20th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
The United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific (UNRCC-AP) provides a regional forum where government officials, planners, scientists and experts from Asia & the Pacific and other regions meet to address their common needs, problems and experiences in the field of geospatial information, including surveying and mapping, cartography, hydrography, remote sensing, land and geospatial information systems.
The 20th Conference was held from 6 - 9 October 2015 at the International Convention Center Jeju on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, under the theme “Geospatial Information for the Global Development Agenda”, addressing national, regional and global challenges through geospatial information. Specific conference objectives are to:
- Review the work being done, since the last Conference in 2012, to advance geospatial information management in the region, and assess the status of the resolutions adopted at the Nineteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific;
- Share experiences, knowledge and best practices on geospatial information management (GIM) at all levels;
- Gain greater understanding of the relevance and work of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), with the view to identifying issues relevant to the region;
- Identify existing and new opportunities for increased regional and global collaborations aimed at advancing GIM for sustained economic development of the region.
The conference starts on Tuesday 6 October, 2015 with an opening session followed by administrative formalities (Election of Conference officers, adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters). This will be followed by the presentation of reports on the status of implementation of the Resolutions of the 19th UNRCC-AP and the activities carried out by UN-GGIM-AP. The technical conference will begin in the afternoon with an important session on Geospatial Information for the Global Development Agenda, the main theme of the Conference. The topics to be covered during the subsequent sessions of the Conference are:
I Geodetic Reference Frame
II Disaster Management with Geospatial and Earth Observation Datas
III Regional SDI and Services
IV Land Administration and Management
All this to be followed by four parallel Technical Committees on Thursday afternoon.

- Note Verbale
- Information Note for Participants
- Keynote Presentation
- Opening Statement
- Report of the Conference
- Provisional Agenda
- Rules of Procedure
- Documentation for the Conference
- Organization of Work
- E/CONF.104/L.1, Submitted by Secretariat - Agenda item 3 a)
- English (FINAL)
- Report of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management
- E/CONF.104/3, Submitted by UN-GGIM Secretariat - Agenda item 4
- English | Presentation
- Report of the Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.104/4, Submitted by UN-GGIM-AP - Agenda item 5
- English | Presentation
- Report of the UN-GGIM-AP Working Group 1: Geodetic Reference Framework for Sustainable Development
- E/CONF.104/5, Submitted by UN-GGIM-AP WG 1- Agenda item 5
- English | Presentation
- Report of the UN-GGIM-AP Working Group 2: Data Sharing and Integration for Disaster Management
- E/CONF.104/6, Submitted by UN-GGIM-AP WG 2- Agenda item 5
- English | Presentation
- Report of the UN-GGIM-AP Working Group 3: Place-based Information Management for Economic Growth
- E/CONF.104/7, Submitted by UN-GGIM-AP WG 3- Agenda item 5
- English | Presentation
- Report on the implementation of resolutions adopted at the 19th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.104/8, Submitted by UNSD, UN-GGIM Secretariat and UN-GGIM-AP Secretariat - Agenda item 6
- English | Presentation
- Integrating Geospatial Information into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- E/CONF.102/IP.1, Submitted by UN-GGIM Secretariat- Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Paper | Presentation
- Regional perspectives of geospatial information for the Global development Agenda
- E/CONF.104/IP.2, Submitted by UNESCAP - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- National perspectives: Japan's View
- E/CONF.104/IP.3, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Paper | Presentation
- Regional perspectives of geospatial information for the Global development Agenda
- E/CONF.104/IP.4, Submitted by Mexico - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Maps in today’s world
- E/CONF.104/IP.5, Submitted by ICA - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Geodetic Reference Frame: Australia
- E/CONF.104/IP.6, Submitted by Australia - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- The Global Geodetic Reference Frame: An International Association of Geodesy Perspective
- E/CONF.104/IP.7, Submitted by IAG - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Modernisation of FIji's Geodetic Dataum
- E/CONF.104/IP.8, Submitted by Fiji - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Mongolian Geodetic Reference System
- E/CONF.104/IP.9, Submitted by Mongolia - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Geodetic reference frame of Asia and the Pacific assimilating VLBI observation
- E/CONF.104/IP.10, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Paper | Presentation
- The Revision of Geocentric Datum of Malaysia 2000 (GDM2000)
- E/CONF.104/IP.11, Submitted by Malaysia - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Counter measures against disasters in Japan and promotion of approaches for disaster risk reduction in each member country of the UN-GGIM-AP
- E/CONF.104/IP.12, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Regional cooperation on space technology applications for DRR and SD
- E/CONF.104/IP.13, Submitted by UNESCAP - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- The 20th UNRCC-AP and the 4th UN-GGIM-AP
- E/CONF.104/IP.14, Submitted by Indonesia - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Mapping of the Typhoon Haiyan Affected Areas in the Philippines Using Geospatial and Very High Resolution Satellite Images
- E/CONF.104/IP.15, Submitted by Philippines - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Paper | Presentation
- Canterbury SDI: lessons learned from post-earthquake recovery
- E/CONF.104/IP.16, Submitted by New Zealand - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Paper | Presentation
- Geospatial Information and Services for Disasters
- E/CONF.104/IP.17, Submitted by UNGIS - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Upgrade the Datasets in NSDI for Smarter Services – with the Cases of China
- E/CONF.104/IP.18, Submitted by China - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Renovation of the National Geospatial Dataset in Republic of Korea
- E/CONF.104/IP.19, Submitted by Republic of Korea - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Mongolian NSDI development
- E/CONF.104/IP.20, Submitted by Mongolia - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- The Australia New Zealand Foundation Spatial Data Framework: an SDI for the 21st Century
- E/CONF.104/IP.21, Submitted by Australia - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Sustainable Development
- E/CONF.104/IP.22, Submitted by Nepal - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Plan on establishment of National Committee Geographical Name and Spatial Data Infrastructure in Viet Nam
- E/CONF.104/IP.23, Submitted by Viet Nam - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Paper | Presentation
- Strengthening Sustainable Land Administration and Management through Geospatial Information in Asia and the Pacific region
- E/CONF.104/IP.24, Submitted by Repubilc of Korea - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration Tools and Approaches
- E/CONF.104/IP.25, Submitted by UN-Habitat - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Addressing Land Administration and Management Opportunities: A Land Locked Country’s Perspective
- E/CONF.104/IP.26, Submitted by Kazakhstan - Agenda item 7
- Abstract | Presentation
- Land registration and the relationship of land registration among government bodies in Viet Nam
- E/CONF.104/IP.27, Submitted by Viet Nam - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Paper | Presentation
- Leveraging 3D Mapping for Planning and Land Management
- E/CONF.104/IP.28, Submitted by Singapore - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Leveraging eCadastre for National Economic Transformation
- E/CONF.104/IP.29, Submitted by Malaysia - Agenda item 7 b)
- Abstract | Presentation
- Country Report of Thailand
- E/CONF.104/CRP.1, Submitted by Thailand - Agenda item 7 a)
- English
- Country Report of Japan
- E/CONF.104/CRP.2, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 7 a)
- English
- UN-Habitat Workshop
- Land Tenure in Asia and the Pacific
- English
- Note:
* Please be informed that the technical reports submitted by regional entities and member states are not reviewed or edited by the secretariat. These reports facilitate the technical discussion of the subject matters on the agenda and help clarify technical issues. The contents of the reports does not reflect the position of the United Nations Secretariat.The designations employed and the presentation of material does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, city or area, or of its authorities, concerning the appellation of places, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.