14th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
3 - 7 February 1997, Bangkok, Thailand

- Report of the Conference
- United Nations Sales Publication, E.97.I.12 (1997), E/CONF.89/5
- English
- Provisional agenda
- Provisional rules of procedure
- List of documents
- E/CONF.89/3
- English
- List of participants
- E/CONF.89/4
- English
- Documentation for the Conference
- Building a production system to support the National Digital Orthophoto Program : an integration challenge
- E/CONF.89/INF/2 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by United States of America
- English
- Recent experience in mapping land cover from AVHRR data : People's Republic of China test sites
- E/CONF.89/INF/3 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by United States of America
- English
- Standards for the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI)
- E/CONF.89/INF/4 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by United States of America
- English
- The Digital Nautical Chart-A Multi-Use Data Base
- E/CONF.89/INF/5 - Agenda item #6 (g), Submitted by United States of America
- English
- The U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure
- E/CONF.89/INF/6 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by United States of America
- English
- The Vector Product Format, an overview
- E/CONF.89/INF/7 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by United States of America
- English
- Time-Invariant Bathymetry : a new concept to define and survey it using GPS
- E/CONF.89/INF/8 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by United States of America
- English
- National Electronic and Multimedia Atlases : a new cartographic product for the information era
- The significance and results of permanent GPS arrays
- E/CONF.89/INF/10 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Harmonization of national contributions to a dataset of European administrative boundaries
- E/CONF.89/INF/11 - Agenda item #6 (b), Submitted by Germany
- English
- The official topographic cartographic information system ATKIS
- E/CONF.89/INF/12 - Agenda item #6 (b), Submitted by Germany
- English
- The survey and cadastral administration of Lower Saxony (Germany)
- E/CONF.89/INF/13 - Agenda item #6 (c), Submitted by Germany
- English
- Mapping from space
- E/CONF.89/INF/14 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Germany
- English
- The contribution of Germany to technical cooperation in mapping and GIS
- E/CONF.89/INF/15 - Agenda item #9, Submitted by Germany
- English
- Integration of 3S Technologies; Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS
- E/CONF.89/INF/16 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Report on the contribution of surveying, mapping and charting to support the implementation of Agenda 21
- E/CONF.89/INF/17 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Australia
- English
- International Cartographic Association progress during 1991-1995
- E/CONF.89/INF/18 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by the United Nations Secretariat
- English
- Activities of the United Nations Department for Development Support and Management Services
- E/CONF.89/INF/19 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by the United Nations Secretariat
- English
- Activities of the International Society for Photogrammertry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
- E/CONF.89/INF/20 - Agenda item #9, Submitted by ISPRS
- English
- The status of cartographic activities in the Commonwealth of Australia
- E/CONF.89/INF/21 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by Australia
- English
- Cartography in transition: a challenge to the national mapping organizations of developing countries
- E/CONF.89/INF/22 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by the United Nations Secretariat
- English
- Country report
- E/CONF.89/INF/23 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by the Republic of Korea
- English
- National Geographic Information System (NGIS) Master Plan in Korea
- E/CONF.89/INF/24 - Agenda item #8, Submitted by the Republic of Korea
- English
- The Bogor Declaration: The United Nations Interregional Meeting of Experts on the Cadastre, Bogor, Indonesia, 18-22 March 1996
- E/CONF.89/INF/25 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by the United Nations Secretariat
- English
- Cartographic work in Japan 1993-1996
- E/CONF.89/INF/26 - Agenda item #8, Submitted by Japan
- English
- Technical cooperation in surveying, mapping and charting (National report)
- E/CONF.89/INF/27 - Agenda item #9, Submitted by Japan
- English
- Progress of global mapping activities and its future
- E/CONF.89/INF/28 - Agenda item #6 (a), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Importance of the Interregional Seminar on Global Mapping for the Implementation of Multinational Environmental Agreements
- E/CONF.89/INF/29 - Agenda item #6 (a), Submitted by Japan
- English
- The nationwide GPS Network System and the integration of the coordinate systems in Japan
- E/CONF.89/INF/30 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Establishment of GIS infrastructure and related activities in Japan
- E/CONF.89/INF/31 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Relations with the Public: various type of access to geographic information
- E/CONF.89/INF/32 - Agenda item #6 (b), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Cadastral survey in Japan
- E/CONF.89/INF/33 - Agenda item #6 (c), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Development of the Electric Navigational Chart in Japan
- E/CONF.89/INF/34 - Agenda item #6 (g), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Basic map of the sea in continental shelf areas (the east of Nansei-shoto) at a scale of 1/1,000,000
- E/CONF.89/INF/35 - Agenda item #6 (g), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Application of earth observation data to mapping
