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Syrian Arab Republic

CountryStatistical AgencyInstitutionChafik Arbach
General Director
Central Bureau of Statistics
Nizar Kabbani Street
Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic

 Legal FrameworkStatistical LawCBS was established under the respective legislative decree
 Relevant DocumentsDevelopment Plan5yrPlan
 Projects/Programmes2008 SNA Implementation Programme (ISWGNA)2008 SNA
  IBRD/IDA (World Bank),,contentMDK:20100851~menuPK:244214~pagePK:229544~piPK:229605~theSitePK:239427,00.html
  TFSCB (World Bank)TFSCB
 DataCSO WebsiteSyrian Arab Republic in figures
 Statistical StandardsNational Accounts Methodology1993 System of National Accounts
  National Accounts Base Year2000
  Balance of Payments ManualBPM5
  Government Finance Accounting ConceptGFSM86
  CPI Base Year2005
UNSDRelevant DocumentsDevelopment of National Statistical SystemsDNSS
  MDG Report2005
 DataCountry ProfileUNdata
  National AccountsAMA
  UN-NAQ Latest Submission2007
  UN-NAQ MRDS6 tables
  HFI DataNo
IMFRelevant DocumentsCountry Report2009
 DataWorld Economic OutlookWEO
World Bank Country DataSyrian Arab Republic
EurostatRelevant DocumentsStrategy PaperSyrian Arab Republic-EU strategy paper
Paris 21 National Strategies for the Development of StatisticsParis 21
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