17th United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
18-22 September 2006, Bangkok, Thailand

- Report of the Conference
- Opening statement
- Dr. Paul Cheung, Director, UN Statistics Division
- English
- Provisional Agenda
- E/CONF.97/1* - Agenda item 3(b)
- English
- Rules of Procedure
- E/CONF.97/2* - Agenda item 3(a)
- English
- Note on Documentation
- E/CONF.97/INF.1
- English
- Provisional list of Documents
- E/CONF.97/INF.2
- English
- Provisional list of Participants
- E/CONF.97/INF.3
- English
- Report of the Permanent Committee on Geographical Information System Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP)
- E/CONF.97/3, Submitted by PCGIAP - Agenda item 5
- Paper in English || Presentation in English
- Report of the PCGIAP Working Group 1: Regional Geodesy
- E/CONF.97/3/Add.1 , Submitted by PCGIAP WG1 - Agenda item 5
- English
- Report of the PCGIAP Working Group 2: Regional Fundamental Data
- E/CONF.97/3/Add.2 , Submitted by PCGIAP WG2 - Agenda item 5
- English
- Report of the PCGIAP Working Group 3: Cadastre
- E/CONF.97/3/Add.3 , Submitted by PCGIAP WG3 - Agenda item 5
- English
- Report of the PCGIAP Working Group 4: Institutional Strengthening
- E/CONF.97/3/Add.4 , Submitted by PCGIAP WG4 - Agenda item 5
- English
- Report on the actions taken on resolutions of the sixteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific
- E/CONF.97/4 , Submitted by UNSD and PCGIAP - Agenda item 6(a)
- English
- Report of Thailand on Cartographic Activities
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.1, Submitted by Thailand - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Problems and Experience in Surveying and Mapping
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.2, Submitted by Malawi - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- GIS Policy in Japan and Efforts Taken by National and Regional Planning Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.3, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Cartographic Works in Japan 2003- 2006
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.4, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Detection of Crustal Deformation of The Northern Pakistan Earthquake by Satellite Data
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.5, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Promotion of Global Mapping Project
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.6, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Technical Cooperation in Surveying, Mapping and Charting by Japan
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.7, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- The Official Malacca and Singapore Straits Electronic Navigational Chart
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.8, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Country Report on Cartographic Activities in Singapore 2003-2005
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.9, Submitted by Singapore - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Status of Surveying and Mapping in Nepal
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.10, Submitted by Nepal - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Current Status of Surveying, Charting and Mapping at the National Level
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.11, Submitted by Australia - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- National Report
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.12, Submitted by Cyprus - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Surveying and Mapping in Sri Lanka
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.13, Submitted by Sri Lanka - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Surveying and Mapping in the Philippines
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.14, Submitted by Philippines - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- The National Spatial Data Infrastructure for Germany (GDI-DE) Management Issues in the Context of Implementation
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.15, Submitted by Germany - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Ccountry Report on the Current Status and Issues of Surveying, Charting and Mapping at the National Level
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.16, Submitted by Indonesia - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- The Technical Cooperation in Mapping, Cadastre and Geodesy
- E/CONF.97/5/CRP.17, Submitted by Finland - Agenda item 6(b)
- English
- Data Preparedness and Emergency Response: No good decisions without good information
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.1 , Submitted by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Capacity Building for Geo-information Development: Highlighting Issues and Influencing Factors
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.2 , Submitted by International Cartographic Association (ICA) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Supporting Institutional Development in Land Administration
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.3, Submitted by The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Supporting Capacity Development for Global Spatial Data Infrastructures
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.4, Submitted by The Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association(GSDI) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Global Mapping and Disaster Management: The Importance of Participation and Partnership in the Creation of Global Map
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.5, Submitted by The International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM) - Agenda item 7
- English
- State-of-the-art in Spatial Information for Disaster Management
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.6, Submitted by The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) - Agenda item 7
- English
- The Contribution of International Standards to Spatial Data Infrastructure and Disaster Management
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.7, Submitted by ISO/TC 211 - Agenda item 7
- English
- Towards the creation of a regional dataset for the tsunami affected area
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.8, Submitted by BAKOSURTANAL (Indonesia), WHO, ISCGM, GSI (Japan) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Launch of the WHO/EMRO Atlas of Disaster Risk: Volume 1 - Exposure to Natural Hazards
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.9, Submitted by WHO - Agenda item 7
- English
- Issues from Pacific Islands on Disaster Preparedness
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.10, Submitted by PCGIAP Pacific Islands Group - Agenda item 7
- English
- PC-IDEA and the NSDI's in the Americas
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.11, Submitted by PC-IDEA - Agenda item 7
- English
- Spatially Enabling Governments: A New Vision for Spatial Information
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.12, Submitted by University of Melbourne, Australia - Agenda item 7
- English
