/INF/9, Agenda item 5(c), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Creation of multinational datasets: the MEGRIN experience
- E/CONF.90/INF/10, Agenda item 5(b), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Establishing digital cadastral maps in the state of Hessen
- E/CONF.90/INF/11, Agenda item 5(c), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Urban GIS issues
- E/CONF.90/INF/12, Agenda item 5(e), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Challenging changes in the world of spatial data handling: ITC’s new courses in geoinformatics
- E/CONF.90/INF/13, Agenda item 6, Submitted by the Netherlands
- English
- Activities of the United Nations Department for Development Support and Management Services
- E/CONF.90/INF/14, Agenda item 6, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Cartographic work in Japan, 1994-1996
- E/CONF.90/INF/15, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Japan
- English
- Technical cooperation in surveying, mapping and charting in Japan
- E/CONF.90/INF/16, Agenda item 6, Submitted by Japan
- English
- Towards the development of the Global Map
- E/CONF.90/INF/17, Agenda item 5(f), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Hydrography, nautical cartography and bathymetric mapping in the Americas
- E/CONF.90/INF/18, Agenda item 5(g), Submitted by the United States
- English
- Status of cartography in Kenya, 1994-1996
- E/CONF.90/INF/19, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Kenya)
- English
- Principales avances en materia cartográfica
- E/CONF.90/INF/20, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Mexico
- Spanish
- Country report on the current status of surveying, mapping and cartographic activities
- E/CONF.90/INF/21, Agenda item 4, Submitted by India)
- English
- Mapping in Russia: contemporary development
- E/CONF.90/INF/22, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Russia
- English
- Le service hydrographique et oceanographique de la marine
- E/CONF.90/INF/23, Agenda item 5(g), Submitted by France
- Spanish
- Instituto Geográfico Nacional
- E/CONF.90/INF/24, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Honduras
- Spanish
- Presentación de la modernización área cartográfica, catastral y geodésica de El Salvador
- E/CONF.90/INF/25, Agenda item 5(d), Submitted by Salvador
- Spanish
- Country report of Fiji
- E/CONF.90/INF/26, Agenda item 4, Submitted by Fiji
- English
- Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network
- E/CONF.90/INF/27, Agenda item 5(b), Submitted by the United States
- English
- Activities in the International Civil Aviation Organization
- E/CONF.90/INF/28, Agenda item 5(b), Submitted by ICAO
- English
- The Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.90/INF/29, Agenda item 4, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Draft provisional agenda for the Seventh United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas
- E/CONF.90/INF/30, Agenda item 7, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Report of the Fourteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 3-7 February 1997
- E/1997/52, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Interregional Seminar on Global Mapping for Implementation of Multinational Environmental Agreements
- A/S-19/7, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English