13th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
9 - 18 May 1994, Beijing, China

- Report of the Conference
- Provisional agenda
- Draft Rules of Procedure
- Annotated provisional agenda
- Documentation for the Conference
- Advance information regarding general arrangements of interest to the participants
- Organizational Matters: Organization of work
- Provisional list of documents
- E/CONF.87/INF.5, Agenda item #3 (d), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English | French
- Provisional list of participants
- E/CONF.87/INF.6, Agenda item #3 (d), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English | French
- Draft report of the Conference
- E/CONF.87/INF.7, Agenda item #9, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English | French
- Development of surveying and mapping in China
during 1990-1994
- E/CONF.87/INF.8, Agenda item #4, Submitted by China
- English
- Legislation on surveying and mapping in China
- E/CONF.87/INF.9, Agenda item #5,, Submitted by China
- English
- Progress by surveying and mapping science
and technology in China
- E/CONF.87/INF.10, Agenda item #4, Submitted by China
- English
- Status and prospects of higher education in
surveying and mapping in China
- E/CONF.87/INF.11, Agenda item #6, Submitted by China
- English
- Compilation and publication of the National Atlas Series of China
- E/CONF.87/INF.12, Agenda item #5 (b), Submitted by China
- English
- National charting in China
- E/CONF.87/INF.13, Agenda item #5 (3), Submitted by China
- English
- New development of the National Fundamental
Geographical Information System
- E/CONF.87/INF.14, Agenda item #5 (3), Submitted by China
- English
- Application and development of GPS technology
in fundamental surveying and mapping work in China
- E/CONF.87/INF.15, Agenda item #5 (a), Submitted by China
- English
- Integrated utilization of remote sensing and
GISs in urban planning
- E/CONF.87/INF.16, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by China
- English
- Introducing GIS technology in city surveying
- E/CONF.87/INF.17, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by China
- English
- Development of school maps in China
- E/CONF.87/INF.18, Agenda item #5 (b), Submitted by China
- English
- Establishment of GPS crustal deformation
monitoring network in North China
- E/CONF.87/INF.19, Agenda item #5 (a), Submitted by China
- English
- Aspects of new technology (GIS and GPS) and hydrographic developments
- E/CONF.87/INF.20, Agenda item #4,, Submitted by Oman
- English
- Future activities on surveying and mapping of
Survey Department
- E/CONF.87/INF.21, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Nepal
- English
- New trends in technology and their applications: geodesy
- E/CONF.87/INF.22, Agenda item #5 (a), Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- The ASEAN GPS-project of the European Union
- E/CONF.87/INF.23, Agenda item #5 (a), Submitted by Germany
- English
- The geographic information market in Finland: EDI-based data services
- E/CONF.87/INF.24, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by Finland
- English
- Cartographic activities in Malaysia, 1990-1993
- E/CONF.87/INF.25, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Malaysia
- English
- Digital databases, geographical and land information systems: a Malaysian experience
- E/CONF.87/INF.26, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by Malaysia
- English
- Mapping in Australia: an overview
- E/CONF.87/INF.27, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Malaysia
- English
- The Australia Geographic Database Program: Geodata
- E/CONF.87/INF.28, Agenda item #5, Submitted by Australia
- English
- On the cartographic work and the future task of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
- E/CONF.87/INF.29, Agenda item #4, Submitted by the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea) - English
- E/CONF.87/INF.29, Agenda item #4, Submitted by the Democratic People’s Republic
- On the method of making a digital topographical
model of seabottom and topographical chart of changes by sounding data
- E/CONF.87/INF.30, Agenda item #5(b), Submitted by the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea - English
- E/CONF.87/INF.30, Agenda item #5(b), Submitted by the Democratic People’s Republic
- On the synthetic investigation surveying of
rivers and lakes (reservoirs) and compilation of specialized atlas
- E/CONF.87/INF.31, Agenda item #5 (b), Submitted by the Democratic People’s Republic
- English
- Survey and mapping activity in Indonesia,
- E/CONF.87/INF.32, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Indonesia
- English
- Country report, 1993
- E/CONF.87/INF.33, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Germany
- English
- International projects of the German GeoKart Enterprises
- E/CONF.87/INF.34, Agenda item #5 9b), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Availability of topographic and real estate
geo-informations in Germany
- E/CONF.87/INF.35, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by Germany
- English
- The contribution of Germany to the project
MEGRIN of the official mapping organizations of Europe
- E/CONF.87/INF.36, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Improvement of urban management by the
establishment of a land information system in Shanghai
- E/CONF.87/INF.37, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Mapping and surveying activities, 1991-1993
- E/CONF.87/INF.38, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Singapore
- English
- Land surveying and mapping activities
in Hong Kong
- E/CONF.87/INF.39, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Hong Kong
- English
- United Kingdom national report on cartographic
activities in Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.87/INF.40, Agenda item #4, Submitted by the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland - English
- E/CONF.87/INF.40, Agenda item #4, Submitted by the United Kingdom of Great
- Where next for government survey and mapping
- E/CONF.87/INF.41, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland - English
- E/CONF.87/INF.41, Agenda item #5 (d), Submitted by the United Kingdom of Great
- First examinations on the cartographic
potential of MOMS-02/D2 data
- E/CONF.87/INF.42, Agenda item #5 (c), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Mapping and remote sensing: the backbone
of environmental information systems in developing countries
- E/CONF.87/INF.43, Agenda item #5 (c), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Country report of the Republic of the
- E/CONF.87/INF.44, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Philippines
- English
- Macau: a new phase in development
