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Turks and Caicos Islands

CountryStatistical AgencyInstitutionDepartment of Economic Planning and Statistics
South Base, Grand Turk
Turks and Caicos ISlands, B.W.I.
 Relevant DocumentsDevelopment PlanCountry Programme for 2004-2008
 Projects/Programmes2008 SNA Implementation Programme (ISWGNA)2008 SNA
  STATCAP (World Bank)Building Statistical Capacity to Monitor Development Progress, STATCAP
  TFSCB (World Bank)Support for Caricom Cooperation Activities in Statistics
 DataCSO WebsiteTurks and Caicos Islands in figures
 Statistical StandardsNational Accounts Methodology1993 System of National Accounts
  National Accounts Base Year2000
UNSDRelevant DocumentsDevelopment of National Statistical SystemsDNSS
  MDG ReportThe status of demographic and health related MDGS in Caribbean
 DataNational AccountsAnanlysis of Main Aggregates
  UN-NAQ Latest Submission2007
  UN-NAQ MRDS5 tables
IMFRelevant DocumentsDQAF/ROSCDQAF
   New Initiatives
  GDDS/SDDSExperience from GDDS Compliance
   PRSP Strategies
Eurostat Strategy PaperEU and Turks and Caicos Islands Cooperation
   EU Relations with Turks and Caicos Islands
   EU and Turks and Caicos Islands
Paris 21 National Strategies for the Development of StatisticsParis 21
   NSDS Report 2010
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