15th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
11-14 April 2000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

- Report of the Conference
- Provisional agenda
- E/CONF.92/INF/1, Agenda item #4(b), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- Provisional rules of procedure
- E/CONF.92/INF/2, Agenda item #4(a), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- List of documents
- E/CONF.92/INF/3 (Rev.1), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- List of participants
- E/CONF.92/INF/4 (Rev.1), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- List of participants
- E/CONF.92/INF/4 (Rev.2), Submitted by the Secretariat
- English
- GIS activities, 1997-1999
- E/CONF.92/L.1, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Singapore
- English
- Development of surveying and mapping in China during 1997-2000
- E/CONF.92/L.2, Agenda item #6, Submitted by China
- English
- Construction of national spatial data (NSD) infrastructure in China
- E/CONF.92/L.3, Agenda item #6, Submitted by China
- English
- Application of geospatial data in China
- E/CONF.92/L.4, Agenda item #6, Submitted by China
- English
- National fundamental geographical information production base of Sichuan
- E/CONF.92/L.5, Agenda item #6, Submitted by China
- English
- Progress of GPS positioning in China
- E/CONF.92/L.6, Agenda item #6, Submitted by China
- English
- Technical cooperation in surveying,
mapping, and charting
- E/CONF.92/L.7, Agenda item #6, Submitted by China
- English
- Cartographic work in Japan 1997-1999
- E/CONF.92/L.8, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Japan
- English
- Promotion of the Global Mapping Project
- E/CONF.92/L.9, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Japan
- English
- PCGIAP Executive Board report
- E/CONF.92/L.10, Agenda item #5, Submitted by PCGIAP
- English
- Working Group I report: regional geodetic
- E/CONF.92/L.11, Agenda item #5, Submitted by PCGIAP
- English
- Working Group I report: regional geodetic
- E/CONF.92/L.11a, Agenda item #5, Submitted by PCGIAP
- English
- Working Group II report: regional fundamental data status report for the sixth PCGIAP meeting, Kuala Lumpur
- E/CONF.92/L.12, Agenda item #5, Submitted by PCGIAP
- English
- Working Group II report: regional fundamental data summary report on analysis of regional fundamental data sets
questionnaire- E/CONF.92/L.13, Agenda item #5, Submitted by PCGIAP
- English
- Development Needs Taskforce status report
- E/CONF.92/L.14, Agenda item #5, Submitted by PCGIAP
- English
- Statutes of the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.92/L.15, Agenda item #5, Submitted by PCGIAP
- English
- Report on resolutions of the Fourteenth
United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.92/L.16, Agenda item #7 and 8, Submitted by PCGIAP
- English
- Country report for Australia
- E/CONF.92/L.17, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Australia
- English
- Country report on cartographic activities in New Zealand
- E/CONF.92/L.18, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Australia
- English
- Country report on the current status of
surveying, mapping and cartographic activities: India
- E/CONF.92/L.19, Agenda item #6, Submitted by India)
- English
- Greetings from International Organization for Standardization/Technical Committee (ISO/TC) 211 to the Fifteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.92/L.20, Agenda item #6, Submitted by International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- English
- Country report on the Fifteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.92/L.21, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Brunei Darussalam
- English
- Country report on the implementation of the
resolutions of the Fourteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.92/L.22, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Indonesia)
- English
- Country reports, April 2000
- E/CONF.92/L.23, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Republic of Korea
- English
- Brief information of the Mongolian Spatial
Data Infrastructure
- E/CONF.92/L.24, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Mongolia
- English
- Country report on the current status of surveying, mapping and cartographic activities, 1996-1999
- E/CONF.92/L.25, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Thailand
- English
- Status of cartographic activities: Fiji’s experiences
- E/CONF.92/L.26, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Fiji
- English
- Spatial data infrastructure and geoinformation engineering: Germany’s
approach and experiences
- E/CONF.92/L.27, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Germany
- English
- Geodata and information systems A German Perspective
- E/CONF.92/L.28, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Germany
- English
- A new geodetic datum and related changes for Japanese nautical charts
- E/CONF.92/L.29, Agenda item #9(h), Submitted by Japan
- English
- Present status of electronic navigational charts and paper charts produced in Japan
- E/CONF.92/L.30, Agenda item #9(h), Submitted by Japan)
- English
