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Statistical System Information

The statistical system information brings together relevant documents on economic policy and statistical capacity building of countries that are available on the web sites of the ISWGNA member organisations and other development partners. The documents on economic policy and statistical capacity building are important building blocks for establishing goals regarding the relevant scope and detail of the national accounts and supporting statistics required to inform policy and decision making needs.

Country Report

Based on this assessment countries are able to develop goals regarding the relevant scope and detail of the national accounts and supporting statistics required to inform policy and decision making needs. These goals (or vision) need to be set in consultation with all relevant stakeholders in the national statistical system. A plan, based on the self assessment, identifying a set of actions to accomplish statistical and institutional goals is an important step to establish a road map for the implementation of the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics and is instrumental in the improvement of the statistical agenda to ensure adherence to best practices in official statistics.

Countries are encouraged to submit the assessment of their statistical systems and implementation plans to the UNSD for posting on this website to facilitate the coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the 2008 SNA.

   Statistical System Information
 Statistical System Information
   Country Report
 Not yet available
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