- Deformation of Geodetic Network in Thailand due to Crustal Movement
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.13, Submitted by Royal Thai Survey Department, Thailand - Agenda item 7
- English
- GPS Network Experience in Japan and Its Usefulness for Disaster Management
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.14, Submitted by Geographical Survey Institute, Japan - Agenda item 7
- English
- 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami Rate of Positions Displacement Experienced by Malaysia
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.15, Submitted by Department of Survey and Mapping, Malaysia - Agenda item 7
- English
- Crustal Deformation Monitoring in Indonesia: Current Status and Future Plan
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.16, Submitted by BAKOSRUTANAL, Indonesia - Agenda item 7
- English
- The Role of GIS Services, Data and Portals in Disaster Management- Planning, Response, and Recovery
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.17 , Submitted by Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) - Agenda item 7
- English
- ALOS Mission and Related Activities in JAXA to Support Disaster Management and Sustainable Development
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.18, Submitted by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Data Preparedness in Asia: Where We Are with SALB 10 Months after the Last PCGIAP Executive Board Meeting
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.19, Submitted by WHO - Agenda item 7
- English
- Disaster Reduction Experience in Developing Countries: Some Concrete Examples
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.20, Submitted by WAPMERR - Agenda item 7
- Paper in English || Presentation in English
- An Overview of UNESCAP’S Space Applicatons Programme and Activities on Disaster Reduction
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.21, Submitted by Information, Communication and Space Technology Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ICSTD/UNESCAP) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Geospatial Applications in Support for Disaster Management and Sustainable Development
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.22, Submitted by DevInfo, UN DG - Agenda item 7
- English
- The Dynamic Role of Location Information and Technology in A Fragile World
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.23, Submitted by Ordnance Survey - Agenda item 7
- English
- Establishing the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.24, Submitted by UNOOSA - Agenda item 7
- English
- Was not issued
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.25 - Agenda item 7
- English
- Determining Sustainability Indicators by Remote Sensing
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.26, Submitted by The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) - Agenda item 7
- English
- The Use of Geospatial Data for Food Insecurity And Agricultural Drought Monitoring And Assessment by the FAO GIEWS and Asia FIVIMS
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.27, Submitted by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Application of Geo-informatics for Natural Disaters Management in Thailand
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.28 , Submitted by GISTDA, Thailand - Agenda item 7
- English
- Geo-information Development for Environmental Management in the Greater Mekong Subregion Countries
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.29, Submitted by Asian Institute of Technology - Agenda item 7
- English
- On the Establishment and Applications of Natural Disaster Spatial Information System for Government Agencies
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.30, Submitted by China - Agenda item 7
- English
- Geoinformation System for Developing Scenarios of Global Demographic Processes
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.31, Submitted by The International Cartographic Association (ICA) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Development and Use of Geo-information in Thailand
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.32 , Submitted by RTSD, Thailand - Agenda item 7
- English
- Development and Use of Geo-Information in Bangladesh
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.33, Submitted by SOB, Bangladesh - Agenda item 7
- English
- Development and Use of Geo-Information in Iran
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.34, Submitted by Iran - Agenda item 7
- English
- Development and Use of Geoinformation in Japan
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.35, Submitted by Japan - Agenda item 7
- English
- Mobile and Adaptable Cartography and Geoinformatics in Early Warning and Crises Management
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.36, Submitted by International Cartographic Association (ICA) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Development and Use of Geo-information in Indonesia
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.37, Submitted by Indonesia - Agenda item 7
- English
- Integration of Built and Natural Environmental Datasets within National SDI Initiatives
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.38 and IP.39, Submitted by University of Melbourne, Australia - Agenda item 7
- English
- The Integration of Natural and Built Environment Data - The Experience of Europe with a Focus on Denmark
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.40, Submitted by Denmark - Agenda item 7
- English
- Japanese Survey Systems and Framework Datasets in the Context of National SDI
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.41, Submitted by GSI, Japan - Agenda item 7
- English
- International Case Study Development and Data Integration Activities in Australia
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.42, Submitted by University of Melbourne, Australia - Agenda item 7
- English
- Topographic – Cadastral Data Integration Issue: The Malaysian Case
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.43, Submitted by Malaysia - Agenda item 7
- English
- The Development of a Framework and Associated Tools for the Integration of Multi-sourced Spatial Datasets
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.44, Submitted by University of Melbourne, Australia - Agenda item 7
- English
- Data Development in Brunei Darussalam
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.45, Submitted by Brunei Darussalam - Agenda item 7
- English
- The Integration of Land and Marine Spatial Data Set As Part of Indonesian Spatial Data Infrastructure Development
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.46, Submitted by National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping of Indonesia (BAKOSURTANAL) - Agenda item 7
- English
- Integration Activities of New Zealand
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.47, Submitted by Land Information New Zealand - Agenda item 7
- English
- A Geographic Information Strategy for Assessing, Monitoring and Managing Disasters in the Asia and Pacific Region
- E/CONF.97/6/IP.48, Submitted by ISO/TC 211 - Agenda item 7
- English