8th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas
27 June - 1 July 2005, New York, United States

- Report of the Conference
- Provisional Agenda
- E/CONF.96/1 - Agenda item 4(b)
- English
- Rules of Procedure
- Documentation for the Conference
- E/CONF.96/INF.1
- English
- Provisional list of Documents
- E/CONF.96/INF.2
- English
- Provisional list of Participants
- E/CONF.96/INF.3
- English
- Country Report of Germany
- E/CONF.96/CRP.1, Submitted by Germany - Agenda item 5
- English
- The development of a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (GDI-DE) in Germany
- E/CONF.96/CRP.2, Submitted by Germany - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- Informe Nacional Servicio Hidrografico y Geodesico de la Republica de Cuba
- E/CONF.96/CRP.3, Submitted by Cuba - Agenda item 5
- English
- Estados Unidos Mexicanos-Principales avances en material
- E/CONF.96/CRP.4, Submitted by Mexico - Agenda item 5
- English
- Country Report of Sri Lanka
- E/CONF.96/CRP.5, Submitted by Sri Lanka - Agenda item 5
- English
- Geo-spatial data activities in the United Arab Emirates
- E/CONF.96/CRP.6, Submitted by United Arab Emirates - Agenda item 5
- English
- Cartographic Work in Japan 2000-2005
- E/CONF.96/CRP.7, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 5
- English
- Technical Cooperation in Surveying, Mapping and Charting by Japan
- E/CONF.96/CRP.8, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- The New Geodetic Reference System of Japan -its adoption and application to our products -
- E/CONF.96/CRP.9, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 8(c)
- English
- Promotion of Global Mapping Project
- E/CONF.96/CRP.10, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 8(b)
- English
- Geospatial services in Northern Germany
- E/CONF.96/CRP.11, Submitted by Germany - Agenda item 8(c)
- English
- MesoAmerican-Caribbean Sea Hydrographic Commission (MACHC) Electronic Chart Working Group
- E/CONF.96/CRP.12, Submitted by United States of America - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- United States and Mexico Corporative Hydrographic Survey and Charting Projects
- E/CONF.96/CRP.13, Submitted by United States of America - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- Coral Reef - Electronic Chart Initiative: Protecting Corals, Saving Ships
- E/CONF.96/CRP.14, Submitted by United States of America - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- Current Status of Surveying, Charting and Mapping at the National Level
- E/CONF.96/CRP.15, Submitted by Australia - Agenda item 5
- English
- Country Report of the United States of America
- E/CONF.96/CRP.16, Submitted by United States of America - Agenda item 5
- English
- USA Cartographic Response to the Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 26, 2004-Preliminary Report
- E/CONF.96/CRP.17, Submitted by United States of America - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- Country Report of Saudi Arabia (Overview over the activities of the generaldirectorate for surveying and mapping and its future perspectives)
- E/CONF.96/CRP.18, Submitted by Saudi Arabia - Agenda item 5
- English
- The Overhaul of the Land Information System in Finland
- E/CONF.96/CRP.19, Submitted by Finland - Agenda item 5
- English
- Informe de Colombia
- E/CONF.96/CRP.20, Submitted by Colombia - Agenda item 5
- English
- Integrated Earth Observations for Sustainable Development
- E/CONF.96/IP.1, Submitted by United States of America - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Americas: developments and challenges
- E/CONF.96/IP.2, Submitted by PC-IDEA - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- Regional and National Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Americas: institutional and capacity building issues
- E/CONF.96/IP.3, Submitted by Pan America Institute for Geography and History (PAIGH) - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
- E/CONF.96/IP.4, Submitted by The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- Global Mapping and Spatial Data Infrastructure - Development and Challenges for Dissemination of Geospatial Data -
- E/CONF.96/IP.5, Submitted by The International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM) - Agenda item 8(a)
- Paper in English || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- Spatial Data economic issues in the Americas: Mexico SDI as an example
- E/CONF.96/IP.6, Submitted by Mexico - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- A National Partnership to Develop the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI)
- E/CONF.96/IP.7, Submitted by Canada - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- Spatial data economic issues in the Americas; the World Bank Approach
- E/CONF.96/IP.8, Submitted by The World Bank - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- Global Poverty Mapping in Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
- E/CONF.96/IP.9, Submitted by FAO - Agenda item 8(a)
- English
- High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data and Spatial Data Infrastructure Development
- E/CONF.96/IP.10, Submitted by The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) - Agenda item 8(b)
