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Cayman Islands

CountryStatistical AgencyInstitutionMaria Zingapan, Director
Economics and Statistics Office
Government Administration Building
Elgin Avenue, Grand Cayman KY1-9000
Cayman Islands, British West Indies
Tel: (345) 244-1619
FAX: (345) 949-8782

 Legal FrameworkStatistical LawStatistical Law, The Statistics Regulations, 2010
 Strategic FrameworkNSDS/Statistical Master PlanEconomic and Statistics Office Strategic Plan 2007-2011
 Projects/Programmes2008 SNA Implementation Programme (ISWGNA)2008 SNA
  STATCAP (World Bank)Building Statistical Capacity to Monitor Development Progress
  TFSCB (World Bank)Support for Caricom Cooperation Activities in Statistics
 DataCSO WebsiteEconomic Report
 Statistical StandardsNational Accounts Methodology1993 System of National Accounts
  National Accounts Base Year2007
  Balance of Payments ManualBPM5
  CPI Base Year2008
UNSDRelevant DocumentsDevelopment of National Statistical SystemsDNSS
  MDG ReportThe status of demographic and health related MDGS in Caribbean, MDG Progress
   MDG Progress
 DataCountry ProfileUNdata
  National AccountsAMA
  UN-NAQ Latest Submission2007
  UN-NAQ MRDS3 tables
IMFRelevant DocumentsDQAF/ROSCDQAF
   New Initiatives
  GDDS/SDDSExperience from GDDS Compliance
 DataWorld Economic OutlookWEO
World BankRelevant DocumentsPRSPPRSP
   PRSP Strategies
 DataCountry DataCayman Islands
EurostatRelevant DocumentsStrategy PaperEU Relations with Cayman Island
   EU and Cayman Islands
Paris 21 National Strategies for the Development of StatisticsParis 21
   NSDS Report 2010
   NSDS Report 2008
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