7th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas
22 - 26 January 2001, New York, United States

- Report of the Conference
- Report of the Secretary-General
- Provisional agenda
- Rules of procedure
- Documentation for the Conference
- List of documents
- E/CONF.93/INF.2, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- List of participants
- E/CONF.93/INF.3, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Mapping Services Branch, Natural Resources Canada
- E/CONF.93/L.1, Submitted by Canada
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Informe nacional de la Republica Argentina
- E/CONF.93/L.2, Submitted by Argentina
- Spanish
- Cooperation in the Baltic and Barents regions in joint database projects
- E/CONF.93/L.3, Submitted by Finland
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Project Cartosur I
- E/CONF.93/L.4, Submitted by Venezuela
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Ponencia del Presidente del IGV SB, Aspectos Institucionales
- E/CONF.93/L.5, Submitted by Venezuela
- English | French | Spanish
- Cooperación de Espana conlos paises Iberoamericanos en capacitación técnica relativa a materias cartograficas, sistémas de información georáfica, tratamiento digital de imágenes y technologias GPS
- E/CONF.93/L.6, Submitted by Spain
- Spanish | English (Abstract) | French (Abstract)
- Las actividades de la informacion geografica del Instituto Brasileno de Geografia y Estadistica
- E/CONF.93/L.7, Submitted by Brazil
- Spanish | English (Abstract) | French (Abstract)
- Technical cooperation in surveying, mapping and charting
- E/CONF.93/L.8, Submitted by Japan
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Cartographic work in Japan 1997-1999
- E/CONF.93/L.9, Submitted by Japan
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Experience at the fifteenth United Nations Regional
Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.93/L.10, Submitted by the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific
- English
- Surveying, mapping and charting in Sri Lanka
- E/CONF.93/L.11, Submitted by Sri Lanka
- English
- Education and the geospatial data infrastructure : a project-based
- E/CONF.93/L.12, Submitted by the Netherlands
- English
- Cartographic Development Index (CDI): international cartographic evaluation
- E/CONF.93/L.13, Submitted by Canada
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Activity of the Working Group on Gazetteers and Toponymic Data Files of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
- E/CONF.93/INF.4, Submitted by the United States
- English
- Promotion of the Global Map Project
- E/CONF.93/INF.5, Submitted by Japan
- English
- Training courses sponsored or sanctioned by the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names with special attention to the activity and description of the course in applied toponymy offered by the Pan-American Institute of Geography and History
- E/CONF.93/INF.6, Submitted by the United States
- English
- Informe nacional del servicio hidrografico y geodesico de la República de Cuba
- E/CONF.93/INF.7, Submitted by Cuba
- English
- The construction of a 1:50,000 dataset: a key component of China's national spatial data infrastructure
- E/CONF.93/INF.8, Submitted by China
- English
- Cross-border issues that support statistical data for geospatial and cartographic applications
- E/CONF.93/INF.9, Submitted by the United States
- English
- Standardization of geographical names and cartographic application
- E/CONF.93/INF.10, Submitted by the United States
- English
- Reporte nacional compilado por el INEGI
- E/CONF.93/INF.11, Submitted by Mexico
- English
- Global geographic information for United Nations operations
- E/CONF.93/INF.12, Submitted by the United Nations Department of Pubic Information, Cartographic Unit
- English
- Follow-up to the resolutions adopted by the sixth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas
- E/CONF.93/INF.13, Submitted by the Secretariat and the Permanent Committee on SDI for the Americas
- English
- Unified height reference system for the Americas
- E/CONF.93/INF.14, Submitted by Germany
- English
- Landsat 7: the first 14 months
- E/CONF.93/INF.15, Submitted by the United States
- English
- The national Atlas of the United States of America
- E/CONF.93/INF.16, Submitted by the United States
- English
- Report of the Special Working Group Meeting of Delegates and Experts of the United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference
- E/CONF.93/INF.17, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- The status of cartographic activities in the United States of America