- E/CONF.89/INF/36 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Strategic management of cadastral reform
- E/CONF.89/INF/37 - Agenda item #6 (c), Submitted by the Secretariat)
- English
- Country report on cartographic activities in Thailand 1994-1996
- E/CONF.89/INF/38 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by Thailand
- English
- Report of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names: Asia South East and Pacific South West Division
- E/CONF.89/INF/39 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by Asia South East and Pacific South West Division
- English
- Margins Geographical Data Description Directory
- E/CONF.89/INF/40 - Agenda item #6 (b), Submitted by France
- English
- Malaysian cadastral reforms
- E/CONF.89/INF/41 - Agenda item #6 (c), Submitted by Malaysia
- English
- National report on mapping activities in Malaysia 1994-1996
- E/CONF.89/INF/42 - Agenda item #5), Submitted by Malaysia
- English
- Initiatives of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) in the implementation of Agenda 21
- E/CONF.89/INF/43 - Agenda item #6 (b), Submitted by ICA
- English
- Surveying, mapping and charting activities 1994-1996
- E/CONF.89/INF/44 - Agenda item #6 (g), Submitted by Singapore
- English
- The role of surveying and mapping non-governmental organizations and their relationships with national Governments
- E/CONF.89/INF/45 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by International Federation of Surveyors)
- English
- National report
- E/CONF.89/INF/46 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by Iran
- English
- Country report
- E/CONF.89/INF/47 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by Indonesia
- English
- Report on cartographic activities in New Zealand
- E/CONF.89/INF/48 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by New Zealand
- English
- Status of mapping in Nepal
- E/CONF.89/INF/49 - Agenda item #5), Submitted by Nepal
- English
- Policy and development
- E/CONF.89/INF/50 - Agenda item #6 (c), Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- Airborne laser scanning: a new remote sensing method for terrain mapping
- E/CONF.89/INF/51 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Germany
- English
- National topographic and cartographic database for geographic information systems (GIS)
- E/CONF.89/INF/52 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Cyprus
- English
- Report on the outcome of economic reforms on national survey activities in New Zealand from 1996 to 1997
- E/CONF.89/INF/53 - Agenda item #8, Submitted by New Zealand
- English
- The impact of automated cartography and prepress operations on future cartographers
- E/CONF.89/INF/54 - Agenda item #6 (f), Submitted by United States
- English
- Challenging changes in the world of spacial data handling: ITC's new course in geoinformatics
- E/CONF.89/INF/55 - Agenda item #6 (f), Submitted by Netherlands
- English
- Report of the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.89/INF/56 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by Permanent Committee
- English
- GIS standardization aspects in GIS infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.89/INF/57 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Iran
- English
- Geo-information infrastructure in Iran
- E/CONF.89/INF/58 - Agenda item #8, Submitted by Iran
- English
- Some Australian land information activities that contribute to the objectives of Agenda 21, the Forest Principles and other Conventions
- E/CONF.89/INF/59 - Agenda item #6 (h), Submitted by Australia
- English
- Country report on the current status of surveying, mapping and cartographic activities
- E/CONF.89/INF/60 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by India
- English
- Draft provisional agenda for the Fifteenth Conference
- E/CONF.89/INF/61 - Agenda item #10, Submitted by the United Nations Secretariat
- English
- Status of cartographic activities in the United States of America
- E/CONF.89/L.1 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by the United States of America
- English | Abstract in English | Abstract in French
- On the national spatial data infrastructure of China
- E/CONF.89/L.2 - Agenda item #8, Submitted by China
- English
- Review and prospect of geodetic survey in China
- E/CONF.89/L.3 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by China
- English
- An integrated crustal movement monitoring network in China
- E/CONF.89/L.4 - Agenda item #6 (a), Submitted by China
- English
- Status of China's surveying and mapping legislation
- E/CONF.89/L.5 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by China
- English
- Comments on the contribution of surveying, mapping and charting to support the implementation of Agenda 21
- E/CONF.89/L.6 - Agenda item #6, Submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran
- English
- Access to geographic names data sets on the Internet : developments in the United States since 1994 ; the GEOnet Names Server
- E/CONF.89/L.7 - Agenda item #5, Submitted by the United States of America
- English
- Draft report of the Conference: work of Committee II
- E/CONF.89/L.8- Agenda item #11
- English
- Draft report of the Conference: work of Committee III
- E/CONF.89/L.8/Add.1 - Agenda item #11
- English
- Draft report of the Conference: work of Committee I
- E/CONF.89/L.8/Add.2 - Agenda item #11
- English
- Draft report of the Conference: opening of the organization
- E/CONF.89/L.8/Add.3 - Agenda item #11
- English
- Draft report of the Conference: plenary session
- E/CONF.89/L.8/Add.4 - Agenda item #11
- English
- Draft resolutions
- E/CONF.89/L.9 - Agenda item #11
- English
- Draft resolutions (version 2)
- E/CONF.89/L..9/Rev.1 - Agenda item #11
- English
- Proposal for the establishment of technical committees
- E/CONF.89/CRP.1 - Agenda item #4 (c), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English