- Paper in English || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- Cartography and geo-information science: an integrated approach
- E/CONF.96/IP.11, Submitted by The International Cartographic Association (ICA) - Agenda item 8(b)
- English
- Supporting Capacity Development for Sustainable Land Administration Infrastructures
- E/CONF.96/IP.12, Submitted by The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) - Agenda item 8(b)
- English
- Global Spatial Data Infrastructure - Recent Developments and Future Challenges
- E/CONF.96/IP.13, Submitted by Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI)) - Agenda item 8(b)
- English
- Making the SDI concept relevant to Asia-Pacific countries-the PCGIAP experience
- E/CONF.96/IP.14, Submitted by The Permanent Committee for GIS Infrastructure for Asia & the Pacific (PCGIAP) and Australia - Agenda item 8(b)
- English
- EuroGlobal Map-Digital database covering Europe
- E/CONF.96/IP.15, Submitted by Finland - Agenda item 8(b)
- English
- El Projecto Internacional SIRGAS: estado actual y objetivos futuros
- E/CONF.96/IP.16, Submitted by Brazilian Insitute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) - Agenda item 8(b)
- Paper in Spanish || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- Developing the spatial data infrastructure of Great Britain
- E/CONF.96/IP.17, Submitted by Great Britain Ordnance Survey - Agenda item 8(b)
- English
- Activites and Experiences of Brazil in the field of Cartography
- E/CONF.96/IP.18, Submitted by Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) - Agenda item 8(c)
- Paper in English || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- EuroGeoNames-the vision of integrated geographical names data within a European SDI
- E/CONF.96/IP.19, Submitted by Germany - Agenda item 8(c)
- Paper in English || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- l' Infrastructure d'information spatiale est une prioritédedéveloppement durable en république de Guinée
- E/CONF.96/IP.20, Submitted by Guinée - Agenda item 8(c)
- Paper in French || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- The Cadastre as part of a spatial data infrastructure for developing countries
- E/CONF.96/IP.21, Submitted by Germany - Agenda item 8(c)
- English
- Formación de capacidades: Indice de alistamiento Para Infrastructuras de Datos Espaciales _IDE
- E/CONF.96/IP.22, Submitted by Cuba - Agenda item 8(c)
- Paper in English || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- "Adventures in the Map Trade", a survey of the map business
- E/CONF.96/IP.23, Submitted by Map Link - Agenda item 8(c)
- English
- ...
- E/CONF.96/IP.24, Submitted by ESRI - Agenda item 8(c)
- English
- Geospatial data collection, management and dissemination issues: some tools facilitating their solutions
- E/CONF.96/IP.25, Submitted by Intergraph - Agenda item 8(c)
- English
- Cartographic Production in the Context of the SNIT: The Initiative of the Chilean NSDI
- Health geo-information applications in some developing countries in the Americas region
- E/CONF.96/IP.27, Submitted by Pan American Health Organization - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- The SALB project: Current Status and new challenge for the Americas
- E/CONF.96/IP.28, Submitted by WHO - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- L'Indice de Développement Cartographique (IDC) adapté au territoire canadien
- E/CONF.96/IP.29, Submitted by Canada - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- The Integration of Built and Natural Environmental Datasets within the Context of National Spatial Data Infrastructure Initiatives
- E/CONF.96/IP.30, Submitted by Australia - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- National Data Infrastructures: sharing geo-spatial information as an asset for environmental public policies
- E/CONF.96/IP.31, Submitted by The International Cartographic Association (ICA) - Agenda item 8(d)
- Paper in English || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- The Issues Related to Geoinformation in Developing Countries
- E/CONF.96/IP.32 , Submitted by Geo Tech Group - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- Developing SDI's for sustainableb development: highlighting issues and influencing factors
- E/CONF.96/IP.33, Submitted by Netherlands - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- Geospatial Capacity Building, Best Applications and Practices
- E/CONF.96/IP.34, Submitted by International Cartographic Association (ICA) - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- Land Administration and Spatial Data Infrastructure: The Special Forum on Development of Land Information Policies in the Americas
- E/CONF.96/IP.35, Submitted by International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) - Agenda item 6
- Paper in English || Abstracts in English | French | Spanish
- Mapping the Media in the Americas: An Innovative Application of GIS
- E/CONF.96/IP.36, Submitted by FOCAL - Agenda item 8(d)
- English
- Report on the implementation of resolutions at the 7th UNRCC-A
- E/CONF.96/IP.37, Submitted by UNSD and PC-IDEA Report - Agenda item 6
- English
- PC-IDEA Report
- E/CONF.96/IP.38, Submitted by Secretariat-PC-IDEA Report - Agenda item 6
- English