- E/CONF.93/INF.18, Submitted by the United States
- English
- Partnering to enhance geospatial data access
- E/CONF.93/INF.19, Submitted by the United States
- English
- Informe sobre el estado actual de la cartografia básica de Colombia
- E/CONF.93/INF.20, Submitted by Colombia
- English
- Electronic navigational charts: status of production in the Americas
- E/CONF.93/INF.21, Submitted by the International Hydrographic Bureau
- English
- Shuttle radar topographic mission
- E/CONF.93/INF.22, Submitted by the United States
- English
- NIMA support to the Ecuador/Peru peace negotiations
- E/CONF.93/INF.23, Submitted by the United States
- English
- Spatial information management in Hamburg
- E/CONF.93/INF.24, Submitted by Germany
- English
- Geodata information system: a German perspective
- E/CONF.93/INF.25, Submitted by Germany
- English
- Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy of Germany
- E/CONF.93/INF.26, Submitted by Germany
- English
- United Kingdom Hydrographic Office: activities in the Caribbean
- E/CONF.93/INF.27, Submitted by the United Kingdom
- English
- A new organization for European geographic information
- E/CONF.93/INF.28, Submitted by Germany
- English
- Survey and mapping in Cyprus: the standardization of geographical names and cartography in Cyprus
- E/CONF.93/INF.29, Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- Geodata information system: a German perspective
- E/CONF.93/INF.25, Submitted by Germany
- English
- Importance of geographic names in a spatial data infrastructure
- E/CONF.93/B.P.1, Submitted by John R. Parker, Licensed Surveyor
- English
- SIRGAS and the geodetic network for the Americas
- E/CONF.93/B.P.2, Submitted by Sistema de Referéncia Geocéntro para a América do Sul
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Economic issues in the evolution of national geospatial data infrastructure
- E/CONF.93/B.P.3, Submitted by the International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- The World's (the Americas') mapping, geodetic control, remote sensing and geographic information systems, 2000
- E/CONF.93/BP.4, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Development in the acquisition of spatial data from imagery
- E/CONF.93/BP.5, Submitted by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Spatial information management in the twenty-first century
- E/CONF.93/BP.6, Submitted by the International Federation of Surveyors
- English
- The Malaysian digital cadastral database
- E/CONF.93/BP.7, Submitted by the ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying and Geomatics
- English
- Spatial standards as a basis for a sustainable geospatial data infrastructure
- E/CONF.93/BP.8, Submitted by ISO/TC 211
- English
- Land administration, spatial data infrastructure and sustainable development
- E/CONF.93/BP.9, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Land administration infrastructures for sustainable development
- E/CONF.93/BP.10, Submitted by the International Federation of Surveyors
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Global mapping and national mapping organizations at the turn of the Millennium: the challenge of a changing world
- E/CONF.93/BP.11, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Spatial data infrastructure and development: the World Bank approach
- E/CONF.93/BP.12, Submitted by the World Bank
- English
- Geotechnologies for global development
- E/CONF.93/BP.13, Submitted by the Spanish for Cartography, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Cartographic developments and challenges for dissemination of geospatial data
- E/CONF.93/BP.14, Submitted by the International Cartographic Association
- English
- Geospatial data dissemination: reality, obstacles and possibilities
- E/CONF.93/BP.15, Submitted by the International Cartographic Association
- English
- Role of the Permanent Committee on Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Americas
- E/CONF.93/BP.16, Submitted by the International Cartographic Association
- English | French (Abstract) | Spanish (Abstract)
- Development needs and institutional capacity-building
- E/CONF.93/BP.17, Submitted by the Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom
- English
- Acerca de datos fundamentale
- E/CONF.93/BP.18, Submitted by the Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia e Informatica
- English
- Spatial data infrastructure : a local-to-global view
- E/CONF.93/BP.19, Submitted by the Federal Geographic Data Committee
- English