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National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables


National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables contains detailed national accounts data for most countries and areas of the world. The national data for each country and area are presented in separate chapters using uniform table headings and classifications recommended in the United Nations System of National Accounts. The first National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables yearbook was first published in 1958 and contained data for 70 countries and territories. The most recent yearbook contains data for more than 200 countries and territories.

Data availability varies across countries and fiscal years as not all UN member countries are able to provide a complete set of data. Our data availability table systematically provides information on the availability of data for each country and yearbook table in our database. The data availability 2023 Yearbook table provides the information for the 12 year period covered by the yearbook.

To download the electronic version or to order the latest print version of the National Accounts Statistics: Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables publication visit our National Accounts Publications page. The data can also be obtained on the UNSD website from UNdata.
United Nations National Accounts Questionnaire

Data collection is based on the UN National Accounts Questionnaire (NAQ) and contains the following sequence of tables. A summary of the conceptual framework of the 1993 SNA and definitions of important terms are also included.

This is a sample chapter of a country, which provided the UN with a set of national accounts data.

The series numbers displayed in the publication refer to the published data series versions. A series note at the top of each table describes the characteristics of each series, i.e. the SNA system used in compilation, the currency, and the type of fiscal year.

Supporting Booklet and Guidelines for the Notes on National Accounts Methodology
The Supporting Booklet contains the instructions, descriptions and explanations of the data tables included in the questionnaire, and the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) glossary of terms. The Guidelines for the Notes on National Accounts Methodology contains the instructions regarding the sources and compilation methodology of GDP by expenditure, production and income as well as the compilation of Integrated Accounts Tables.

To download the Supporting Booklet, please click on the links below.

دعم كتيب
Supporting Booklet
Brochure Explicative
Guía complementaria

To download the Guidelines for Notes on National Accounts Methodology, please click on the links below.

المبادئ التوجيهية بشأن الملاحظات المتعلقة بمنهجية الحسابات القومية
Guidelines for Notes on National Accounts Methodology
Directives pour la rédaction des notes méthodologiques de comptabilité nationale
Руководящие принципы подготовки примечаний по методологии составления национальных счетов
Directrices sobre las notas relativas a la metodología para preparar las cuentas nacionales
Customized data downloads (1946-2023) upon request
Order details
Sequence of tables
Based on availability of official data, the following sequence of tables is displayed for each country:
Table 1.1.Gross domestic product by expenditures at current prices
Table 1.2.Gross domestic product by expenditures at constant prices
Table 1.3.Relations among product, income, savings and net lending aggregates at current prices
Table 2.1.Value added by industries at current prices (ISIC Rev.3)
Table 2.2.Value added by industries at constant prices (ISIC Rev.3)
Table 2.3.Output, gross value added and fixed assets by industries at current prices(ISIC Rev.3)
Table 2.4.Value added by industries at current prices (ISIC Rev.4)
Table 2.5.Value added by industries at constant prices (ISIC Rev.4)
Table 2.6.Output, gross value added and fixed assets by industries at current prices (ISIC Rev.4)
Table 3.1.Government final consumption expenditure by function at current prices
Table 3.2.Individual consumption expenditure of households, NPISHs, and general government at current prices
Table 4.1.Total Economy (S.1) at current prices
Table 4.2.Rest of the world (S.2) at current prices
Table 4.3.Non-financial Corporations (S.11) at current prices
Table 4.4.Financial Corporations (S.12) at current prices
Table 4.5.General Government (S.13) at current prices
Table 4.6.Households (S.14) at current prices
Table 4.7.Non-profit institutions serving households (S.15) at current prices
Table 4.8.Combined Sectors: Non-Financial and Financial Corporations (S.11 + S.12) at current prices
Table 4.9.Combined Sectors: Households and NPISH (S.14 + S.15) at current prices
Table 5.1.Cross classification of Gross value added by industries and institutional sectors at current prices (ISIC Rev.3)
Table 5.2.Cross classification of Gross value added by industries and institutional sectors at current prices (ISIC Rev.4)

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