- Country report of the Russian Federation
- E/CONF.92/L.31, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Russian Federation
- English
- Surveying and mapping in the Philippines
- E/CONF.92/L.32, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Philippines
- English
- Present status of survey development of
- E/CONF.92/L.33, Agenda item #6, Submitted by Nepal
- English
- Draft report of the Fifteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.92/L.34, Agenda item #12
- English
- Provisional agenda for the Sixteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- Fundamental data: draft resolution
- Institutional strengthening: draft resolution
- Regional geodetic infrastructure: draft resolution submitted by Technical
- Bathurst Declaration on Land Administration for Sustainable Development: draft resolution
- Establishment of a working group on the cadastre: draft resolution
- Economic aspects of modern surveying, mapping, geospatial data infrastructure and and administration programmes: draft resolution
- E/CONF.92/L.41, Agenda item #9, Submitted by Technical Committee I
- English
- Promotion of national and regional
geographical names standardization programmes: draft resolution
- E/CONF.92/L.42, Agenda item #9, Submitted by Technical Committee V
- English
- Cooperation with the United Nations
Geographic Database initiative: draft
resolution- E/CONF.92/L.43, Agenda item #9, Submitted by the President of the Conference
- English
- Vote of thanks: draft resolution
- E/CONF.92/L.44, Agenda item #9, Submitted by by the Secretary of PCGIAP
- English
- Sustainable development as a global trend
- E/CONF.92/BP.1, Agenda item #9 (i), Submitted by Division for Sustainable Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat
- English
- The global spatial data infrastructure and emerging nations: challenges and
opportunities for global cooperation
- E/CONF.92/BP.2, Agenda item #9 (i), Submitted by Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI
- English
- International Steering Committee for
Global Mapping: current status and future
plans and challenges
- E/CONF.92/BP.3, Agenda item #9 (i), Submitted by the International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM)
- English
- The United Nations International
Federation of Surveyors Bathurst Declaration on Land
Administration for Sustainable Development
- E/CONF.92/BP.4, Agenda item #9 (d), Submitted by the International Federation of Surveyors
- English
- Powerpoint presentation
- E/CONF.92/BP.4a, Agenda item #9 (d), Submitted by the International Federation of Surveyors
- English
- Formation of the Permanent Committee on
Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Americas
- E/CONF.92/BP.5, Agenda item #9 (i), Submitted by Colombia
- English
- Geographical names and the Asia and the
Pacific Spatial Data Infrastructure (APSDI)
- E/CONF.92/BP.6, Agenda item #9 (a), Submitted by the the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
(UNGEGN) - English
- E/CONF.92/BP.6, Agenda item #9 (a), Submitted by the the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
- The role of the Regional Space
Applications Programme for Sustainable Development (RESAP) in the Asia and the
Pacific Spatial Data Infrastructure (APSDI)
- E/CONF.92/BP.7, Agenda item #9 (k), Submitted by Environment and Natural Resources Development Division,
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)) - English
- E/CONF.92/BP.7, Agenda item #9 (k), Submitted by Environment and Natural Resources Development Division,
- Surveying issues and challenges for the
twenty-first century
- E/CONF.92/BP.8, Agenda item #9 (k), Submitted by the International Federation of Surveyors
- English
- Leading-edge cartographic developments
and challenges
- E/CONF.92/BP.9, Agenda item #9 (k), Submitted by the the International Cartographic Association
- English
- The role of the International Association of
Geodesy (IAG) in densification of global
geodetic networks- E/CONF.92/BP.10, Agenda item #9 (m), Submitted by the International Association of Geodesy
- English
- Powerpoint presentation
- E/CONF.92/BP.10a, Agenda item #9 (m), Submitted by the International Federation of Surveyors
- English
- Corporatization of national mapping
agencies: challenges and opportunities
- E/CONF.92/BP.11, Agenda item #9 (k), Submitted by the International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC)
- English
- World Bank support for land-related
projects in developing countries :experiences and implications for
international cooperation- E/CONF.92/BP.12, Agenda item #9 (l), Submitted by the the World Bank
- English
- The role of geographical information in JICA programmes across the Asia and the
Pacific region
- E/CONF.92/BP.13, Agenda item #9 (m)
- English
- GIS development and challenges in Pacific
island nations
- E/CONF.92/BP.14, Agenda item #9
- English
- Cadastral workshop and Powerpoint
- E/CONF.92/BP.15, Agenda item #9
- English
- Powerpoint presentation
- E/CONF.92/BP.15a, Agenda item #9
- English
- Background document for the Fifteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.92/BP.16, Agenda item #9
- English