S01: Introduction

13. Types of names on the map


Not all the names on a map are geographical names or toponyms. Within the map face, toponyms can either consist of specific terms only (such as London or Thames) or be combined with generic terms (#112), like "City of London" or "River Thames".

Generic terms can also be used individually (in designations like cemetery, ferry, sports field or factory) and abbreviated individually used generic terms occur as well (like FM for Farm, PH for Public House or Pub). Apart from those there are also letters or characters with a symbol function (like S for school, P for Post Office).

Outside the map face, in the margin of the map, the title of the map series and of the specific map sheet will be indicated, and marginal information, such as the legend, scale indicator, imprint, reliability diagram and other marginal information will be incorporated.


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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012