- E/CONF.87/INF.45, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Portugal
- English
- 75 years of cartographic-geodetic service
of Russia
- E/CONF.87/INF.46, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Portugal
- English
- The surveyor, the environment and Agenda 21
- E/CONF.87/INF.47, Agenda item #7, Submitted by FIG
- English
- National report of the Republic of Korea surveying and mapping activities, 1991-1993
- E/CONF.87/INF.48, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Republic of Korea
- English
- Prospects and problems of earth remote sensing
- E/CONF.87/INF.49, Agenda item #5(c), Submitted by the Russian Federation
- English
- Cartographic activities in India
- E/CONF.87/INF.50, Agenda item #4, Submitted by India
- English
- Qatar's digital base map database
- E/CONF.87/L.1, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Qatar
- English
- Surveying and mapping activities in Mongolia
- E/CONF.87/L.2, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Mongolia
- English
- Accurate and detailed navigational charts : essential basis for maritime trade in East Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.87/L.3, Agenda item #5(e), Submitted by the International Hydrographic Bureau
- English
- Cartographic activities in Thailand
- Mapping applications of the global positioning systems on airborne platforms
- E/CONF.87/L.5, Agenda item #5(e), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- Implementing the spatial data transfer standard
- E/CONF.87/L.6, Agenda item #5(d), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- The U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure : continuing evolution
- E/CONF.87/L.7, Agenda item #5(d), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- The challenges of air traffic control graphics for the Advanced Automation System
- E/CONF.87/L.8, Agenda item #5(d), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- The Coast and Geodetic Survey's nautical chart rescheming plan
- E/CONF.87/L.9, Agenda item #5(e), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- Precise satellite survey results in revised position for the Northern Mariana Islands
- Cartographic activities in New Zealand, 1991-1994
- E/CONF.87/L.11, Agenda item #4, Submitted by New Zealand
- English
- New trends in technology and their applications
- E/CONF.87/L.12, Agenda item #5, Submitted by New Zealand
- English
- United Nations cartographic technical meeting
- E/CONF.87/L.13, Agenda item #7, Submitted by New Zealand
- English
- Divisional report of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names for Asia South-East and Pacific South-West Division
- Regional cooperation and transfer of technology
- New techniques in Swedish official surveying and mapping
- The status of cartographic activities in the United States of America
- E/CONF.87/L.17, Agenda item #4, Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- A new concept for defining and surveying time-variant bathymetry
- E/CONF.87/L.18, Agenda item #5(e), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- A product exchange format for the Defense Mapping Agency's vector products
- E/CONF.87/L.19, Agenda item #5(d), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- Department of Defense requirements for digital nautical chart data : a Defense Mapping Agency perspective
- E/CONF.87/L.20, Agenda item #5(e), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- The Global Geospatial Information and Services Initiative
- E/CONF.87/L.21, Agenda item #5(d), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- World geodetic system 1984 : a 3-dimensional reference frame for global mapping, charting and geodetic applications
- E/CONF.87/L.22, Agenda item #5(a), Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- Defense Mapping Agency technical assistance to international co-producers
- E/CONF.87/L.23, Agenda item #7, Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- Cartographic Work in Japan, 1990-1993
- E/CONF.87/WP.1, Agenda item #4, Submitted by Japan
- English
- Development of raster-based map revision method
for 1:25,000 scale topographic maps
- E/CONF.87/WP.2, Agenda item #5(b), Submitted by Japan
- English
- A draft proposal for global mapping
- E/CONF.87/WP.3, Agenda item #5(d), Submitted by Japan
- English
- The present situation on development of
electronic navigational chart of the
hydrographic department of Japan
- E/CONF.87/WP.4, Agenda item #5(e), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Preparation of "coastal information maps
against natural disasters"
- E/CONF.87/WP.5, Agenda item #5(e), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Report by the Government of Japan on technical
- E/CONF.87/WP.6, Agenda item #7, Submitted by Japan
- English
- New trends in hydrography / submitted by the Secretariat
- E/CONF.87/BP.1, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Technology transfer in the mapping sciences and
regional cooperation in the Asian and Pacific region
- E/CONF.87/BP.2, Agenda item #7, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Developing a national and regional geographic
data infrastructure
- E/CONF.87/BP.3, Agenda item #5(d), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- New developments in horizontal and vertical
geodetic surveying: the application of the Global Positioning System
- E/CONF.87/BP.4, Agenda item #5(a), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Gender and cartography
- E/CONF.87/BP.5, Agenda item #6, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Education and training in Cartography for
Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.87/BP.6, Agenda item #6, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Systems for data-processing analysis and
- E/CONF.87/BP.7, Agenda item #59d), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Cadastral surveying and mapping: new trends
in technology and their applications
- E/CONF.87/BP.8, Agenda item #5(b), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- The world’s mapping, geodetic control, remote
sensing and geographic information systems, 1993
- E/CONF.87/BP.9, Agenda item #5, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Corporate development and technology transfer
- E/CONF.87/BP.10, Agenda item #7, Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- From analog to digital
- E/CONF.87/BP.11, Agenda item #5(c), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- The Department for Development Support and
Management Services of the United Nations Secretariat technical cooperation activities
for surveying, mapping, charting and remote sensing in the Asian and Pacific region
- E/CONF.87/CRP.1, Agenda item #5(c), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English